In his quest for the presidency Jeb Bush has made
several statements about Obama not being a “doer” and not being a “leader”, and
for the life of me I can’t figure out what the hell Bush is talking about. Obama has been the most dynamic leader in
American history:
He led in taking healthcare away from every American.
He led in removing troops from Iraq after that war had
been won, thereby causing death and misery to millions of people living there.
He led in the economic destruction of America with a
debt of 18-plus trillion dollars and growing rapidly.
He led in the racial breakdown of America by not
backing police in their fight against inter-city criminals.
He led in the insults and criticism of Israel and
the increased trouble that nation is having with terrorists, which is also the same
trouble we are having with terrorists.
He led in giving money and a nuclear device to Iran so
they can continue to terrorize the world. And our fool president considers this
horrific event to be his Legacy. Does Obama know who Neville Chamberlain was
and what he did?
He led in blocking any Republican attempt to stop
spending and get the national budget back in line with income.
He led in the cover-up of IRS illegalities.
He is still leading in the cover-up of Hillary’s
criminal email issues.
With the middle-of-the-night vote on Obamacare (and
without assuring all legislators had read the bill before voting on it) he led
in the undermining of America’s legislative process.
By idiotically stating that Global Warming is the most
pressing issue facing America Obama has led in the eventual police state of
America via his attempts to give control over this nation to the United Nations
and other anti-American international bodies.
He led in the blockage of the Keystone pipeline project.
He led in giving billions of wasted dollars to the
solar power industry.
He has led in the intimidation of Republicans on the
budget issue by blaming the former government shut-downs that Democrats caused
(as well as the ones still to come) on the Republicans.
He led in the opening of America’s borders to all who
would come, to do all they wish to do.
He led in ignoring duly legislated and enacted immigration laws.
He led in the sanctuary cities travesty.
He led in the fast and furious attempt to blame guns used
to commit murder in Mexico on gun sales in America.
He is still leading in his attempts to outlaw guns for
law-abiding Americans by lying about who actually commits crimes in our major
He has led in criticism of America’s police forces, stating
that they do “stupid” things.
He led in the successes of ISIS by brushing them off
as JV quality and not a problem to be concerned with.
He has led in NOT developing a real plan to kill
radical Islamists and win our fight against ISIS.
He has led in demonizing America’s proud record and
making us look like the bad guys in the world.
He has led in criticism of Christianity and the
crusades a thousand years ago, but has said not a word about current-day
radical Muslims.
He led in establishing rules of engagement for our
armed forces that assure their defeat.
He has led in making homosexual marriages equal to
traditional marriages.
He has led in undermining and destroying our
He has led in governing America via personality, and
not by the adherence to laws.
He has led in the use of “Continuing Resolutions”
which means the government just keeps spending and has no annual budget to show
what they are spending money on, and there are very few Republicans who are leading
by speaking out to stop this idiocy.
He has led in alienating America from all of its
allies and being even more hated by our enemies.
He has led in killing tens of thousands of jobs in
America through radical EPA regulations.
Her has led in the arbitrary release of tens of
thousands of convicted criminals back on American streets to commit their crimes
Barack Obama has led this great nation to the brink of
destruction by being bold and being a leader in his “fundamental transformation
of America”. Our beloved Barry has been a very effective leader in every way
except to lead America to greater liberty, prosperity and adherence to the
constitution. I just wish Jeb Bush, and current Republicans serving in the House
and Senate, would be equally strong leaders in calling Obama the traitor and
the evil, demonic force he is and stand up to him on issues such as the budget
and his destructive EPA regulations. Jed Bush is not the “doer” America needs
if we are going to reverse the downward trend Obama has led us to.