to the idiotic, thoughtless and politically correct policies of
Barack Obama, yesterday, on Halloween Day, we saw Americans, and some
foreign tourists visiting New York City to enjoy its great freedom
and beauty, murdered by a Muslim terrorist who was allowed to enter
America on the absent-minded, pointlessly liberal policy of
“diversity”. So, using liberal thinking, one might be justified
in saying that “diversity” is killing Americans. The special
foolishness of seeking “diversity” in the first place is that
real diversity exists on its own, can be found everywhere and does
not need Liberal Democrats to seek it out and identify it and declare
it to exist in their skewed policies and programs.
Obama entered the Oval Office he swore to “fundamentally transform
America” and the man was good at his word in this single instance:
America has been transformed into a nation of free-flowing
immigrants, both legal and illegal, who are stalking Americans trying
to find a way to kill them for the sole reason that they are
Americans, and if some unfortunate Argentinians and Belgians are
killed in the process, as unfortunately happened yesterday, the
Muslim murderers take those deaths as an added plus.
add to Obama’s accomplishments the express and specific threats of
North Korea launching missiles at Guam and over the Japanese Islands,
and reading the Iranian statment that they may also launch missiles
at our over-seas military bases while they develop a nuclear missile
under Obama’s malicious, intentional and dunder-headed agreement
with that rogue nation, I’d say that our former president was quite
successful at “transforming America”. He allowed the North
Koreans to develop nuclear weapons and he gave the Iranians time and
the money to pay for their own nuclear development. I can recall
Obama making public statements that Iran would never be allowed to
obtain or develop such weapons, but what else can one expect from a
practiced liar?
there’s good old Chuck Schumer, a man who consistently makes some
of the most idiotic statements possible, providing an example of his
brilliance when he made the statement that Donald Trump is an
“anti-terror fraud after the New York Attack”. Our Chuck
evidently forgets that it was Donald Trump who asked for more
stringent immigration controls that liberal Democrats screamed
bloody-murder over and that liberal Federal judges halted, and that
the recent killings in NYC resulted from a man who entered America
under Obama’s watch and his policies, not Trump’s, and was given
access under the crazy scheme of the liberal “diversity visa
program”. But liberals like Schumer are practiced liars and one can
bet that they next words out of their mouths will be falsehoods,
because the previous ones were.