It would be a good idea for any Republican who is
campaigning against Donald Trump, or those just sitting back and not helping
him in his run against Hillary Clinton, to be made aware that if they are not actively
trying to defeat the ultra-left Hillary and are instead attempting to please
their donors by doing less than everything possible to put Trump in the White
House, they’d also better hope that their donors are located in their congressional
or senate districts and voting for them, because if Trump doesn’t win in
November the old dependable Republican voter base will dry up and establishment
Republicans will soon be unelected from their cushy positions. To not support
the Republican candidate that the people have voted for in the primary
elections is to undermine our entire system of government. They’re working
against the will of the American people and the will of their voting fellow Republicans,
and instead they are obeying the special interest groups who shovel money at
them in exchange for favorable legislation and regulations, kind of like what Hillary Clinton did while Secretary
of State by issuing favorable decisions for foreign rulers and thugs who
donated money to the various Clinton family slush finds that have made Bill, Hillary
and Chelsea wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.
Recent revelations about the timidly investigated, but
not prosecuted, Hillary Clinton, along with data from WikiLeaks document dumps,
show us a presidential administration allied with Hillary’s own presidential campaign,
operating without regard to the law, stacking the cards in their own self-serving
favor with no regard to legal parameters nor constitutional guidelines.
One must realize that with this bunch in the White
House there is absolutely no way to control their actions. Their disdain for
the constitution and their control over the DOJ, the FBI and the liberal press
make them a direct and dangerous threat to every American.
With the running start that the Obama administration
has given Hillary with his efforts to “fundamentally transform America”,
imagine the destruction that four more years of this hateful, power-hungry,
lying woman will produce. She will certainly put a damper on conservative radio
and cable TV programs, she’ll clamp regulations on the internet designed to
hush conservative thought and expression, and there’s little doubt that the IRS
will become her partner in ridding the nation of patriotic American thinkers
like Donald Trump and others who have been speaking out and warning the nation
about the threats and evil of this latest generation of Democrat politicians,
most particularly, Hillary Clinton.
We must elect Trump in November!