As per their kind, liberal Democrats seek to dictate
to Americans how and whether they will practice their religion. The WikiLeaks
dump last week included evidence that Hillary’s cabal are plotting to undermine
the Catholic religion by introducing trouble in the church’s ranks.
Using tactics familiar to Fidel Castro and Che Guevara,
both of whom were dedicated revolutionaries and disrupters who would do
anything, and commit any act, to force people to adhere to their cause, Hillary’s
campaign chairman, John Podesta, plans just such a Catholic Spring of
revolution within the church, because, don’t you see, the church has for too long
had a “middle ages dictatorship” and needs a little more “democracy and respect
for gender equality”. Of course it matters not a whit that the members of the
Catholic Church prefer the church the way it is and appreciate, and perhaps
even want, the morality it preaches. Hillary’s group, however, knows best and
they feel vindicated in disrupting any long-standing tradition that they don’t
agree with.
So much for any “choice” and “self-determination” that
Catholics may have, because all that matters is what intrusive government leftists
want, and if Hillary becomes president she will use the vast power of her
office to make the changes that she deems necessary, thank you very much.
The “revolution” that Hillary and her allies want to introduce
in the Catholic Church is very similar to the revolution we’ve witnessed in
American society under the unconstitutional rule of Barack Obama and his promise to “fundamentally
transform America”, much of which promise he has accomplished in the seven years
of his administration, and which will be continued and enhanced if Hillary were
to become president.
Some relative examples of what Obama has done to
damage America and their relation to Hillary’s Catholic Spring revolution:
Obama’s retreat from the
Constitution and a rule of law; Hillary’s retreat from Catholic dogma, policy and
teachings in favor of a rule by bureaucracy and social justice edicts.
Under Obama we witnessed
a lessening of respect for an individual’s right to choose whether or not to surrender
strongly held principles and beliefs (for example, a baker forced to bake a
cake for a homosexual marriage, or a pizza restaurant forced to cater a homosexual
party); Hillary’s disrupting and effectively eliminating one’s choice of
religion and how one worships (and it’s a promise that after they’ve attacked
Catholicism they’ll go after Protestants and Jews, but will, of course, not
issue any criticism of Islam, the religion of peace, which daily practices
discrimination against women and stones homosexuals to death for no other reason
than that they are homosexuals).
The WikiLeaks document quoted Hillary’s pals stating the
“there needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand an
end to a middle ages dictatorship…” But Hillary’s team forgot how similar their
tactics are to the feudal tactics of medieval rulers who forced adherence and fealty
to themselves at the expense of any freedom to their subjects. Again relating
Hillary’s staff to Castro and Guevara, liberal Democrats don’t give a damn what
Catholics actually want or “demand”, because ninety-nine percent of Catholics
would demand that Hillary and her thugs stay out of their religion and out of
their lives. Liberal democrats push revolution and change against the will of
the people, and what they fear most is independent people, thinking for
themselves and working for their families, who reject the dictatorship that
Obama and Hillary are offering, and want it stopped. One wishes that the
Obama/Hillary administration hated ISIS as much as they hate economic, personal
and religious freedom in America, and we wish they would attack the enemies of
America as thoroughly as they attack patriotic, hard-working Americans.
Liberals talk ceaselessly about diversity and free
expression in society, but the last thing they want is a religion that preaches
tenets contrary to the collectivist, dictatorial rule that liberal Democrats
intend to impose under a Hillary Clinton administration. For anyone who is
familiar with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s disastrous Arab Spring and
the destruction, violence and death that scheme has produced in Egypt, Syria, Libya
and Iraq, you absolutely don’t want to allow this fool woman to infuse herself
in the Catholic Church and her planned “Catholic Spring”.
What Donald Trump offers is a halt to the religious
persecution of Americans that Hillary intends to inherit from Obama, and he
assures that big government, as practiced under Obama, will end and a healthy
dose of capitalism, wealth and liberty will be re-introduced to America, making it great once gain.