After beating Bernie Sanders badly in primary voting
two days ago, Hillary told her audience that “What America needs is more love
and kindness”. Aside from sounding like a 1960s Dusty Springfield top-hits song,
her words almost sound like something Bill Clinton was whispering in the ear of
Monica Lewinski as he prepared to stain her pretty blue dress in the Oval
Office one day during his presidency.
Hillary is a throw-back to the 1960s with her idiotic
expressions of love, kindness and compassion, while her party ruthlessly holds
millions of poor people in poverty and dependence on government and exposure to
high crime rates, and while her party encourages millions of illegal aliens to
cross our borders to spread disease, generate more crimes in sanctuary cities,
take jobs that Americans could use and eventually vote for more of the same as
good, bought-and-paid–for Democrat voters.
Meanwhile she lies to her hapless, faithful listeners
about the evil Republicans and their sexism, racism and homophobia. Maybe she
could tell her admirers the truth: that her unprotected email server was assuredly
broken into, an opinion expressed by General Michael Hayden, former director of
the CIA and the NSA, thereby allowing the Chinese, Russians, Iranians and North
Koreans to get state secrets from her and likely endangering the lives of many foreign
nationals who secretly worked with Americans to assure the protection of our
nation and our population. She could let
them know that she in under investigation by the FBI for her illegal server
usage and the Top Secret messages she passed through it. That honesty would be
an ultimate expression of love on Hillary’s part. Or she could remind her
followers of the tens of thousands of Syrian “refugees” Obama is promising to
bring here in spite of ISIS claiming that there will be terrorists in their
midst when they finally arrive in America. After all, Hillary was once a part
of the Obama administration and must take some responsibility for the danger
those two fools placed the nation in.
Hillary would better serve her followers if she would
inform them of how they are being mistreated by high taxes, unlawful EPA
regulations, an inundation of illegal aliens who are taking their jobs, and
about the horror of Obamacare which is destroying not only healthcare but also
is eliminating jobs in the private sector, and how Obama’s “fundamental transformation
of America” has caused every aspect of our economy to perform worse than it did
twenty years ago. But that would call for her telling the truth and breaking
ranks with Obama, and that’s not going to happen. So she falls back on the
hippie, pot-smoking illogic of her 60s youth and appeals to
“love and kindness”, which may sound cool when you’re in a drug-induced haze, but will not save you when Islamic terrorists shoot AK-47s at you.
“love and kindness”, which may sound cool when you’re in a drug-induced haze, but will not save you when Islamic terrorists shoot AK-47s at you.