In the quote above, our beloved president was of
course referring to Hillary’s exposing of classified national secrets via her
unsecured and illegal email server, and without question he asserts that
Hillary has done nothing wrong, so we can expect the outcome of the FBI
investigation into her destructive ramblings about the globe as Secretary of
State to reflect what he wants to not happen here. There will be no
consequences for her destructive and illegal behavior and she’ll continue her pursuit
of the presidency.
Obama’s “there’s classified, and then there’s
classified” statement is similar to the idiotic courtroom defense Bill Clinton
made as president when he said “it depends on what the meaning of is, is”. I
promise you that any military person recognizes only one thing as being
important: “CLASSIFIED”. And there is nothing
relative about the subject. It doesn’t matter what level of classification,
where the classification came from, nor what the subject matter is, if it’s
classified it means someone, somewhere could pay with their life if the subject
were to be exposed, and any military personnel would in turn pay with their
freedom or their life if the matter were allowed to be exposed to a source of any
kind, anywhere. But of course liberal/Democrat/progressives are exempt from all
the rules that traditionally assured that our society was behaving legally and that
all were treated equally under the law.
The Liberal/Democrat/progressive filth that passes
through the Oval Office is destroying America and the lives of every American
citizen. With Obama’s casual treatment of the subject of national security classification
and the lives and security of each and every American, I’d hate to discover the
way he treats the top secrets that cross his desk and with whom he shares them.
Why are Americans sitting back and allowing this travesty
to occur? And where are the Republican Senators and House Republicans on the
subject? Don’t they care when the president inserts himself into a serious
investigation like the subject of Hillary’s emails, and don’t they care when
Obama asserts that classification is only relative and not a big deal? Republicans are being unpatriotically politically
correct by not going after Obama at least as diligently as the Democrats once
attacked Richard Nixon for lesser crimes against the nation.
Damn these fools in Washington to hell!