Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Putin Kicks 755 Americans Out Of Russia

The announcement was made over the weekend that Russia will eject 755 American diplomats from their nation. I suppose that by Tuesday morning CNN and Chuck Schumer will begin blasting Donald Trump for being unpresidential by shooting his mouth off about some issue and offending Vladimir Putin to the extent that Putin has ordered the ouster of the 755 American diplomats. CNN has been breathlessly awaiting this moment so they can remind us of how diplomatic Obama was on the international scene, how erudite John Kerry was with other nations and how Trump is destroying America’s credibility with every nation by acting like a real person and telling the truth.

It’s true that Putin has made the announcement of the expulsions, but it’s related to new legislation passed by the House and Senate implementing sanctions against Russia for its actions in Ukraine, not something Trump said or did. But I believe they will not miss this opportunity to blast President Trump even if there is no backing in reality for it. They’ve been doing just that with the Russia/collusion thing for months, so why would they stoop to telling the truth at this point?

But, in all honesty, would it surprise you to hear, after six months of CNN and Schumer riding Trump like a cheap mule for being too cozy with Putin and for colluding with Russia to assure the defeat of Hillary in the last presidential election, that now the liberals would reverse direction and blast Trump for not being diplomatic enough with Putin, and probably Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, as well, if he were indeed the reason for the international incident occurring in Moscow?.

One has to feel sorry for CNN and American liberals that this time Trump is not to blame for a foreigner objecting to something America did, and in fact this evidence of Putin’s anger would be prima facie evidence that Trump was never a tool of Russia, but don’t expect anyone on the left to give Trump the benefit of a doubt that he is somehow at fault for this international scandal.

Our President just keeps on keeping-on and doing the things he promised to do during the last presidential campaign. Any thinking person has to love this guy.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

To See No Evil And To Hear No Evil Is To Encourage Evil

In 2008 an author named Tom Rob Smith published a book titled Child 44 which detailed the total bankruptcy of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin as a series of crimes against children went uninvestigated and unmentioned by the controlling class of Russia. The party line under Stalin was that only capitalist states had a problem with crime and that Communist Russia was completely free of crime because the state provided for every need of the people and there was no strife nor competition in the paradise of The Soviet Union.

Of course wherever there are people you will have crime from the lesser elements, and the Stalinistic pretense that crime did not exist only allowed the criminals to run free and not be brought to trial and punishment. So the unfortunate citizens of Russia had to contend with both the horror of Joseph Stalin’s police state and rampant, uncontrolled criminal behavior.

In the United States we know that crime exists at all levels of society, but the Democrat Party and our leftist, lying press, which hold an attitude similar to that of Joseph Stalin, will not allow a word of criticism to be registered against Democrats. Since the election of Donald Trump to the presidency we’ve endured seven months of all branches of government investigating the lie of a Trump/Russia collusion with zero proof that any such collusion existed, while we have Hillary hammering cell phones to avoid investigation about her email server; we have Lois Lerner using her political position to inject the power of the IRS to keep Republicans from fully participating in the 2012 election; we have Barack Obama allowing the wire-tapping of his political opponents; we’ve had Susan Rice illegally unmasking American citizens in order to implicate them with the lie of a Russian collusion; we’ve had Debbie Wasserman Schultz dealing with foreign suspects and having her computer taken from her by the Capitol Hill Police Force as part of their investigation; we’ve had the head of the FBI admit that he used official FBI information for his own political ends by leaking the information the FBI had collected; we had the Fast and Furious investigation halted because it got too close to the Obama administration; we had the Obama Attorney General illegally meet with Bill Clinton just before the Hillary investigation was halted; we’ve heard that a leftist group called Fusion GPS generated the Golden Showers dossier in an attempt to disrupt the Trump administration and keep President Trump from addressing the critical issues he promised to fix when he became president. And all the lying press can talk about is the nonexistent Trump collusion.

To this date the Democrat Party and the lying press have refused to acknowledge any of the problems listed above, and will not provide any attention or investigative time checking into them, because they assume that no Democrat can commit crimes, only Republicans do that sort of thing. So the press is silent on Democrat misconduct for which we have proof, and they rail loudly and often against Republican misconduct for which there is no proof at all.

Just as Stalin’s idiotic belief that no Communist could commit a crime caused harm to Russian citizens and led to the downfall of the Soviet Union, so will the Democrat stonewalling of their own crimes lead to their political downfall.

Although the American citizens who elected Donald Trump to the White House are often frustrated with Republican officials who are too quick to investigate their own party members who are occasionally less than squeaky clean in their behavior, and in the case of Donald Trump they have participated in investigations for which there is a total lack of evidence of wrongdoing, at least Republicans don’t try to cover-up their party’s crimes as the Democrats do, and this honesty will serve them better in the long-run than Democrat’s obfuscation and pretense of innocence. Stalin’s behavior led to the Russian collapse and the tearing down of the Berlin wall, so will the behavior of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and one must not forget the lies and misbehavior of the idiot Harry Reid, will be the undoing of the Democrat party?

