The idiot, white, superior-to-thou Democrat liberals
are at it again with their “White Privilege” conference in Philadelphia,
pandering and calling all white people, except themselves, of course, racists
who are living a life of white privilege. Actually it’s the liberals who behave
and tacitly assert their own superiority over blacks and whites alike, a fact
that is obvious when one notices that white leftist liberals really do live
better and more privileged lives than the average black or white citizen in America.
And the reason for this disparity between white, leftist liberals like Hillary and
Bernie, and the rest of society is not white privilege, but rather Liberal
Who else other than a white, Democrat liberal could
have served as Secretary of State while getting four Americans killed in
Benghazi; caused the embarrassment of the Russian reset; declared Syria’s Assad
to be a reformer; declared an Arab Spring prior to allowing ISIS to become an
international, wholesale murdering force; sided with the Muslim Brotherhood in
Egypt; used an illegal email system on an unsecured server that was reportedly
hacked by every terrorist organization and unfriendly government in the world; caused
the general diminution of the reputation of the United States with friend and
foe alike the world over; and still be allowed by her party to run for
president? Only a privileged white, Democrat liberal named Clinton could
accomplish this.
And Bernie is not much better for wear when you
consider his record: he was a homeless bum until he got into politics and
finally entered the big-time of the Senate; he honeymooned in the garden spot
of the Soviet Union, the country that has made it a tradition to conduct occasional
pogroms against Jews, homosexuals and other undesirables; he proposes the overthrow
of capitalism, which is the only known economic engine powerful enough to have raised
the civilized world out of the poverty of the middle ages; proposes that all
Americans be given free college, while being so irresponsible as to not inform
the uneducated youth of America that, while his program relieves them of having
to pay for only their own individual education, as they can under the current
system of loans or cash, Bernie’s scheme will trap them into paying for the
educations of all other American citizens, forever, thus trapping them into
unending college payments via confiscatory taxes into the future, while at the
same time dumbing-down college education even further than it is today, so all
comers will be able to earn the soon-to-be worthless “free” diploma. This
socialist fool is abusing the youth of America by promising them something that
cannot come to fruition. And our Bernie is not being personally true to the socialist
creed because he’s reportedly worth a half-million dollars, which is much more
than socialists believe any person should be allowed to possess. After all, it’s
just not fair that some people have more money than others.
And of course the term “social justice” has to be part
of the Philadelphia conference’s official name, while ignoring that it has been
mainly white, Democrat liberals who have trapped young black people into a
continuing state of poverty by giving them just enough free stuff to keep them
poor, unemployed, dependent on big-government handouts and voting Democrat, plus
assuring, via the vehicle of the Department of Education, that their education
is below par and doesn’t allow them to grow intellectually and succeed in the
larger economy (recall that it was Barack Obama himself who killed the school
choice plan in Washington, D.C., thus destroying many young black lives by
trapping them into the public school system in our failing capitol city).
Of course, when you get a gaggle of liberals together
for a conference they branch out and eventually attack everything but the real
target: themselves. An article in EAGnews
lists religion as also being a white privilege and limiting the religious selections
in America to only Christianity, which would be shocking news to Jews, Muslims,
Hindus and other religions who freely practice their faith by the millions. But
liberals aren’t bothered with telling the truth about America; they are
privileged to be able to lie about the greatest nation on earth yet still live here
comfortably with their own form of rich, elitist privilege.