Just as the Clinton administration was accused of
being satisfied with a certain level of crime in the 1990s to bolster its case
in favor of unconstitutional gun-control measures, today it’s easy and logical
to assume that the Obama administration is not only comfortable with a moderate
terrorist threat level from the Syrian “refugees” they are encouraging to
settle in America, it appears obvious that they are encouraging this increased
threat of a terrorist attack. Similarly, a case can be made, based on empirical
evidence, that Obama can also tolerate an increased nuclear threat level on
America and Israel following his catastrophic Iran nuke deal.
The Syrian “refugee” situation is completely lacking
in logic and common sense. The State Department claims to be performing “comprehensive
and robust security screening”, per the Wall Street Journal, but a moment’s
reflection would make a sensible person aware that meaningful security checks
cannot be performed on citizens from nations like Syria, which has no
functioning local or national government, is in a state of total shambles, and
doesn’t much like the United States anyway. So why would they work with us and
warn us of potential threats to our security? And how can security checks be
made when the entire region is little more than a bomb crater? Then also
consider that the Obama administration is rumored to be using the United Nations
to make the actual security checks on each “refugee” entering America from
Syria, and we all know how fond of America the United Nations is. Letting them
be responsible for security in the United States does not give me a warm
The subject of the Iran nuclear agreement is an even
more distressing area of consideration of Obama’s evil intent for America. The
Wall Street Journal reports that this year-old agreement has produced “illegal
proliferation of sensitive procurement activities by Iran in Germany” regarding
nuclear technology, and all of these dealings by Iran “violate Iran’s explicit commitment
to go through an official procurement channel to purchase nuclear related
materials”. Meanwhile the Obama administration pretends that “Iran has met all
its obligations under the deal” and deserves additional weakening of the
sanctions against the terrorist state.
Obama honestly and openly claimed to want to “fundamentally
transform America”, but it’s also clear that he is not completely uncomfortable
with a terrorist attack or a nuclear device being used on America, but has so
far left these sentiments unstated. After all, if a nuclear device were to be
detonated in an American city it would give Obama the excuse he needs to
declare martial law and lock us down absolutely and completely under his total
control. The constitution would be suspended immediately. There would be no
more elections, no more talk radio, no internet, no more interstate nor
international travel. We would be serfs
serving the leader in Washington.
Why does the United States deserve this fool man and
his evil intentions towards this great nation?