The United States was founded on a belief in God and a determination to have an honest government that served the citizens by itself being small and nonintrusive in their lives, thereby allowing citizens to achieve their own personal goals in life free of government meddling.

A dishonest government grows in size and serves only itself and its corrupt members. Donald Trump promised to drain the American D.C. swamp, and Americans must stand behind him and support him so he can do the job he volunteered to do.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Finally, The Worm Turns

At last, the real political criminals, the American Democrat Party, are getting their clocks cleaned.

For example:
1. Debbie Wasserman Schultz had her computer impounded by police as part of an investigation into all kinds of crimes she was a party to the last two years.
2. The Golden Showers dossier, put in place by the FBI and presented as the bright idea intended to gain attention and perform as evidence for the Democrat’s Trump/Russian collusion lie, is being seriously investigated and reported on as the suspicious parties to the document are questioned.
3. Loretta Lynch is being looked at again for her Hillary “matter” instruction to James Comey and for her totally illegal and highly improper “collusion” with Bill Clinton at Sky Harbor airport as the Hillary email investigation was coming to a close.
4. James Comey is being considered for questioning for his leaks of dirt on Trump and for his misuse of FBI information that he used for his own personal convenience.

Would it not be the sweetest justice if we learned that all of the Democrat’s lying accusations about a Trump/Russia collusion were just a defensive attack on their part to cover up their own colluding with Russia as Putin tried to get some dirt on the new and unexpected Trump administration?

And consider the change of pace the liberal, lying press has undergone in the last week: all of a sudden they are defending the pure, sweet, noble and honorable Jeff Sessions against the evil, dastardly Donald Trump now that Trump is tweeting negative comments about Sessions. One must never forget the racism, bigotry and narrow-mindedness the liberal press accused Sessions of during the confirmation hearings he sat through only a few months ago. Now that the press sees Sessions to be the enemy of their enemy, they stumble all over themselves to defend and befriend him. And I’d be willing to bet that the Democrat’s stumbles turn into trips and falls as this latest Trump event unfolds. The liberal press is clever, but I believe that Trump is out-smarting them this time and every time, and they can’t even see the trick unfolding before them.

Once Jeff Sessions decides to reopen the Hillary email investigation (and I pray he will quickly do exactly that) the press will have to again take up arms against him, the man they once hated, then loved and will once again learn to hate. It may just be that the liberal press is so used to just making up stories and attacking Trump with no fact-checking, that they will fall into the next hate-Sessions pitfall and not know that they’ve sprung their own trap and have foiled themselves once again.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Politics Is Not About Hope, It’s About Intent

President Barack Obama was wrong when he said that his attempts to “fundamentally transform America” had anything to do with “hope and change”. It’s correct that Obama represented change with his attempts to undermine everything that America has stood for the last 200-plus years, but “hope” has nothing to do with government. Rather, “intent” is what government is all about.

If you’re a communist/socialist you want to use government powers to destroy corporations by taxing away their money in order to support the idle citizens who refuse to work and who resent successful, wealthy people. On the other hand, if you’re a capitalist, you understand that competitive private enterprise in which a person’s hard work and successful efforts and ideas have made him/her rich require a government which is small and not intrusive, as America’s government has become as Democrats have set about transforming the United States.

The intent of those in government is to either support big, intrusive government or allow individual freedom and permit individuals to live free lives as they see fit.  Hope has nothing to do with it. Politics is filled with people who intend to support freedom or support serfdom by putting in place policies and laws that halt individual freedom or enhance it. So the intent of a candidate must be studied as they seek public office.

Donald Trump is the Washington establishment’s worst nightmare because he wants to assure individual liberty and keep government small and unintrusive, as the constitution detailed it to be. It’s been said, and with the insane avalanche of attacks and lies that have been launched at Trump for doing exactly what he promised to do have shown us, it’s obviously true, that Donald Trump is the last chance America has to get its house back in order and get rid of those fools who want to “fundamentally transform America”, and Trump must be supported and backed by every American who appreciates the protection American citizens have under the constitution, because leftists and other Democrats have only ill intentions toward liberty and the American constitution.

Trump May Be A Smartmouth, But He’s Our Smartmouth

Donald Trump once spoke negatively of John McCain for getting captured in Vietnam, and now he praises McCain for being a national hero. That’s our Trump. He says what he has to say at the time to make his point, and then in 2016 he miraculously became the President of the United States. The man gets results.

Trump is a successful, plain-spoken, honest man who does what he says he’ll do, and I’d vote for him again in a minute for the things he’s accomplished in his first six months in the Oval Office.

President Trump is driving the liberals in the press and the legislature nuts by speaking about their lies, their criminal activities and their attempts to destroy America. He also slams the leftist’s efforts to keep those unfortunate Americans who are on welfare, poor and dependent on big government, and one must never forget that Trump got America out of the left’s Climate agreement, which was an attempt to make America poor by distributing our wealth to Uganda, North Korea and other hell-holes around the world.

