All political groups must define their raison d’etre, so liberals selected the
best sounding, easiest thing to say: “we care” (this term can also be manipulated
to be “I feel your pain” which was Clinton’s gig, or “yes we can” which was
Obama’s likening to Hillary’s “it takes a village”, all of which are the Dems’
way of stating that no one can succeed without the party and if you try to
succeed on your own you will fail and die sick, poor and alone). The term “we
care” doesn’t really mean anything and requires no exertion of energy, no proof
that their words make any difference nor that they improve anyone’s life (in
fact there is much evidence to the contrary, which says that the more liberals
make people dependent on government handouts of goodies, the worse the
recipients’ lives become) but all liberals have to do is make some idiotic
statement like those above, and then spend other people’s money in an attempt
to make their promises come true, and their followers cheer.
Liberals make the claim that all ways of life are
equal and that we must not prejudicially say one way of living is better or
worse than another. But poor people who
depend on big government for handouts are trapped in poverty and will never get
out until they become self-sufficient and cast off the pall of government, so
it’s evident that being poor and on the
dole of big government is measurably bad.
However, it’s not being poor that’s bad, it’s the dependence on
government that’s bad, and the people in government encouraging continued and increased
dependence are bad people for continuing the façade that they are doing good
works when in reality they are destroying lives and creating dependence in
order to further their own shameful political ends.
Liberals want illegal aliens to come to the United
States and live off welfare and then, while making the ridiculous,
self-serving, phony family-values statement that they just want families to
remain intact and together, they make every effort to bring the extended family
to America to also go on welfare. So
then instead of having one person on welfare we now have a family, and
eventually an extended family, on welfare. I don’t believe that bringing a
family to a foreign country where the language is not spoken and the customs
are foreign and then going on welfare where there is little or no hope of
becoming independent, is the way to raise a family (although it is a good way
for liberals to assure continued votes as the goodies increasingly flow to the
welfare class). The family is better off
remaining in their native country where they can function with a familiar
environment, and if the political climate is corrupt, the people should fight
to make it more equitable and a more pleasant place to live, not run to the
United States which is otherwise called racist and evil by the same illegals
who can’t wait to get here.
As more illegal
aliens come to America our nation becomes poorer with each arrival (just
consider the current lack of health facilities in southern California where the
inundation of foreigners has bankrupt local communities and forced health
facilities to close, so now everyone living there suffers). And as America becomes poorer our own political
and economic situation becomes more corrupt, and eventually America will be as
poor as the native countries the illegals are escaping, and then what have the
illegals gained by bringing their poverty and joblessness here? Nothing! That’s why one could realistically advance
the notion that strong borders, which keep illegals out, work to the benefit of
both the would-be illegals, and American citizens equally. Let’s try the strong border thing for a
change and see if it doesn’t work. It’s
a cinch that the open borders approach of Obama and his progressive gang of
thugs has been a dismal failure at serving the needs of anyone but the corrupt American
Democrat/progressive/liberal-political class.