The liberal press is intent on making Americans believe that they made a mistake last November by voting for Donald Trump for president. Every time any event related to Trump is reported they apply the most extreme negative slant to what Trump does and says, and it makes one wonder if Americans made a mistake when they cast their vote for Trump. Well, I’ll admit that I voted for Trump and I want to be certain that I did the right thing, even though the liberal press assures me that I did the absolute wrong thing. So let me review my vote and see if I did good, or bad:
I voted for the candidate whose election single-handedly made the stock market rise to unprecedented levels. That’s a good thing.
I voted for the candidate who, as president, has bravely stood up to North Korea and their nuclear threat. That’s good, too.
I voted for the candidate who removed America from the Paris Accords and refutes the lies told about climate change/warming. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who tried hard, in spite of foot-dragging from his Republican counterparts in the legislature, to repeal Obamacare. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who means it when he talks about building a wall and whose plain speaking has nearly halted illegal immigration across our southern border. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who has threatened to withhold funds from sanctuary cities if they continue to disobey federal immigration law. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who is calling the lying press “the lying press”. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who stands up to the lies the press tells and fires retorts back at them when they get in his face during pressers. That’s really good.
I voted for the candidate who has revised the rules of engagement for the military so our troops are no longer at a disadvantage on the field of battle. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who will, without flinching, call both the KKK and Black Lives Matter groups violent and despicable. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who is serious about tax relief in America. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who expresses horror at our historical statues and monuments being torn down by leftist freaks. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who tweets messages that keep us voters informed of his thinking, and which tweets also drive the liberal Democrats crazy. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who wants to end the social experimentation of allowing transgenders in the military. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the shaft that he got from the Obama Department of Justice, because Arpiao opposed Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional actions regarding illegal immigration. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who seems to “get-it” with his logo of Making America Great Again. That’s good.
I voted for the candidate who just keeps plugging toward achieving his announced goals in spite of the lies, personal insults and roadblocks the press throws at him constantly. That’s good.
After due consideration and reflection, I think my vote for Trump was the right thing to do, and I’d gladly do it again.