So if our president at times does things that serious Americans may well question, he’s on his way to saving America from those left-over leftists who would fundamentally transform America. So I’m willing to let Donald be Donald.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Democrats Risk Crying “Wolf” Once Too Often

Democrats and their accomplices in the press are setting themselves up for future failure with this repeated and constant Trump/Russia Collusion line of lies. The public is sick of hearing these fabricated stories, each one more sensational than the one before, and each containing a vague charge of being improper or illegal or something. Each new charge falls by the wayside with no evidence of Trump involvement nor of any wrongdoing, until the next lie pops its head up and the liberals fall all over themselves talking about this new one that will surely end Trump‘s political career. One day a columnist may indeed find some stickable dirt on Trump, but by then the cry of “gotcha” will have become so common that no one will pay any attention.

But this demented habit of Democrats to latch onto some unprovable, unworkable negative thing and ride it so hard that the public sickens of hearing about it is part of what Jamie Dimon, the Chariman, President and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, the largest of the big four banks in the United States, last week referred to as the “stupid s**t” that America has to deal with.

Mr. Dimon was assuredly talking about all of the backtalk Republicans get when they attempt to get the economy rolling by lowering taxes, but are blocked from any such action by the Democrats and liberal Republicans who complain that any such reduction is only helping the rich get richer and not helping the middle class at all.  But these same leftists who make that argument are the very ones who have ruined healthcare to the point that the high deductible rates of the so-called “affordable” Obamacare, make it impossible to use by many in the middle class who are forced by law to buy it, because of its ruinous costs for each use. The leftists destroy healthcare, and when a Republican tries to fix the problem by getting rid of the ruinous aspects, they are blamed as the ones trying to deny healthcare and trying to kill those who depend on the government-subsidized Obamacare.

Mr. Dimon’s “stupid s**t” remark also applies to the minimum wage, which may raise the pay for some people at the bottom of the economic ladder, but it still leaves them making so little money that they can’t really be said to have benefited substantially from the increase. And each increase to the minimum wage ends up denying positions once held by many unskilled and lower-wage earners people whose positions are eliminated by the minimum wage law.

Mr. Dimon’s remarks also include the failed Obamacare, so Americans must insist that their legislators, both in the House and in the Senate, support President Trump’s policies for repealing Obamacare and for lowering taxes on all Americans. The left will never let up on the Trump/Russia collusion thing, but we can at least make progress on Trump’s policy fronts, and this progress would set the stage for additional future progress when people who are sitting back and watching the Washington characters tie each other in knots, see some sensible progress being made on tax reform and the building of the wall on our southern border and become more vocal and involved in the fiasco occurring in our nation’s capitol.

Repeal The Damned Bill And Restore Freedom And Liberty To America

When considering solutions to a divided nation and how the discussion of that division among the population can have the result of a better government if the issues are freely and honestly covered in the press, and taking into consideration that the leftist press will not consider both sides to any issue but will only push the leftist, big-government side of things, it’s still not completely fair and honest to blame CNN and The New York Times for standing in the way of a satisfying resolution to the Obamacare disaster.

Currently we have a Republican majority in Washington, a majority that has repeatedly voted to simply repeal Obamacare when they were not in the majority and had a Democrat president, who now, with this new majority, absolutely refuse to just simply repeal the horrible Affordable Care Act, and are now tied in knots trying to devise their own big-government plan to run national healthcare, and will not make a simple and clean repeal to Obamacare and allow a free, informed American population to select their own plan at their own price from a company they choose from the many available.

To repeal Obamacare is not to take anything from Americans that they already have. It would instead restore freedom and liberty to America once again. And to state the issue in words that Democrat liberals can understand: it’s our bodies and we demand the right to choose how to provide for our own health needs.

Monday, July 17, 2017

America Has Always Been Divided

Division and differences of opinion are not themselves bad or threatening things for a free citizenry as long as the majority of that population feel that they have a say in the outcome, and that the final product is fully explained in a balanced manner allowing wide discussion and agreement on the decision after debate, even though not everyone will agree with the outcome. America’s Civil War caused great divides  of North against South, Stars and Bars against Stars and Stripes, and slave states versus free states. But in spite of the bitter war America went on to become a peaceful nation and has successfully lived with the outcome of the Civil War, despite lingering regional resentments. Slavery was very divisive, but following the war it was unanimously decided that slavery is a bad thing, and today one suspects there are more black millionaires in America than there are in all of the black nations of Africa, which is an indication of the civil agreement Americans have reached with their past.

Originally America experienced it’s first serious division and actual military fighting with the allegiance of the British government, colonial loyalists and various tribes of Indians that competed and often fought against the Colonial freedom/independence seekers at the time of the revolution. But the Colonial independence fighters won the war and America charged ahead to union and success in the world, and even soon became best friends with England, because everyone knew the facts and the losers accepted the loss.

