Carlson of Fox News has had a series of liberals on his program since
the Las Vegas mass killings, and he’s asked each liberal guest how
this horrible event could have been prevented.
of the guests just drift off with statements along the lines of all
Americans “working
together” and “coming
together” to resolve
anger and violence, as if liberals ever worked with conservatives on
anything to resolve any issue, and then they will push for more
restrictive checks
to be made when a weapon is purchased, which ideas fall apart because
criminals steal weapons or buy them illegally, which
means the criminal purchaser will not get an FBI check on his sanity
and intent.
of Carlson’s invitees also
said that there should be
a federal data base that would alert the FBI to persons accumulating
“too many” weapons, which the Las Vegas killer did, but this
argument is not substantial when you consider that anyone with
criminal intent would stop buying guns legally short of the federal
“too many” mark. So he would buy seven instead of the federal
limit of eight guns, the FBI would not be alerted, and much violent
action would still take place, so how is this idea any help?
truth is that liberals want total gun control and they want all guns
confiscated, which will only disarm honest citizens, but they know
that American citizens will not approve of confiscation,
so they founder with poorly thought ideas and
lie about their intent.
Unfortunately the old saw of “outlawing weapons means that only
outlaws will have weapons” is as true today as it’s always been,
and liberals are putting Americans at great risk with their stupid
ideas, the proof of which is that the liberal bastion of Chicago has
some of the strictest gun laws in the nation while also having
the highest murder rate in the nation, and that’s what happens when
liberals get their way.
be reminded of the dishonesty and lack of integrity of liberals, just
remember the famous and numerously repeated lies
of Barack Obama when he said these things about the disaster of
Obamacare: “You can keep your doctor, period; you can keep your
plan, period; and the average family will save $2500 a year”.
Liberals are veteran and forever liars, and when they tell us that
they don’t want to confiscate our guns, we
know that the Pinocchio effect is taking place.