Edward Banfield once said that criminals are people
who can’t foresee the logical results of their bad actions. They are unable to predict that prison will
result from their stealing or killing.
They are doomed to keep making mistakes that hurt people and will keep
paying the price. Likewise,
liberals/Democrats/progressives can’t foresee the bad outcomes of their liberal
decisions and policies: they can’t see that appeasement to Iran and ISIS will
result in real harm to America one day (like Neville Chamberlain could not
predict that “Peace in our time” would lead to World War II, the destruction of
Europe and the deaths of millions of people).
Similarly, in the United States, leftists could not
predict that unlimited welfare would result in the virtual enslavement of
millions of American citizens who grew up dependent on a big government that
hands out just enough money to keep them sheltered and alive, in exchange for
these entrapped citizens voting for Democrats in every election in order to
keep the goodies flowing. Even Democrats
who recognize that their welfare policies are destructive to those on the
receiving end will not propose that welfare be reduced so that these American
citizens can become self-sufficient and proud of their economic success in
life. Democrats want to continue to get the votes and exercise the power that
comes from this dependent class, so they will continue the immoral policies
that assures their continued, assured votes.
Likewise, a stupid president (Joe Biden comes to mind)
would be preferable to an evil president (Obama). A Republican legislator recently made the
statement that he would not vote to bring impeachment charges against Obama
because Biden is so stupid. But I would
argue that a stupid president would occasionally make a decision that favors
the United States, its citizens and our allies and would further our prosperity
and our liberties, unlike the evil Obama who will always make decisions that
are destructive to our nation and the
world. For example, Obama will always
favor regulations from the EPA and the FCC that cause great harm to American
citizens (like taxing carbon, which causes higher electric bills for
already-hurt citizens, and diverting water from California’s Central Valley and
sending the water into the Pacific Ocean, at a time when water is desperately
needed to grow the crops that the entire nation needs for food, and that the
local valley farmers and workers need to remain employed. Obamacare has caused the same disruption to
America’s medical and general employment situation, all because an evil
president wants power and control, and because liberals can’t see the logical
results of their actions and policies, and will never, ever admit they made a
policy error and take steps to correct the problems they have caused. But the most outrageous example of Obama’s
pure evil is his string of Executive Orders, the worst being to open our
borders to all comers, because he is undermining our entire system of
government by excluding the House and Senate and dictating his personal will on
the entire population. A true liberal/
progressive will always seek to destroy America when it advances his/her
personal power and control over the citizens.