The scenes from the banned movie that the left is so offended by were nothing compared to the absolute savagery and violence that the left actually commits each day with their demonstrations, beatings, fire bombings and their police assassinations. Leftist radicals are now acting out the imagined and pretend violence they expressed with the severed head of Donald Trump and the tearing down of statues of Confederate, Democrat soldiers.
The radical left, in their rage for power and their anger at losing that power when Hillary was defeated by Donald Trump in the last presidential election, have lost contact with reality, and the American people know it and will reward them for their insane actions at the next election.
The losing left has really overstepped the bounds when they ban a simple, historical movie, while encouraging real and present violence with their marches to protest Charlottesville and their ravings about the racism that only they demonstrate, while they claim that President Trump is the problem. With the banning of this movie, can Nazi-like book burnings be far behind?