The term “trickle-down” was coined by liberals who
wanted to criticize the Reagan economy with a negative description. They wanted
to encourage the opinion that the rich at the top of the earnings scale retain
most of the profits from their businesses and only a small portion of the
profits “trickle-down” to the middle class and beyond.
Of course, the description of the rich getting richer
is an accurate one: they have the ideas that earn money, they take the risks by
establishing businesses so they are entitled to the profits. What liberals refuse
to admit is that the lesser classes receive more than a mere trickle-down
income from earnings generated by the wealthy, and in many cases members of the
middle class become wealthy themselves by working twenty or thirty years,
saving and investing their money, and staying out of jail and obeying the laws.
But the most positive aspect of the capitalist profit-making/trickle-down
theory is that the wealth and the income from it are sustainable, if government
will just stay out of the way, and will support and enrich generations in the
future as well as current workers and earners.
The other side of this coin is the “waterfall” theory
of liberals in which tax-payers’ money is used to shower non-workers with welfare
money and other handout goodies in exchange for the recipients’ votes for
Democrat candidates in the next election. This money is wasted because it earns
nothing and is invested nowhere. It’s yanked from the system via higher taxes,
which hurts businesses and causes higher unemployment as the welfare crowd
deprives the system of money to support real job-producing products and
services. The only ones who “profit” from this theory are the politicians who
get votes from the free stuff they provide the taker class.
Any thinking person realizes that trickle-down is far
superior to the waterfall theory, but the likes of Hillary Clinton have
benefitted too well and for too long from making fun of the trickle-down term
to stop it now, and she wants to continue to profit from the large Democrat-voting
welfare crowd, so she will continue to shower the waterfall of goodies on the
nonworking, taker class for her own benefit, and meanwhile unemployment
increases and the nation suffers because the Democrats will not release the
strangle hold that their party has on the taker class within the walls of their
evil plantation.