In response to the surprise and shocking election of
Donald Trump to the presidency, with his promise to reverse the
unconstitutional immigration edicts of Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of
Chicago, said two days ago that “Chicago will always be a sanctuary city” (in
other words while he’s mayor of Chicago, he will always defy the laws of the United
States) and that “you are always welcome in this city” (one can only guess that
he is expressing a welcome to illegal aliens and other law-breakers, and is not
welcoming legal American citizens to Chicago).
But the string of “you-ares” in his speech that got my
attention was “you are safe in Chicago, you are secure in Chicago and you are
supported in Chicago”. What Mr. Emanuel forgot to add to his sibilant list is
that, too often in Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago, you are also dead and buried in his
fair city, due to the sky-rocketing murder rate there. One could also add that
you are too often also unemployed in the liberal paradise of Chicago,
especially if you are Hispanic or a-resident-while-black, but one hates to kick
a man when he’s down.
Mr. Emanuel is famous for his self-serving statement
to “never let a crisis go to waste”, the line that gave Barack Obama the
authority to plunge America to a $20 trillion national debt and open our
borders to millions of illegal aliens, and he should take this opportunity, and
this crisis of killing in his city, to correct the things that have gone so
very wrong there and make them right. He’s wasting the chance to join Donald
Trump in Making America Great Again.