In general, division has always been good for America because it has allowed citizens to select the best path forward from several options, but it depended on  an honest press to advocate for both sides of an issue, and that honesty is totally lacking in America today. Division is good if it allows competition between differing ideas, but the looming large size of government is preventing the presentation of any argument in favor of a limited government, as the founders detailed in the constitution, to be honestly presented.

Today it’s Democrats against Republicans, small-government ideas versus big-government,  higher taxes versus tax reform. The greatest issue currently dividing Americans is the hate-Trump leftists, and  the situation won’t get better soon because even though Donald Trump was duly elected president, the Democrats refuse to accept his election and continue to stir up trouble, which often results in violence.

 Republicans were outraged at the things Barack Obama did while he was president, but we accepted the vote that made him president and society went on as the Republican Party made changes to assure that Obama’s successor to the Oval Office did not share his wildly radical, leftist views. But with the non-acceptance of Donald Trump by liberals they are creating a significant tear in our nation’s fabric which will cause trouble for years to come because of the left’s narrow-minded insistence on having things only their way, or else.

Obamacare is an example of government not allowing an honest presentation of the case before the nation. No competition is allowed in the Democrat model as the government inches closer to being the sole provider of health insurance, and even supposedly conservative, small-government Republicans cannot find it in themselves to just repeal Obamacare and let the free citizenry make their own selection for insurance, just like they do for any consumer item.

Perhaps the current greatest danger to liberty and prosperity in America is the prevalence of fake news, a lying press,  a partisan press which is mainly liberal and will not allow an honest representation of the dangers given the choices before us. Today’s liberal press will always side with the Black Lives Matter group against any white or black conservative group; they’ll side with any LGBTQ identity group, or any group claiming discrimination, against any traditional group, and the story they present will always praise the liberal group and condemn the more traditional group.  This assures that the divide among the American population will widen because both sides of the subject are not allowed nor even considered to exist by the liberal press.

Donald Trump has, for the first time, identified the problem as the falseness of the reporting of the press, and successfully works around the problem by tweeting the truth direct to the citizens, bypassing the dishonest press. It’s a shame that the Constitutionally protected press must be left out of President Trumps’ direct communication with his supporters, but the antagonistic, malicious leftist press will not present the truth to Americans, so the president uses technology to go over their heads.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

America’s News Providers Are Taking Us On A Dangerous Ride

America’s news organizations are no longer stand-alone companies vying for dominance over competing news companies in the reporting of the news. They should be competing with each other to deliver the true unbiased news, but they’re not. Even though the news-print organizations like the New York Times are about to go out of business, this criticism about their business practices applies equally to the print and electronic agencies, but at present the network cable news organizations are the best example of this non-competing philosophy.

Recently one of CNN’s most left-leaning contributors admitted that the Trump/Russia collusion story, which has dominated their newscasts for weeks, was a “nothing burger”. No other network would criticize CNN for their 24-hour, anti-Trump coverage and this admission of reporting fake, lying news. You would think that at least Fox would take them to task for the admitted falseness of the news they report versus what they actually know to be the truth in their private and professional lives, yet they continue to deliver the known false, sensational news that keeps their ratings up, and Fox just sits there and allows it to happen.

Fox and other networks should have played this statement to the hilt, but instead they spiked it.  Of course there were some individual Fox programs, like Sean Hannity’s TV show, that played the statement up, but Fox itself was quiet at a time when they could have made maximum headlines explaining the CNN lie and their false, lying practices, and likely done some serious damage to their competitor‘s reputation. But they let it pass.

The news in America is partisan, and it‘s allowed to be that way from the highest levels of the various editorial staffs. And it’s even more disgusting because of that blatant partisanship, in what should be a non-partisan, honest-news-reporting environment. It’s also a serious abuse of the constitution for a news agency to insist on constitutional protection to report the news, and then fabricate the news they deliver to the public. It’s constitutionally dangerous and it does not serve the future of Americans and they way they get the news that allows them to make responsible decisions as citizens.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Russia Was Old News In 2012, But Is A Menace To The World In 2017.

One wonders exactly where the Democrats are trying to take our nation. During the 2012 presidential campaign Obama severely scolded Mitt Romney for his belief that Russia offered any kind of threat to America, yet today the Democrats are dumping every ailment the nation feels on Trump’s dealings with the formerly impotent Russia.

One should keep in mind that during the 2012 presidential campaign when Obama was telling Romney how wrong he was about Russia and how yesterday Romney was for believing Russia had any impact on America at the national level, Obama was caught on an open mic begging Vladimir Putin, via the Russian Prime Minister, to give him time to get re-elected so he could do Putin’s bidding with the defensive missiles that had been placed along Russia’s European border.  So it appears that Obama was inordinately interested or fearful of Russia on one hand, while telling Romney that Russia was of no interest at all on the other.

It would be interesting to know why Obama appealed for clemency with Putin and made certain to tell Putin that he would do what Putin wanted down once he won the presidency for a second term. After all, on Obama’s Oval Office desk there’s a red phone with a dedicated line to Putin’s desk if Obama wanted to discuss any legitimate items of national interest. What threats had Putin made to Obama that Obama wanted to put to rest with his subservient appeal to the Russian Prime Minister? Was it of a personal, scandalous nature or was it a piece of political dirt that Putin could have used against Obama, or maybe later against Hillary when it was her turn to become president?

