Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

America Is Having An Atlas Shrugged Moment

In Ayn Rand’s great book the real innovators and producers of the economy gave up fighting the socialism and political correctness that was stopping them from running their businesses successfully, left their leadership positions and let the leftist rabble fail in their incompetence.

In the real world of America’s Obamacare, I would not suggest that we give up on this great nation and allow it to fail, but unfortunately we must allow the Obama administration to fail with its ill-conceived healthcare takeover, let it collapse of its own accord, then repeal the bill after the broader population agrees it’s a failure, and get back to real change that will work and serve our healthcare needs best.  Real people are being hurt by Barack Obama’s ultra-left projects with more millions to follow as the employer mandate comes on-line, but in order to save the nation we cannot afford to patch up the Obamacare disaster and let it limp along for 40 or 50 years, it must be allowed to fail now so the outcome of liberal thinking is obvious for all to see.

Repeal it, don’t patch it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Barack Insane Obama: Always the Liar, Always The Crook

Obamacare was going to protect people from the risk of bankruptcy, and now millions of Americans have had their existing insurance cancelled as a direct result of the Affordable Care Act and its provisions, and these now insuranceless people face bankruptcy and in some cases, death, if they are in the middle of some life saving treatment that now must end.

 The ACA was going to provide poor people with insurance, and now people who have worked all their lives and have made plans for their future are without insurance.

The ACA was going to save an average of $2500 per family and instead is breaking family budgets with elevated premiums and deductibles.

And possibly the most sickening thing about Obamacare is that the coverage offered includes many items that not only cost more money, but are neither wanted nor needed by the insured, so the paternalistic Obama administration is claiming that this unnecessary coverage and its forced cost increases are “improvements” over their former “junk” coverage, which the family both liked and could afford.

Why are liberal-socialists such arrogant bastards?  Why are they always so eager to tell everyone else how to live, what to eat, where to live, what to drive and how to successfully run their lives?

Hitler was protecting the German people from Jews, homosexuals and gypsies when he designed the final solution.  His paternalism was only intended to help Germany.

Stalin knew best what music the Russian people should listen to, what products they should be allowed to purchase, where they should be allowed to travel and who they could befriend.

Castro and Kim Jong Il knew best how their populations should live and work.

Every time one of these socialist dictators takes over a nation the population sinks into poverty and despair.  The most striking comparisons between free and enslaved nations and how unsuccessful the socialist nations are, include Havana and Miami, East Berlin and West Berlin, North Korea and South Korea, and anywhere in Russia compared with anywhere in the west.  In Miami, West Berlin, South Korea and the west in general you’ll find well-dressed, prosperous, well-fed people, while in the socialist alternatives you’ll find pollution, poverty, hunger and drab surroundings.

Why do these socialist fools always feel the need to control other people’s lives?  And perhaps more to the point: why are Americans, with the best healthcare in the world and the highest standard of living in the history of the world, allowing Obama to destroy the nation and their prosperity?

Edward Banfield, in his book, The Unheavenly City, determined that criminal acts are committed by people with no future orientation.  These people act with only a thought about the present, and give no thought about the future and how their current actions will impact both themselves and others in the future.  They lack the ability to see cause and effect between their actions and the implications for the future.  Criminals will steal and kill on the spur of the moment, and after being punished by imprisonment, will probably do the same thing over again upon release from prison, because they live only for their desires and emotions in the present.

Liberal-socialists have a similar trait (and keep in mid that Obama absolutely committed criminal fraud in his repeated lying assurances that everyone could keep their current insurance coverage if they wanted to, just to assure his re-election and to get his ACA bill passed).  They take control of people’s lives and destroy those lives and the economy of the nation, and then they have to take more total control in an attempt to correct the resulting impoverishment of the nation (while blaming the poverty on the companies that are selling the products and services the citizens need), to the point of having the military brutally keep the population under control.

When a free people make informed decisions about their own lives they are happier, healthier and more prosperous.  But people like Obama can’t leave happiness and prosperity alone.  Their personalities cause them to seek to control as many other lives as possible, while they themselves travel in luxury, live in fine homes and get international acclaim and praise (and in Obama’s case, even receiving the Nobel peace prize while waging a war that was condemned as a criminal event when his predecessor was president) from other adoring socialists. If these fool socialists aren’t halted at the outset of their control only violence and bloodshed will break their stranglehold as they choke a nation to death.

Americans must oppose Obamacare totally, not be fiddling with it and correcting this provision and that paragraph of the bill, nor changing its implementation date to a future time (which would only allow Obama more time to sink his talons further into the neck of the nation).  Obamacare must be repealed and buried in order to save this great nation.

Friday, November 8, 2013

We’re Not Interested In Playing “Gotcha” With Obama.

