Recall for a moment the video that showed Obama
crouched low and speaking softly to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, pleading
with him to tell Putin that he (Obama) needs more time and that he will have
more flexibility in his dealings with Russia after he is re-elected to office,
with the message to any sane person that Obama was willing to give Putin
anything he needed Obama to give, but after he was successfully re-elected, so his
political power would not be threatened after he was back in office for another four years.
If Obama had been requested or required to plead for more
time for some reason with a member of the United States congress, he would
protest that he was being singled out and made to act in a subservient manner
by a white, racist, male member of congress, (and here it’s important to
remember that Vladimir Putin is indeed a white man) and of course this would be
labeled by every member of the liberal press and the Democrat establishment as racism.
But since the whispered meeting with Medvedev was a plot against the welfare of
the United States and was being discussed with a long-time enemy of the United
States, Obama didn’t mind the subservience at all. And forget that Putin is a
dictator as well as being a white male. Obama’s only objective is to “fundamentally
transform America” and he is seeking help from the Russian dictator to further
that goal.
One could conclude that anti-American scheming has a
higher value than racism as far as getting Democrat/liberal goals achieved and having
their passions inflamed. American liberals desire power so absolutely and completely
that they will lie, break laws and disobey the constitution to achieve it. And
they admire and envy someone like Putin who has total and complete power over
his nation and every person in it, and he’s not afraid of using that power for
his own ends.