What promises or threats had Putin made to Obama, and how had Obama become vulnerable to Putin’s blackmail? Or was Obama just plain and simply a “red president” giving away the store to Putin for ideological, anti-American reasons?

The whole area of interest in Russia and how only with the election of Donald Trump had Putin become a threat to America is not only interesting but is a fearful area to consider since Obama promised to “fundamentally transform America” and had some sort of secret dealing with Putin that the open mic only gave us a tinted window of a view into.

And with this latest Donald Trump Jr. fiasco and the left’s continued insistence that any discussion with a Russian automatically indicts anyone with the name of Trump as a “colluder” with Russia, whatever that means, one wonders why the Obama administration allowed the Russian lady, Natalia Veselnitskaya, now at the center of this issue, into the nation against warnings that she was persona non grata, and allowed an illegal extension of her visa here. And why are there so many photos of this mysterious lady appearing as a person of importance with Democrat officials and in official government buildings and conference halls? Also interesting is that John McCain sent an emissary overseas to collect the Golden Showers document which he and other Never-Trumpers hoped would hang Trump and remove him from office. How is McCain sending one of his staff to meet with this leaker any different from Donald Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian who claimed to have dirt on Hillary that Trump could possibly use during the 2016 campaign? And how is any of this different from Hillary working with Ukraine representatives to get dirt on Trump to use during the campaign?

What we’re witnessing with all of this anti-Trump activity and all of these investigations, is the Washington establishment pushing the pedal to the metal to get rid of President Trump because he’s trying to bury the traditional insider way of doing the government’s business, and he’s trying, and so far has been stunningly successful, in applying common sense and good judgment to government operations and make the federal government align with the constitution once again.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Liberals Are Still Defending The Russians, But Now Downgrade Their Offenses

There was a time in American history when Liberals thought Russia was the promised land and Democrats predicted a Potemkin Village in every garage. But with the surprise electoral win of Donald Trump liberals swung quickly to the nearest offender against American interests, Russia, and began to identify the Russkies as enemies of America for the first time since World War II, and then conveniently associated Donald Trump with them as a way of attacking the new President.

Some examples of Russia’s international meddling prior to Trump:
1) One will recall Obama, on the open mic, caving to Putin’s demands in which he begged the Russian Prime Minister to beg Putin to give him time to get re-elected so he could pull America’s defensive missiles from Eastern Europe, as Putin demanded.
2) Russia got Ted Kennedy to help them work against the Reagan administration, and Teddy even flew to Moscow to meet personally with the Communists to undermine America.
3) Russia placed missiles in Cuba as a threat to America.
4) Russia developed nuclear missiles to threaten America.
5) Russia established bases in the Middle East in order to spread their evil.
6) Hillary sold twenty percent of America’s uranium supply to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars that showed up as donations to the Clinton Initiative, and resulted in six-figure paychecks for Bill Clinton’s worthless speeches.

But now the new evils of Russia have been toned down considerably by American Democrats. Instead of being a threat to America, now Russia is depicted as just being the tool of  Donald Trump as Trump “colluded” with them to win an election against Hillary (why would Russia want to defeat Hillary for president when they already owned her, lock-stock-and-barrel, for the uranium deal and her “reset button” stupidity?) by supposedly corrupting the voter data bases that then-president Obama said with absolute certainly, were not corrupted at all. The libs would have us believe that hacking American computer systems and data bases is not Russia’s fault at all, it’s that pesky Donald Trump that is to blame. This is all very confusing, and completely predictable.

So now it seems that while Democrats conveniently point fingers of accusation at Russia via Trump, they don’t want the Kremlin to think that they want to ruin their decades-long love affair with Moscow, they just want to be able to attack Trump and use Russia as the innocent Trump foil, and then it will be business as usual between Democrats and Russia once again after Trump is discredited and gotten rid of.

But I’ve got news for the Democrats and the fake news networks: Trump is not going to be undermined and discredited by the liberal, lying press because the patriotic mass of Americans will not buy the leftist lies about him. His weakening of the Environmental Protection Agency and getting America out of the Paris accords that assured the further weakening of America, were enough for us to support Trump forever.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Not A Blatant Act Of Racism And Intimidation? Does This Mean No More False News From CNN?

At Joint Base Andrews yesterday, July 8, 2017, as President Trump approached Marine-One for a flight to the White House following his successful trip to Europe to attend the G20 talks, he saw the cap of the Marine who was standing guard at the helicopter laying on the tarmac where the wind had blown it. The President deftly picked up the cap, placed it back on the head of the rigidly at-attention Marine, gave the Marine a pat on the arm and a word of encouragement into his ear to signify his appreciation for the young man’s service, and then boarded the aircraft.

