With the massive number of WikiLeaks dumps that have
occurred, not only should the Hillary Clinton election campaign have been
plowed under by now by the explosive exposure of lying and criminal activity,
but the Obama administration should also been destroyed. But what’s happened to
Hillary and Obama to this point? Nothing!
She’s run an organization similar to the ultra-radical Weather Underground
revolutionary group of the 1970s, with its bombings and property destruction,
and the Obama administration has done nothing to stop her and bring her to
And why not? After all, Hillary was found to be plotting
a violent “revolution” within the Catholic Church because she thinks they are
an out-of-date, medieval organization. Hillary was knowledgeable of and had
approved the violence we’ve seen perpetrated against the Trump campaign, his supporters
and the fire-bombing of his campaign offices. Hillary and the Obama
administration’s FBI and Department of Justice colluded on the investigation
into her email crimes.
So where is the so-called free press? Are they really
free or are they simply an attached, bought-and-paid-for organ of the Hillary campaign?
And where’s the FBI, which should be investigating the
abuse of civil rights of the Trump campaign staff along with the criminal violence
and fire-bombing being used against them?
I believe that our nation is in a more desperate
position today than we’ve ever thought possible. There was a time when one
could at least hope that the reason the liberal press is shilling for Hillary was
that they, too, are liberals and agree with what she says. But things have gone
way beyond that thinking now. With the release of the Veritas tapes every
American now knows that Hillary was committing violent offenses when she dispatched
her goons to create chaos and confusion at Trump events, hoping to get some
violent responses from the Trump people, and she could easily have caused the
death of an innocent person when her people fire-bombed a Trump office in North
Carolina. And the WikiLeaks releases have given us knowledge of her collusion
with the Obama administration regarding her legal/criminal status and have
allowed us to see into her closest colleagues’ dealings as they plot to
undermine the legitimacy of the Catholic Church and its practices.
So we must now conclude that the liberal mass media is
no longer impartial nor are they being used by a persuasive liberal like
Hillary, but are instead Hillary’s accomplices, supportive of the violence and
the illegal colluding and the destruction of our formerly peaceful political
campaigns, which things have possibly put an end to the smooth transition of
power to the next presidential administration, which has always been the pride
of America. These things are probably gone forever from the American scene,
thanks to the power-hungry, leftist, Democrat named Hillary Clinton and the
lap-dog American press.