If Obama were anti-American he would increase our
national debt to $20 Trillion.
If Obama were anti-American he would take away a
citizen’s right to select his/her own health insurance company.
If Obama were anti-American he would campaign for a
Democrat presidential candidate who had exposed national intelligence
information on her email server.
If Obama were anti-American he would plead with
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to ask Russian President Vladimir Putin to
grant more time for Obama to meet Putin’s demands.
If Obama were anti-American he would seek close
personal relations with Cuba’s Castro brothers.
If Obama were anti-American he would encourage the EPA
to issue mountains of job-killing regulations each month.
If Obama were anti-American he would encourage the DOJ
to take control of local police departments, charging the locals, of course,
with racism.
If Obama were anti-American he would invite the Black
Lives Matter crowd to the White House.
If Obama were anti-American he would encourage talk of
a continuing American racism and a continuing racial divide.
If Obama were anti-American he would encourage
American citizens to accept continued welfare and would give welfare recipients
goodies, like free cell phones, to keep them happy with their welfare status.
If Obama were anti-American he would be silent as
police officers were systematically assassinated by black criminals.
If Obama were anti-American he would remain silent
while hundreds of black gang members in Chicago killed each other weekly, and
would blame their deaths on a gun, not on the terrible lives the gang members
live in which they use guns on each other in order to break the mind-destroying
monotony of their jobless, pointless, lives.
If Obama were anti-American he would strongly support
LGBTQ restrooms, as if this were a national crisis issue, and call this affront
a “civil right”.
If Obama were anti-American he would assure that his
DOJ did not prosecute his Secretary of State who lied under oath to congress
and exposed national secrets to our enemies.
If Obama were anti-American he would favor the United Nations
taking control of the internet.
If Obama were anti-American he would assure that
millions of Americans remained dependent on welfare handouts to support themselves,
in exchange for those dependent persons’ votes for Democrats each election day.
If Obama were anti-American he would illegally open
our borders for unfettered entry to all comers.
If Obama were anti-American he would not punish any
IRS employees who illegally and selectively blocked tax-exempt status to
conservatives under his administration.
If Obama were anti-American he would push for control
over American industry in order to halt the lie of global warming.
If Obama were anti-American he would promise to “fundamentally
transform America” at the outset of his administration.
If Obama were anti-American he would make occasional foreign
apology tours in which he would bad-mouth America and tell the world that we
have much to apologize for and that it’s our fault that billions of people the
world over suffer in poverty.
If Obama were anti-American he would have his FED
chairwoman keep interest rates at a bare minimum in order to cause a boom in
the stock market, thereby making his failed economy look good.
If Obama were anti-American he would sign an agreement
with Iran, the nation that swears it will destroy America, giving them billions
of dollars to spread terrorism and assure that they will quickly develop a
nuclear weapon to fulfill their evil promise for our destruction.
If Obama were anti-American he would edict that the DHS
monitor and assure a fair and accurate election in November.
I’m not saying that Obama is anti-American, but when a
newly elected president promises to “fundamentally transform America” it’s hard
to believe that he likes this nation very much.