The next thing I expect to hear from CNN about this event is that the President intimidated the Marine and frightened him by his abrupt approach, his invasion of the Marine’s personal space, his aggressively and angrily shoving the cap back on the Marine’s head, and that he assaulted the Marine by striking him on the arm and yelling racial insults into his ear. The Marine was, you see, a patriotic young black man, and to date CNN has not allowed any opportunity to pass in which they don’t misreport and lying misstate every act that President Trump makes. So I’m waiting for them to lie about this event and place as negative a twist on the President’s kindly actions as they can.

Where is the editorial staff of CNN to not lie about the President’s act of kindness and his obvious appreciation for the Marine’s selfless service to his country, that they don’t label his acts as racism and intimidation? I fear that CNN is not living up to its lying, hate-Trump standards and is beginning to slip a little bit. Could this cautious and risky first step lead to CNN’s impartially reporting the news as events occur instead of making every happening into a political crime worthy of punishment of some sort? I doubt it.

Friday, July 7, 2017

The Incredible Shrinking Putin

Looking more like the wheelchair-bound Stephen Hawking than the dictatorial, KGB strongman who rules Russia with a Soviet-style iron fist, Vladimir Putin sat compressed like a deflated rubber ducky as he met with President Trump in Hamburg at the G20 meeting on Friday.

Putin’s eyes were glued to the carpet, his features were grim and he appeared unable to even offer the trace of a smile as he dealt with America’s wealthy, self-made and personally successful president.

Perhaps Putin’s appearance and visage would be better compared with a Russian nesting doll, for it seemed that Putin was trying to disappear into himself instead of face the reality of a Donald Trump, who was prepared to take no crap from Putin, and who is reported to have demanded why Russia insists on attacking America’s computer systems.

Putin’s appearance was quite different on the occasions when he met with President Barack Obama. In those meetings Putin was the dominant male in the room, and he strutted and swaggered across the floor and sat militantly upright in his chair as the weak-kneed Obama tried to be just an aw-shucks homey who wanted to be Putin’s best man-friend. And one must not forget the open mic that recorded Obama begging the Russian Prime Minister to ask Putin to give him more time to get re-elected so he could better serve Putin’s demands to remove the defensive weapons that past administrations had located on Russia’s borders.

It’s quite revealing when we see world leaders who are supposed to be feared the most, and we find that they are half-pint twerps like Putin with only his steely, insane eyes with which to intimidate someone in person, and relies on the Soviet army to invade defenseless nations like Ukraine in order to prove how tough he is.

Do Liberals Have Any Principles At All?

Recently Paul Krugman, a columnist for the New York Times and someone who supposedly understands economics, wrote a piece describing the “cruelty” and “immorality” of Republicans, related to their efforts to repeal Obamacare.

Mr. Krugman’s most obvious objection to the Republican plan to repeal Obamacare is that people who now have Obamacare will “lose their healthcare”. This type of statement proves that Democrats don’t understand the meaning of immorality, because with a nation which was basically happy with their healthcare, the Obama administration unconstitutionally took that healthcare away with the passing of the Obamacare bill and caused many hard working, decent people to go broke trying to pay for its increased costs and increased deductibles, and this was aside from the people who actually lost their jobs and no longer had the money nor a legal right to buy their own insurance as the ACA employer mandates were implemented.

The specific charge of  Mr. Krugman of Republican “immorality” having been addressed, here are several examples of areas where Democrats and Socialists are absolutely immoral and lack any principles at all:

After eons of time when social norms were agreed on and constant, suddenly liberals insisted on same-sex marriage, which was a departure from any successful society ever known.

With the astounding success of American society to elevate women to positions of influence, education, wealth and leadership, liberals insist on preaching how mistreated and discriminated women are.

The gender identity push of the Obama administration was a regression intended to allow people who formerly fit successfully into society to now resent having to live as government sponsored LGBT subjects instead of as nature intended them to live.

In a nation that has always welcomed immigrants, the Obama administration opened the nation’s borders to any illegal who wanted to come here, thereby harming all naturalized citizens already here and encouraging mistreatment of other newly-arrived illegals.

Sanctuary cities are places where criminal illegal aliens can prey on other illegals who came here for peaceful, economic reasons, and the Democrat-run city governments in which sanctuary is practiced will protect the criminal and make the peaceful residents more vulnerable to attack.

One must always be reminded that Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was only passed with overwhelming Republican votes.

It’s the Democrats who have, for their own political reasons, trapped poor, largely minority citizens, in a perpetual spiral of welfare dependence on government handouts.

It’s Democrats who have pushed for minimum wage laws which only assure that fewer people are hired, and that the entire workforce is paid less on average.

Also worth mentioning, minimum wage laws also assure that young people, largely minority students, never get that first job that introduces them to the working world, so they tend to become dependents on welfare and the handouts that Democrats love to distribute in exchange for the dependent individual’s vote.

