In 1906 Upton Sinclair wrote “The Jungle”, a book
which described the terrible labor conditions that workers experienced in the United
States at the time. Currently Congress
is considering bills that could return us to similarly unpleasant times in that
they are considering legislation that will allow Obama (the same “fundamentally
transform the United States” individual who will do anything to destroy the
prosperity and liberty we have so long enjoyed) to make fast-track changes to
U.S. law that will create at-present unknown regulations (regulations which are
to be decided dictatorially by Obama) that the United States legislature will
be unable to undo. And since Obama has
proven himself to be a totally evil force as regards America’s position in the
world and to conditions within our borders (for example his unconstitutional
immigration orders that have swamped our borders with illegals and have
certainly caused at least suffering, if not worse, for the young children
crossing Mexico alone to get to our borders), he is not to be trusted with any
such power.
The bills being considered are the TPA (which will
give Obama fast-track authority and will thereafter by-pass congress); TPP
(which was negotiated in secret between mega-corporations and the various governments
involved); TTiP (which involves trade between the U.S. and Europe, and never
mind that simply changing both sides’ tariff laws would accomplish the same
thing) and TiSA (which would involve the mobility of labor between nations and
would mean that congress could no longer even pretend to make labor or
immigration laws for our nation).
If you believe that Obama never makes decisions in
America’s favor then he must be stopped from being given even more power to
severely injure our nation and the middle class, and to make even worse our disastrous
unemployment rate. Obama’s executive
orders have already (illegally) given persons illegally in our nation tax and
employment advantages and is promising many of them citizenship in time for the
next election when they will vote for Democrats who will promise them even more
goodies at tax payer expense.
If you stop to consider that not only was the TPP
developed in secrecy by the Obama administration, but the public was kept
completely in the dark as to what was in the bill, and even members of congress
were only permitted to see it in secrecy, in a locked room, were forbidden to
take any notes from the viewing and were further sworn to not divulge what was
in the bill they had secretly read. If
this is an example of transparency and openness in government in a legislative democracy,
then I don’t know what a rule by fiat would be called.
We must tell our legislators: Stop Obama’s fast-track!