It seems that many in the media, along with our own idiot Republican politicians, are pleased that Obama has been exposed as the liar he is and now believe it’s time to get the Obamacare web site on-line, patch some of the most obvious and objectionable provisions of the Affordable Care Act and get on with life in increasingly liberal and socialist America.  But the American people are fed up with fools like Barack Insane Obama and his hourly lies, and we want Obamacare and Obama defeated and removed from the American scene.  We want our freedom to choose our healthcare provider returned to us without any involvement from the federal or state governments.  Everything Obama has done, from the takeover of GM, to getting embassy employees killed in Libya, to not enforcing immigration laws, to multiple trillions of dollars of debt, to the current takeover of all healthcare, has resulted in more concentration of power in the federal government and the erosion of constitutionally preserved liberties for American citizens.

Our fool House and Senate politicians have served us poorly, and now they can redeem themselves by getting our lying president impeached and by repealing his Affordable Care Act.  Nothing short of these things will satisfy us any longer.  We’re damned mad at Washington, and we don’t intend to take it any longer.  When a major bill like the Affordable Care Act doesn’t even consider fixing the rising cost of healthcare by addressing tort reform, getting rid of fraud, increased use of medical savings accounts and allowing competition by insurance companies across state lines (any of which would immediately lower the cost of healthcare) then the bill is an embarrassment and must be repealed.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Workers Of The World Unite! Obama Is Destroying Your Lives.

When Karl Marx made his plea for the workers of the world to unite there was at least the trace of an argument in favor of changes in the business world that would allow the average working person the ability to make a wage that could support his/her family.  But today’s radical leftist movement, currently embodied in the administration of Barack Insane Obama and his Democrat toadies, is trying to undo the essence of Marx’s manifesto, because Obama is doing everything he can to undermine the gains that working Americans made under the 20th Century labor movement by plotting against the workers of America in favor of the increasing millions who are unemployed and may never have been employed.  The passage of Obamacare, and its threats to our economy, not only caused millions of people to become unemployed or underemployed, but has also caused people with private health insurance (and eventually those with employer healthcare coverage) to lose their coverage.

People who previously took responsibility and bought their own private healthcare are now being forced, due to federal legislation in the form of Obamacare, to lose their coverage, and many are being forced into Medicaid, which we know is growing increasingly insolvent.

So now that we see America’s great healthcare system being intentionally dismantled by our Barry and his radical cadre, it’s time for the remaining workers (and those who hope to become employed again in the future) to band together to oppose Obama and everything he stands for (greatly increased taxes to service Obama’s multi-trillion dollar debt, more expensive electric power combined with frequent brown-outs, U.N. control of our gasoline supply via carbon taxes, less available and more expensive gasoline and other petroleum products, a shortage of doctors and proper medical care in general under Obamacare, an influx of persons illegally entering our country in order to get Democrat-promised citizenship in exchange for their votes), across the board, before we lose to an unconstitutional federal government everything we’ve worked and saved for.  If Obama is successful in his anti-capitalism efforts, this will be the greatest forced-transfer of wealth the world has ever seen as Obama rewards the non-workers of the world and destroys all wealth in the process.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Barack Insane Obama: Still Lying For The (Radical Left) Faith

The infinite corruption of the Obama administration is alive and well.  Because Obama lied repeatedly and convincingly about his signature healthcare legislation and how it would function, it’s obvious that he lied with the clear intention of convincing people to vote for him so he could get re-elected in order to push his healthcare bill to fruition and get his claws on one-sixth of the U.S. economy.  There is strong evidence that he did this in spite of the near certainty that his lies would be discovered, but he was convinced that nothing would happen to him in the way of punishment for the legislative fraud he was committing.  Nor does he appear to fear that his ACA bill will be repealed now that we know that all of the hype was a falsehood.

First his administration took over General Motors, now he’s in the process of taking over the entire healthcare industry (pharma, insurance companies, hospitals, research, manufacturing, and all related businesses), so what’s next to be consumed by big-government?  Obviously single-payer, government control of our healthcare and our lives is his next level of conquest.  This man is practicing dictatorial rule beyond our ability to comprehend it.  And all of the new healthcare rules and controls are now under enforcement and punishment by the IRS, which should scare every American to death.

If our idiot Washington legislators don’t impeach this bastard for the horror and the threat he has brought to the citizens of the United States, America will go down hard under the uncertainty for our future as a prosperous, functioning nation under the rule of law.  If you just stop to consider what Obama’s Justice Department would do to any industry leader who lied repeatedly about an essential product or service and then allowed the whole thing to collapse under those false presentations, we know where the industry leader would end up.  But, of course, government is the good guys, not like those evil corporate persons.

Obama must be impeached and removed from office immediately, before he can arrange the United Nations-inspired carbon tax that he and his EPA are salivating over, and before they can start the wholesale shutdown of coal powered electrical plants that will starve the nation of the energy required to live and create jobs. Our nation must have the courage to rid itself of this fool man.