Democrats do, in their infinite immorality, have as least one dominating principle: They will do absolutely anything to win and assure everyone else loses.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

CNN Makes An Admission That They’ll Regret Forever

On July 2nd on CNN’s Reliable Sources, Brian Stetler made a statement that will live in infamy and burden the network forever. He was belly-aching about the video that showed an image of President Trump wrestling with a CNN logo and throwing it to the mat. Of course he was trying to make Trump out to be a violent, murdering maniac when he uttered the phrase “Is the president trying to impersonate Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin...”.

The surprising thing about Mr. Stetler’s words is not that they are anti-Trump and that CNN will criticize anything, even a comic image of the President besting CNN, and it’s not that they lack a shred of humor and are unable to laugh at anything President Trump does, it’s that, finally, the leftists at CNN are able to admit that socialists and communists like Chavez and Putin are very bad people and that they are not afraid to describe them in the worst possible light, because the worst possible light is exactly what they are trying to shine on Donald Trump when they associate Trump with the dictators.

I hope CNN remembers Stetler’s words the next time they praise Venezuela for it’s pristine socialist economy that they allege is serving the poor population of Venezuela at the expense of the evil capitalist oil industry (when in truth the socialist dictatorship of Venezuela, begun under Hugo Chavez, is literally starving it citizens to death while sitting on one of the largest oil reserves in the world), and I hope they recall what Mr. Stetler said when they report the invasion of Ukraine and the killing of innocent civilians in Syria, which totalitarian, militaristic campaigns were conducted by Russia’s Vladimir Putin, the heir to the Soviet throne of Joseph Stalin.

People grasping at straws in order to figuratively keep their heads above water, as CNN is struggling to do with their continued, unrelenting  attacks on President Trump, tend to step on their own message as they desperately tread water and spew whatever line of lies it takes in order to take their next gasping breath.

Tomorrow Hugo Chavez will again be equated to Robin Hood and Stalin’s Russia will once again be the pristine Potemkin Village that the New York Times’ Walter Duranty tried to get the world to believe in as Russia was killing its own citizens in the 1930s, but today these leftist icons are being used in an attempt to undermine Donald Trump and put him on the defensive. Politics is relative to CNN and all other leftists, so one can shame a dictator today and praise him tomorrow.

But the attacks from the left will not hurt Donald Trump because the American people know who’s telling the truth and who’s lying, and they are firmly on President Trump’s side in this battle for the hearts and minds of America.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Quality Of A Government Is Best Judged By Those Who Fear It

If you recall all of the big shot, Commander-In-Chief  bluster and pretend red-line drawing of Barack Obama, along with his expressed intention to keep ISIS “contained”, which all Americans knew at the time was a pile of crap, because we knew Obama would never oppose a Muslim cause, then you know full well that ISIS and rogue nations like Iran and North Korea did not fear Obama. But thinking Americans did fear Obama’s passive attitude toward those and other nations who have sworn to kill Americans.

On the subject of domestic dealings, Obama’s pledge to Fundamentally Transform America terrified every thinking American who heard his words and took them seriously. Obama would not stand up to our enemies and try to destroy them, but he would do everything in his power to destroy America from within, and this destruction from within was good news to those nations who hate America.

So if my analysis is accurate, and I believe it is, thinking Americans feared Obama and foreign enemies loved him.

But now we have a president who has reversed the tables. Donald Trump’s promise to Make America Great Again is thrilling to American citizens because it means a return to those policies that made America the most wealthy and free nation in the world. And his policy of launching military action when he has warned a bad actor of retaliation for attacks on innocent persons (Syria is a good example of a  rogue nation who now takes Trump seriously) is already gaining America more respect from our enemies.

When a government is feared by its own citizens, it’s a bad government.  But when a government is loved and respected by its citizens, it’s a good government.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Recent News From Leftists Shows Their Knownothingness

1) The Reporters Committee For The Freedom Of The Press is all over President Trump for the recently released video of a Trump figure thrashing the CNN logo. The reporters, of course, equate the playful imaging of  throwing the CNN logo to the mat, with an attack on the press and its constitutional freedoms. News flash for the press: people are not killed in wrestling matches. It was a cute video of a sporting event in which Trump was seen defeating a powerful opponent in cartoon form. The Reporters need to get a life.
What the good members of the Reporters Committee don’t understand is that the video is in fun, whereas the hunting-style, real weapon attack a few weeks ago of a Bernie supporter actually shooting several Republican elected politicians was truly deadly and no fun at all. And the Central Park depiction of President Trump being killed Caesar-style was also a liberal stunt with no fun intended.

2) In a speech that Barack Obama made on July 2nd  in Indonesia, the former president warned Americans to not show “too much” patriotism on July 4th as they celebrate America’s liberty. But I predict that Americans will demonstrate overly exuberant patriotism and happiness on the fourth this year because it’s the first Independence Day we’ve had in over eight years in which Obama is not in the White House. What we have with the speech in Indonesia is a situation of having “too much” Obama and his America-hating opinion.

