Aside from consideration about the pros and cons of
pipelines and whether the environment in general would be served or hurt, Obama’s
decision to kill the Keystone project is contrary to everything this nation
stands for, so of course he opposed it.
He said that not enough jobs would be created by the effort
and that we don’t need the additional oil, but the people who were ready and
willing to spend millions of dollars of their own money on the construction and
labor speak louder than Obama’s thoughtless, selfish negativity. Did the people who built this great nation
(the Morgans and the Rockefellers for example) concern themselves with the
number of jobs their projects would create? And the “need” for a project is
many times only realized with the passing of time, not with a conscious determination
of need, and especially not the decision of a leftist president. These builders of our nation envisioned
something that could benefit themselves and they went for it, thereby
benefitting thousands of people who were employed by them at the time, or who
invested in them later. We can all be
thankful that these “Robber Barons” did the things they did, because they were
(and still are) the difference between a do-nothing nation, and a nation like
the United States, which has done terrific things.
We know Obama hates oil products, and it was a
foregone conclusion that he would oppose this oil pipeline, which stood a good
chance of actually making a profit for its investors, and we know as well that
Obama won’t hesitate to approve solar or wind power projects, which earn a profit
for very few people (and in the case of Solyndra and other such scandals, they
benefitted mainly Obama in the form of donations to his campaigns), and waste
billions of dollars of tax-payers’ money.
But Obama overthinks things like Keystone and considers
them through a leftist prism. What does
it really matter how many jobs are created by a project like Keystone? We know
that small businesses provide jobs way out of proportion to their size when put
up against large corporations. And even
if only a few jobs are created, those few families are very appreciative of the
income, and they’ll pay income taxes, which should please Obama. And where is old, dumb Joe Biden, Obama’s jobs
guy; he should have been able to talk Obama into letting the project proceed
just for the jobs it would create. But
Commies will be Commies, and Obama’s dictatorial crushing of the project
regardless of how much it could benefit people he doesn’t know, and a country
he obviously hates, is proof of what type of person and leader he is.
Obama’s nyet to
the project is why the current unemployment rate is so high in the U.S. and why
there are so many people on welfare: Obama will always say no to anything that
he and big government are not the center of; leftists want all projects to be
run of, by and for government, and they don’t want money to be made that they
are not the recipients of.
What liberal fools like Obama will never realize and
never admit is that the majority of the world lives in worse circumstances than
Americans, not because America’s Capitalism is evil nor due to the alleged
plunder of colonial powers, but precisely because of decisions like the one Obama
just made: a command decision to not engage in a new project because the ruler
doesn’t like it and won’t permit it. The
reason Americans live better than most of the world is that our tradition of
Capitalism and free enterprise allows people to follow their dreams and risk
their own money in an attempt to enrich themselves, their families and others
who may work for them or invest in their ideas.
Obama’s liberalism crushes individual citizens’ dreams and the entire
society suffers, just as our economy is currently suffering under Obama’s dictatorial,
leftist rule. Rulings against this new
pipeline made from above, as we just witnessed from Obama, will make it
necessary to continue to buy oil from the Arabs, who hate us, as opposed to
buying oil from Canada, which is a friendly nation located nearby. Which would be the better choice for America:
Arabia or Canada? Obama’s opinion is
that Arabia is a better source of our nation’s oil.
One may recall Obama’s “Yes, we can” slogan. Well, the
“we” in that phrase applies to the pontifical “we” of Pope Obama and his big
government, but it does not include an allowance for “Yes, you can” because if “you”
want to build something or create something in Obama’s America, he will deny