Chelsea Clinton recently spoke out of both sides of
her two-faced mouth to a group of 75, largely older, women (she really packs ‘em
in). In her talk she said that Hillary will “stand her ground and give no
purchase to the racist, homophobic, sexist rhetoric and policy ideas…of the
Republican side, it’s also important to have a president who knows how to find
common ground”.
Setting aside the fact that the Republican party has
many blacks and women in its membership, and that one of each of these target
groups of the evil Republicans were themselves Republican candidates for the
presidency that Hillary also seeks, and forgetting that Chelsea’s father has
been accused of raping several women and was convicted of sexually abusing at
least one woman, what are the idiot Democrats taking about?
If what Chelsea said was true about the Republicans, what
Democrat in their right mind would ever want to “find common ground” with a “racist,
homophobic, sexist” ? If what Chelsea is saying were true, the Obama
administration would have the whole bunch of them in jail, or at least under
investigation. And what does Chelsea’s charge say about Carly Fiorina and Ben
Carson, both of whom were (one still is) Republican candidates for president?
Is Carson a racist and Fiorina a sexist? One holds out hope that young
Democrats will actually begin to speak the truth and make logical arguments
that deal with reality and lay off the BS crap that Hillary spews, but the
lovely Chelsea seems to have only Democrat lies and talking points to discuss. And
also forget that the Republicans have two young Hispanic candidates vying for
president and then bounce that fact off of Hillary’s attempt to defeat an old
Jewish man and you may wonder if she is practicing Jew-hatred with her
candidacy against Bernie Sanders.
But to make one additional flash-back to Chelsea’s “common
ground” reference, it’s always the Democrats who insist that Republicans join
their side in any argument or policy issue, not the other way around. A Republican will always either agree specifically
with a Democrat proposal, or will agree in principle to a Democrat scheme but
will tweak the specifics of their proposal and respond with a compromise
position. This is what happens with the
Democrat position that immigration laws are broken and that we need to rewrite
all related legislation to correct the fatal flaw causing all the trouble along
the border. Instead of telling Democrats “NO” and informing them that the
problem with immigration is that the Obama administration will not enforce the
laws already on the books and is illegally allowing all comers to illegally
enter the country, the idiot Republicans agree to rewrite the law, with the
Democrats insisting that the new legislation permit illegals already here get permanent
citizenship, to get free healthcare, to get immediate welfare and that the
American government will transport the families of all illegals already here
into America so that the families can remain together (the families could have
stayed together in Mexico or Central America, but that makes too much sense and
doesn’t serve the broader issue of the Democrats which is to get as many poor, uneducated,
dependent people here as possible) and then give illegals the vote so Democrat politicians
can remain permanently in office.