The main support group for Hillary Clinton, the
partisan, liberal press, the very same people whose profession has constitutional
protection that they insist on utilizing to the full, are the same people who
want to deny constitutional rights to gun owners, religious freedom to Catholics
and free speech via TV and radio programs to conservative Americans. And aside
from the hypocrisy of constitutional protection solely for themselves, in fact
in spite of it, they refuse to even pretend to do a balanced job of reporting the
news where ultra-left liberal Democrats like Hillary Clinton are involved.
Donald Trump takes it in the shorts all day, every day
for contrived liberal stories about women and his taxes, while Hillary skates
free of mention for plotting with her staff to disrupt the Catholic Church, for
lying to the FBI and congress, for destroying evidence protected by a court
order, for possessing an illegal, unsecured email server that was hacked and thus
exposed classified, national security secrets to the world.
The press promotes Hillary as the most qualified
person to run for president, ever, and ignores her obvious and provable lies
and actual criminal actions, while skewering Trump for words spoken or women allegedly
approached, and all the while ignoring actual and repeated accusations of rape
against Bill Clinton.