In the swamp that is Washington, DC, Donald Trump has
promised to clean out the crime and corruption just as Elliott Ness cleaned up
Chicago eighty-odd years ago by arresting Al Capone and his gang and putting
them away. The corruption of Barack Obama and his gang of thugs is not selling
forbidden liquor, but is rather undermining our democracy in ways much more
destructive to our liberties and prosperity.
Probably the most damning things the government is
doing are related to the way liberal Democrats, under the lawless rule of
Barack Obama, treat our military personnel. We all know of the way wounded and
sick former service people are mistreated by the Veterans Affairs, too often letting
them die before treatment is provided to them, all with the understanding of
the Obama administration.
But just recently we have been made aware of an even
nastier federal government than most people realize exists in America. Up to
10,000 California National Guard soldiers have been ordered to repay Obama’s
Pentagon up to $15,000 they claim was over-paid to these soldiers as a bonus
for remaining in the military during the height of the two wars being fought at
the time. Many soldiers are going broke trying to repay the money the Pentagon
is demanding from them. When you make a side-by-side comparison of Hillary not
being able to explain where a missing State Department six billion dollars went
during her tenure as Secretary of State, in very recent times and with no one
except we stupid American citizens demanding an accounting, how in the hell can
the Pentagon go back a distant 10 years and find the relatively slight
overpayments made to soldiers intended to keep them in the service at a time of
Americans want to know where the billions of dollars
Hillary was responsible for went. Which of her buddies, already wealthy, got
even wealthier under her corrupt leadership? If a government audit can
pin-point a $10,000 over payment and cause bankruptcy of a soldier, why can’t a
similar audit find $6,000,000,000 and determine which corrupt politicians
walked away with stuffed pockets? We know the answer is that Obama’s and Hillary’s
pals are the beneficiaries, and you’re a fool if you really expect these
big-government crooks to find the culprits and get a penny returned.
An additional point of corruption in Washington that Trump,
the modern-day Elliott Ness, will address, although not as sexy as Capone’s liquor
and prostitution, is the lying, violent, fire-bombing political campaign that
Hillary Clinton is waging against her Republican opponent, and that the FBI is
ignoring completely. Per the chants at various Trump rallies: “Lock Her Up”!
I have every confidence that Donald Trump will bring
common sense and accountability to Washington, and will make America not only
great and livable, but prosperous once again.