I’ve never seen a news article that told of a house
fire on Main Street that was Fake News. Similarly, no report of a tornado or an
earthquake has ever been a Fake News report. It’s only when there is a
political angle that the news is falsified or totally made up.
Fidel Castro was a smaller version of Adolph Hitler,
but because he was a Communist he’s being portrayed as a Robin Hood figure who
liberated Cuba from the clutches of the evil oppressor, America. The truth is
that Castro took the island nation from being a thriving area of commerce and
industry and plunged it into the status of a third world backwater run by a
two-bit dictator.
So when considering the news, our terms should be precise:
the Castro, Hillary and Obama reports from the mainstream liberal reporters will
be political lies and should be called such. Let’s lose the reference to Fake
News, because with America’s liberal news agencies, Fake and News are redundant
words. We know liberal reporters are lying when they are reporting on political
news, because in the words of Barack Obama: “It’s what they do”.