According to Josh Ernest, Obama’s press secretary, the
war with ISIS is actually being won, based on Obama’s “narrative” (in other
words one of his lies told for political gain and position). So now we know why
Obama continues to say ISIS is being contained: he’s referring to the spin that
he and his press pals are spreading. As long as the real world can be ignored,
and as long as the press doesn’t stand up to and challenge the Obama lies,
Obama can continue the false narrative that people are not being beheaded by
ISIS, that America and Europe are not being attacked by radical Muslim
terrorists and that Iran is not developing a nuclear weapon, in spite of the nuke
agreement Obama signed with them.
It’s a national disgrace that the Commander in Chief
of America’s armed forces (that would be Obama) would even think of developing
a “narrative” that both claims there is no war and at the same time claims that
we are winning the war, and all the while the poor military personnel who are
fighting and dying to fulfill the Commander’s orders, and who are abiding by
the anti-American-soldier Rules of Engagement created by the same fool
Commander, are trying to serve their country in the traditional manner but see
no practical nor favorable outcome resulting from their efforts.
And our subservient liberal press goes along with the
narrative lie because they absolutely refuse to do anything to oppose our first
black president, who is also the chief liberal who is “fundamentally
transforming America”, a nation that the liberal press obviously hates as much
as Obama does.
The former Soviet Union’s Izvestia and Pravda news
organizations behaved for Stalin and the communist party exactly like our
liberal press and liberal cable channels behave for Obama, Hillary and other
ultra-leftists: they repeat the
narrative lies told by these liberal talking heads, and they let the lies go
unchallenged on those rare occasions when they don’t express outright agreement
with them directly.