Recent studies and reports have proven that “settled
science” and other proclamations about a warming earth are exactly wrong, but
facts have never stood in the way of liberal lies. There is vast evidence that the Sun is about
to enter a solar minimum phase similar to that experienced in the Middle Ages
when the earth became cloudier and cooler.
But never mind the real science that exposes the left’s
lies. The Obama administration, with its much touted “fundamental
transformation of America”, is already crushing what’s left of the American
economy via the EPA with its Clean Power Plan, which will negatively impact our
electricity supply and will increase the costs to consumers for the electricity
delivered to their homes. Obama is
moving in advance of the United Nation’s Paris conference where delegates from impoverished,
anti-capitalist, dictator nations the world over will create a “Climate Justice”
court to punish America for living too comfortably and too freely, by finding
us guilty of “climate” crimes and gaining billions if not trillions of dollars
in fines against us.
In spite of the exposed lies told by liberals about
the warming/change issue, “scientists” from around the world are pushing to tax
the U.S. population via U.N. regulations, and fine U.S. corporations via the “Climate
Justice” court, thereby destroying our economy and ruining our lives, along
with the lives of our children and grandchildren, just to keep the research
money trough of billions of dollars open and flowing to liberal “scientists”.
And all of the Obama and the U.N. destruction is
occurring at the same time that Europe is being invaded by millions of Muslim “refugees”,
ISIS is stronger and more violent than it’s ever been, Russia is on the move to
regain its empire of buffer states and the American military is being
dismantled and undermined by the Obama administration.
The warming lies exposed in the Climategate revelation
in 2009 have not slowed the attacks on America, and now our own president,
along with the world, as represented by the United Nations and its
fascist/communist members, are about to lower the boom on America and its
fragile economy. The big question is: who will be left to oppose the Islamic
murderers if the United States military is sufficiently defunded and
demoralized to the point where it can no longer fight our enemies?