After decades of punishing and abusing school children
in the late nineteen hundreds by busing them across cities to the other side of
town in order to achieve the liberal dream of “diversity” and “racial balance”,
liberal whites and liberal blacks are now demanding the separation of
blacks from the evil white students in a college near you, which practice, once
started by liberals, will probably lead to renewed busing to get blacks away
from the influence of whites in now-integrated public schools. The idea of
separating the races in college, which is, in its simplest and least-racial
terms, actually just the forced separation of young Americans from each other at
a very important period of their lives, all of whom will have to live together
the rest of their lives, is only the latest liberal fad meant to stir up racial
animosity and resentment in the most liberal and formerly inclusive, supposedly
non-judgmental environments in America: the universities. After all, the
expressed need for grade school and high school students to be bussed miles
each day in order to achieve racial balance was the logical outcome of the Ku
Klux Klan hate, racism, separatism and bigotry that existed under Democrat
Party rule in the southern states since slavery was introduced.
Following college, the next step in the normal
progression of peoples’ lives is getting a job and supporting a family.
Liberals are intentionally disrupting this natural process of education and
work by breaking with the logical flow and making blacks feel resentful of the
whites that they will be competing with for jobs after college. Liberals, black
and white alike, are constructing a wall between Americans of differing
ethnicity and dividing our nation, while teaching young blacks to be resentful
and suspicious of other races. And what could possibly go wrong when large
numbers of young black men are made to feel resentful, mistreated and abused by
the white masters? How about Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte, for starters?
But that’s where liberal policy is taking us, and they should be ashamed.
In the universities, white students and teachers are
being counseled on the evils of being white and the resulting fantasy of “white
privilege” in order to combat their idea of racism. But counseling, based
solely on race, is itself racist, as being practiced by universities, which are
run almost exclusively by Democrat liberals. And of course in this new-normal
world where one can self-identify as anything one wants to be, or whatever one thinks
one is, white students will not be allowed to self-identify as blacks in order
to escape the harassment, intimidation and criticism from liberal faculty
members. And all this hubbub is based solely on the students’ skin color. How
many times have liberals lectured the nation about judging people based on the
color of their skin, and not on their character?
The whole thing is reminiscent of the first
non-smoking signs that went up in commercial passenger aircraft, introduced as
only intended for the tightly confined spaces of an aircraft, but the practice
was ultimately and inevitably extended by liberals to a prohibition of smoking
even in one’s personal residence. Allowing the soft, campus racism of “black
studies” and “multi-cultural centers” that exists at most universities, to get
its toe in the door, has been expanded to the extent that liberal racists on
university staffs are now able to assign white guilt to any pet peeve of theirs,
and the occasional student attending the university who is actually desirous of
getting an education, has no recourse but to put up with the stupidity if they
want the college degree. It has now become “white” to seek a real education in
order to prepare oneself for a good job after college. Formerly both black and
white students actually wanted to learn on their way to economic success, but
those times are long gone, and all due to liberal/progressive/Democrat racism.
We used to consider it part of the American dream to
get a college education, but now it’s become a nightmare of leftist, Marxist political
activism, if not just plain racism, that Democrat/progressive/liberals practice
on campus.
Hopefully Trump’s influence and leadership as
president can reverse this trend, but it’s a cinch that Hillary will only
expand the hate, racial division and intolerance on campus, on our city streets
and in our neighborhoods, if we are unfortunate enough to see her win the