A cold, cloudy day of gloom ushered in a bright and
shining future for America as Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th
president of the United States, and the symbolism provided by nature could not
have been more prescient.
As the Obama administration fades into history, our
nation has a future that is no longer limited to what the government will allow
us to do, and not dictated by what the government orders us to do, but returns
the nation to a state more closely aligned with the Constitution and the liberties
promised under it to American citizens, and the controls and limitations the
Constitution places on government.
Trump’s acceptance speech was to the point, harsh,
plain-spoken and just what we needed to hear from the man who plans to return
the nation, after an eight-year gap in which the former president tried to “fundamentally
transform America”, to greatness. One prays that he will move swiftly and
immediately, to undo the entire Obama “Legacy”, from Obamacare to the Iran nuke
deal, to close our borders down immediately and completely, and shut down the
EPA by withholding funds from that leftist, anti-American, radical organization.
After eight years of a badly divided, highly
unemployed and much less wealthy America, trying to function under the abusive
and anti-American Obama administration, the symbolism of the dark and failed
Obama administration being swept out on a wave of anti-Obama sentiment by the
voters, is significant.
But a second opinion of the cloudy day symbolism was
given by Franklin Graham following a prayer he gave at the end of the event: he
said that the Bible often considers rain, which began falling just as Trump
stepped to the podium to give his speech, to be a sign from God’s blessing. So
either way, the Trump administration is off to a good, honest start.