I’m still fully of the belief that the legend on our
coins of “In God We Trust” is the correct expression of what has made America
great, but since it’s been proven that we can’t trust the FBI and the
Department of Justice to find criminal wrong-doing of top political officials,
I’m good with trusting WikiLeaks and Veritas productions of documents to
provide the evidence needed to prosecute wrong-doing in government.
We know that under a Democrat administration we can’t
trust the FBI nor the Department of Justice to do their sworn duty, but we can,
fortunately, trust private organizations, even if some of them are working at
the fringe of legality. The FBI and the DOJ, working under the Obama
administration and looking at massive evidence of Hillary’s guilt, would not prosecute
her until WikiLeaks and Veritas produced evidence that they couldn’t ignore. So
much for justice in America.
In addition we know that the judgement of American
voters is very weak and that they will not investigate candidates like Hillary
and determine her unfitness for the office of president, so in such a case, we
have to trust in WikiLeaks to keep producing documents injurious to Hillary,
and keep trusting in God to deliver us from the evils of the Obama/Hillary
administration and their plot to “fundamentally transform America”.
And then we’ll trust in Trump to be a good president
when he’s elected to the White House on November 8th.