In Nazi Germany the storm troopers would shoot anyone
found giving shelter to a government-proclaimed sub-human Jew or Gypsy.
In ancient Egypt a solar eclipse frightened the
villagers so much that they sacrificed people to please the spirits.
In early America an Indian tribe could send a woman
into the wilderness to die of starvation and exposure for passing in front of
the chief’s tent while she was pregnant.
In 2016’s America the Obama administration is
considering putting anyone who denies climate change/global warming, or who
doesn’t believe the ice bergs are melting and flooding the world’s land masses,
in jail. Once again Obama is undermining and shredding the constitution. This
is an example of the open minded, nonjudgmental left doing what it does best:
crush any resistance to its edicts and its schemes. It’s what they do: they
devise a scheme to make people feel guilty and stop enjoying their lives, they
raise taxes to fund the implementation of the scheme, and then to make everyone
toe-the-line, they place non-believers in jail. This is what the Obama
administration has come to.
And, of course, they claim to have precedence on their
side. They list the old case of the tobacco industry denying that smoking
cigarettes caused health problems, which was proven to be a false position and
for which the tobacco industry was duly punished, as sufficient legal case
evidence that they can now have American citizens sent to prison because they
don’t believe the government position that the oceans are rising. It’s true
that the tobacco industry did withhold information that proved their product
was harmful, but right there is the difference: the corporations withheld information they knew proved them wrong,
and there was actual scientifically provable evidence of the potential harm from
their product. In the current case of warming/change no one is withholding any
information because there is no information to withhold. The government is
making a claim of warming/change for which there is no actual, provable, scientific
evidence to back them up, only computer programming that produces the outcome
they want, but doesn’t track with the real world.
The term “climate change” is intentionally unspecific because
the temperature changes all the time, season to season and day to day.
Satellite data proves that there has been no rise in the temperature of the
earth in a long while. But the left has been scaring us for years with horror
stories of first a new ice age, and then fears of warming and death to our
entire society if we don’t make draconian changes that give central government
much increased power over each citizen’s life. Paul Ehrlich predicted a massive
human die-off in the 1970s as the population of the world grew so rapidly that
our food supply could not keep up and food-wars would result in total chaos and
destruction. But this prediction did not happen. Then in the 1980s Ted Danson
said that by the 1990s the oceans would all be devoid of any life, but that
didn’t happen either.
Then seven years ago Obama took up the mantle of scare
mongering and said at his inauguration that he would save the planet and halt
the rise of the oceans. But oddly enough, he’s not taking credit for stopping
the rise of the oceans, which I would think he would do since there is no salt
water running in the streets of Miami, Long Beach or New York City. The reason
he’s not asking for credit is that there never was a threat of the oceans
flowing into American cities. But Obama is still stating that this threat
continues to this moment, and he is still predicting death and destruction and
trying to convince the citizens of America to give up their autos and air
conditioning in an effort to save the polar bears. This pitch is unseemly and a
lie, and it is simply a power grab and wealth redistribution scheme, the likes
of which Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton would love.
If anyone should go to jail it’s the Obama
administration for allowing the EPA to issue massive environmental regulations
that invade the liberty of every American citizen and kill thousands of jobs,
forcing people who were once employed and independent of government control
over their lives, to have to accept food stamps and welfare in order to support
their families.
Death Valley and the Sahara Desert used to be oceans,
but forces beyond our comprehension caused the water to evaporate, the land dried
up and deserts formed. So how do liberals explain this naturally changing occurrence,
which happened prior to any human occupation, and certainly before the evil automobile
or a coal-fired power plant can be blamed as a source of pollution that caused
the drastic change in the environment, similar to what is now supposedly destroying
the world? Liberals don’t explain their radical plans. They just tell people to
shut up and do what Obama and his liberal pals tell them to do, or go to jail.