One hates to dwell too long an anything a veteran liar
like Obama says, but his basic message last night in his State of the Union Address
was “be nice and do what I tell you to do”.
The message was delivered in his usual staccato, bursty manner with his
hands lightly striking the podium to emphasize each brief, and uniformly
untrue, point while maintaining a haughty, better-than-thou, nose-in-the-air
posture as he read the text of his message.
In an attempt to correct a few of the errors our great
leader made last night I have this to offer:
He appointed Joe Biden to head the cancer cure
research team, forgetting that the Obamacare taxes on new drug development will
surely slow the development of any new drugs being planned. And Barry seems to
have forgotten the billions of stimulus dollars still unaccounted for that good
old Joe was going to oversee in an attempt to restore prosperity and job
creation in America following the recession.
Where is the restored prosperity and job creation that Joe was going to
see to, and where are the missing funds that have mysteriously disappeared
under his oversight? I don’t think that smiley old Joe Biden is the right
person for this or any other job.
Obama said that we have to kill and destroy ISIS and
other terrorist groups, but that’s not what he has tried to do the last few
years in Syria; he specifically stated, just before Paris was attacked by Islamic
terrorists last November, that we were just trying to “contain” them. Which the hell is it, mister president,
destruction or containment? I believe with an untruthful, ideologically
self-centered man like Obama, that he really believes the last thing he says
about an issue is the absolute truth, even if it contradicts everything he has
said and done previously on the subject. And that trait is what makes Obama
dangerous to a free and prosperous nation.
He also stated that he is emptying Guantanamo because
it’s too expensive to keep prisoners there, but completely overlooks the
multi-trillion dollar national debt that he has almost personally generated
during his administration, which will make our grandchildren poorer while trying
to pay just the interest on the borrowed money, let alone the principal. And
aside from the cost aspect of Guantanamo, he said that its very existence
generated recruits for the ISIS terrorists, as though Obama’s bombing of
terrorists camps in Syria and his ordering the killing of Osama bin Laden are
broadly applauded by the terrorists. The fool man makes no sense.
There were numerous other lying points that Obama
paraded before the American public, but as previously stated, it’s useless to
list the lies of a liar because liars don’t know the difference between the
obvious truth and their lies.