3) Bernie Sanders is belly-aching about the way his wife is being treated by the FBI: unlike the treatment of Hillary, who got a pass from the Director of the FBI that ended her Email server investigation, Bernie’s wife is actually still under investigation for apparent crimes, while the Democrats continue to beat up on President Trump for alleged incidents for which there is no evidence of any wrong-doing at all. And isn’t it telling that the most popular candidate the Democrat Party had in the 2016 election process was not even a Democrat? The Independent Sanders generated more enthusiasm and excitement in the 2016 primaries than Hillary did, and the DNC even had to rig the nominating process to assure that Hillary won the party’s nomination. Democrats are in serious trouble.

4) Stephen Hawking, reportedly a very smart man, has expressed the opinion in The Sun that President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement could be the “tipping point” leading to the end of humanity. Evidently Mr. Hawking has not paid attention the last 50 years to the repeated similar, dire warnings of such luminaries as Paul Ehrlich, Ted Danson, Al Gore, Prince Charles, and all American Democrat politicians and movie stars, predicting disaster from the lie of warming/change, and still we’re here and Miami and New York City are not under the ocean. In fact the ocean is so not-rising that a new island has formed recently off the coast of North Carolina, and a new island is in the process of becoming visible in Hawaii. So I guess the inundation of the world and the end of humanity will have to wait a while longer, but the fools on the left will still be predicting doom every time the temperature reaches 90 degrees and each time a hurricane forms.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Democrats Are Turning On Obama

In a world of politically and socially shocking events, possibly that most surprising occurrence in recent memory is the criticism that Barack Obama is getting from his own Democrats. It seems that it was the infallible Obama who early-on was informed of the Russia hacking thing, and he did nothing to stop it because he thought that Hillary would become president and he would let her take care of Vladimir Putin following her election, possibly by implementing a new Reset with the former Soviet Union’s one-time KGB official (and we all know how successful Hillary’s last Reset with Russia was) and possibly offering Putin more of the United States’ precious uranium supply.

After Congressman Adam Schiff tried to put President Trump in jail for the lying claim that Trump was colluding with Russia to the detriment of America, Schiff is now turning on Obama for not trying hard enough, and for possibly not trying at all, to stop the Russian hacking of the DNC computers and Russia’s alleged access to the voting/election data base that the lying Democrats declare were tampered with to Trump’s advantage.

But one major point of concern not mentioned concerning Russia or any other nation,  friend or foe, trying to get into American computers, was Hillary’s wide open email server that had no protection at all and was likely invaded by every enemy of the United States multiple times due to the ignorance, stupidity and arrogance of Hillary Clinton. The president of the United States at that time was Barack Obama, and he did nothing to protect national secrets that may have resided on Hillary’s server, nor did he do anything to punish nor even criticize Hillary for her criminal carelessness, which carelesness was clearly listed and enumerated by the Director of the FBI in a pre-election televised statement, and many Democrats are waking up to Obama’s lazy, dangerous and laid-back  behavior as occupant of the Oval Office.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

In The World Of Ideas Democrats Are Losing Badly

Barack Obama was in great part a creation of the liberal press: his ideas were their ideas,  he got no critical press coverage because the liberal press loved him, loved his race and his persuasiveness (in fact it could be argued that his ideas were fed to him by the liberal press, following years of his immersion in leftist causes and old, outdated leftist ideas). On the other hand Republicans, many of them supposedly savvy, clever politicians, were too chicken to seriously raise a hew and cry against him for his intention to Fundamentally Transform America because they feared bad press reports on themselves if they did.

America went into the 2016 presidential campaign with the unbeatable Obama/Hillary team and the Dems got skunked by Republicans who began the campaign with a too-numerous field of candidates, all of whom were intent on tearing each other to shreds in order to get the nomination, thereby doing the liberal press’s destructive work for them during the primary, and then the Republicans ended up with the ridiculous, orange-headed Donald Trump for a presidential candidate, a man that the press could not seriously engage because they were laughing so loud and long at him.

But Donald Trump proved his persuasiveness and his ability to win the vote of the people, and not only won the presidency but was largely responsible for retaining the special election seats in congress when back-filling the open Congressional positions he drew from when filling his cabinet. The Democrats claimed they would win each of the five seats put up for a vote in these special elections, thereby proving that Trump’s election to the presidency was a mistake and that the voting public already regretted their votes for him, and they humiliatingly lost each one of them. Instead of buyer’s remorse, the American voters showed that they want more of what President Trump is promising and delivering with his ditching of the Paris accords and his ending of the avalanche of EPA regulations that were killing the economy.

Of course the leaders of the leftist opposition (Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, CNN) are unable to admit that their tired old, warn out ideas have been rejected by the American public, and after all of the unending abuse they have heaped on President Trump and his agenda, they are too obstinate and proud to suggest any traditional, patriotic, workable  policies as part of their own agenda, so they are left to twist and turn in the political wind and get nowhere with their failed ideas.

The narrow slice of Americans who went blindly along with the smooth-talking Obama  have begun to see the error of the last eight years and have now begun to join the more traditional majority of Americans supporting President Trump and his proven, substantial policies, which seems to be assuring the Trump administration’s political success in a divided nation.