Hillary is again having an argument both ways. She is criticizing
her opponent, Bernie Sanders, for voting seven years ago to not bail out
General Motors when it went through its bankruptcy troubles. At the time Hillary
was in the Senate and did vote for the GM bailout.
However, it hasn’t been that long ago that Hillary was
blaming the filthy, old-tech auto industry for causing the lie of global
warming, which her liberal Democrat crowd claims is melting the icebergs and
drowning coastal areas like Manhattan Island, Miami, Daytona Beach, The
Bahamas, Key West., etc. But if you know, as anyone with any measure of common
sense knows, that these places are not threatened by rising oceans, then
someone needs to tell our ruling liberals in Washington, because they believe
that it’s happening and they believe that your rights to live your life as you want
to live it should be curtailed in order to limit the amount of carbon you use
as a part of your daily life. Washington liberals intend to use the EPA to
continue to issue new, more restrictive regulations to force you to live as
they believe best. In fact Obama just a month or two ago reminded us, inaccurately,
that Miami is suffering from rising waters. His warming was intended to let the
EPA charge ahead and issue some more job-killing regulations. This effort on
Obama’s part is completely in keeping with his promise to “fundamentally
transform America”, and he’s actively doing just that.
Anyway, Hillary seems to be unable to understand that
she can’t ride both sides of an issue to victory in her campaign against
Bernie. Either the auto industry is bad because of the polluting cars and trucks
it makes along with the automobile plants themselves causing pollution, or it’s
good because of the jobs it creates and the wonderful products it makes to
satisfy the wants and needs of her voters. She is taking both sides at
different times, but it appears that her Democrat voters aren’t deft enough to
see her slight-of-hand. So Hillary will likely succeed in taking credit for
both positions because it appears Democrats have such hate for Republicans and
for American capitalism and prosperity that they will buy every lie Hillary