If the various species on earth were created by God
then it would seem logical to religious conservatives that we should protect
these animals and plants to assure that they continue to exist and not become
extinct. But liberals don’t believe in creation, insist that all species came
about through evolution, and yet they still insist that dwindling species be
protected and kept alive with strict government rules and regulations, in spite
of their own liberal position that the world as we know it developed via
evolution and survival of the fittest.
They seem to not be aware that there have been more species that have evolved
and then become extinct than there are species currently living on earth. And the vast majority of these now-extinct
species died off long before humans came along to pollute the air with SUVs and
steel mills. At least part of the liberal theory of evolution is true,
evolution does absolutely occur over time, but then they attempt to deny
evolution its natural process by demanding that we artificially protect species
that are at present in decreasing numbers. I would take this decreasing numbers
aspect as proof that the dwindling animal population is unable to compete, that
evolution is working fine and let nature and evolution take their course.
Knowing liberals as I’ve come to know them, I’m very
suspicious that the Endangered Species Act is just an attempt to grow
government in order to control the private lives of Americans and control land
development and land use throughout the nation, because it has nothing to do
with any principled belief concerning evolving animal or plant life. The Act
halts the “natural” evolutionary extinction of species that can no longer house
or feed themselves, and it perverts their actual evolution toward extinction,
thereby depriving some new thriving, evolving species their own space and food
as they try to compete with dying species.
The pretense of concern on the part of liberals for
individual members of a species that is becoming extinct is a false concern
because liberals have in the past transported protected animals hundreds of
miles from their natural environment to a location to which they are foreign,
simply to enable liberals to then claim that this foreign area is now
off-limits to humans and development because the protected animal was surprisingly
found there (under false pretenses). This is simply a land-grab that we are
familiar with from liberals and not a legitimate concern for an animal at all. This type of action on the part of liberals
proves they are only interested in winning and dominating their opponents with
the assistance of the big hammer of government, when their opponents only want
to be left alone by big-government, and it shows a disregard for the innocent
animal they abruptly relocated to an area where they may not be able to survive,
and may suffer and die as a result of this mistreatment and abuse for political
Liberals’ actions are contrary to real evolution
because liberals always insist on rules and regulations that are artificial to
nature in order to control the environment, and especially to control humans,
which disrupts the natural evolution that would occur if liberals, who are as
much a part of natural evolution as any other animal, were not there pushing
their “unnatural” agenda.
However, liberals might counter that they, as humans,
are part of nature and that their attempts to preserve a non-evolving plant or
animal is in keeping with the broader term of “natural selection”, except that
this position leaves the door open for other “natural” humans to drive SUVs, build
homes and places of business in the wilderness and attribute this living space
expansion to their own evolving humanness. But liberals, with their
big-government links, will not permit this argument any traction.
Liberals can’t see that their own governmental rules
and regulations are in contradiction to their stated goals of evolution and
living in accordance with natural processes.
They forget about the owls that they claimed were extinct because of a
Wal-Mart store having been built in a particular location, until it was
discovered that the owl was indeed still living and thriving and had built a very
comfortable nest in the building’s Wal-Mart sign. Liberals are blocking natural selection and
evolution with their phony lies and government rules, and they should just
admit that all humans are part of nature and should be allowed to do what
humans do the best: we live well and expand and thrive when we are free of
government control and coercion. Someday humans will likely over-expand or
commit a major error and will die out, but nothing liberals can do will prevent
that from happening.
Every thinking person knows that there have been
several cataclysmic events in the past millions of years that have wiped out
all or most life on earth, and that this process is part of the evolution of
the earth. All we humans can do is live
our lives, we can’t control new ice ages nor asteroid strikes, as have happened
in the past. But humans should be allowed to live free and not be burdened with
anti-natural rules and regulations from big-government liberals.