The lying, cheating, squirming filth on the Democrat
side of the aisle is always plotting, always conniving, and always changing the
rules (or fixing the rules as Hillary did in order to defeat Bernie Sanders in
the primary race, or even breaking the rules and the law by beating Trump
supporters or fire-bombing a Trump campaign office in North Carolina) in order
to get a leg up on their opponents and keep them off balance.
The press rarely
if ever mentioned the popular vote during the 2016 campaign season and instead,
utilizing their laborious, state-by-state description, in full red and blue
colors, bored their viewing or print customers to death describing the way
Hillary would, without doubt, get the 270 electoral votes needed to become
president, while at the same time showing the incontrovertible proof that
Donald Trump could never, ever, get the 270 electoral votes needed to win, and assuring
the audience that the popular vote is of no importance in a presidential
But after the election, and after possibly millions of
illegal aliens cast votes in this election (Barack Obama promised during a
televised interview to not bring any legal action against any illegal alien who
voted in this presidential election, on the sole assumption that all illegals
would vote for the Democrat, Hillary), Hillary’s people are now in everyone’s
face belly-aching about her winning the popular vote and still not becoming
president. Neil Cavuto asked one of Hillary’s more obnoxious spokespersons the other
night if they would be so favorably disposed toward the popular vote winning an
election if Donald Trump had won the popular vote instead of his winning the
constitutionally provided electoral majority, and of course the goon never gave
an answer.
But the electoral issue is just one of many examples
of Democrats wanting to throw the baby out every time the bathwater is not to
their liking. In the next election if the Democrat wins the electoral majority,
they’ll be back in line with the constitution, screaming that the popular vote
is irrelevant, and liking the electoral idea all the more. It’s what they do.