Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

The “You Didn’t Build That” Aspect Of Illegal Immigration

Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren were famous for their idiotic statement of “you didn’t build that” in their leftist attempt to deny American hard work, ingenuity and risk-taking any credit for the wealth, liberty and comfort of our lives. These loyal, big-state leftists were attempting to credit big, intrusive government for all of the success that the nation of America has experienced since the beginning of the industrial revolution. But the truth is that government can only take and confiscate the wealth earned by the citizens via taxation and ruinous regulations. It has no way to create wealth, and under Democrat administrations it has no desire to do so.

What Obama and Pocahontas were blowing off about is that our governments uses the ingenuity and hard work of free Americans and then, using money derived from taxation, they hire the gas lines, power lines, telephone lines, sewer lines and build roads into expanding parts of towns where citizens live and work, and then credit government for all of the hard work and expenditure of the taxed money, which should actually be attributed to American citizens and corporations. Liberals are always seeking a way to make citizens feel like they are prospering on the backs of people less fortunate than themselves, thereby building up resentment among those who have less wealth and fewer things, and this is just the latest twist on the liberal insistence that you should feel guilty for your comfort and liberty because you didn‘t earn it, work for it or pay for it: liberals want you to think that the government is to thank for your nice, pleasant life.

So this takes us to the liberal idea of illegal aliens having the right to live in America and become voting citizens, because of all of the poverty and hunger of the hellholes they are coming from, much of which poverty and hunger, according to Democrats, was caused by the colonial theft from their impoverished nations by America, which therefore caused those nations to remain impoverished for centuries. The Democrat proposal for America to redeem itself is to give citizenship to the illegal aliens infecting American cities, give them healthcare, welfare, schools, allow them to vote, but most of all, give them “sanctuary” from Donald Trump and his racist desire to kick them out of the country, break up families and keep them poor. But the Democrat lie about being concerned for the benefit of immigrants was made visible for all to see when President Trump proposed that we let 1.6 million DACA subjects remain to reside in the United States in exchange for the promised wall to be built along our southern border, and the Democrats rejected  this proposal, which served the best interests of their DACA constituents and denied this simple, effective compromise with the President.

The attempt by Democrats to make Americans feel guilty about their pleasant lives is, of course, a misrepresentation of the truth. It’s not as though Americans have always lived in comfort. Our current level of comfortable living comes from past generations of Americans who worked long, hard hours in fields and factories, and many current citizens continue to do the same hard work today. This effort and its dedication to serving future generations is why America has achieved the most pleasant living standard in the world.

Greg Gutfeld, a co-host on the Fox program, The Five, has often complained about the way these invading immigrant forces coming across our border are enjoying life on the backs of working, saving and investing Americans, and if the influx continues, all people residing in America will see their standard of living reduced as the burden on those still working is increased to the breaking point by the demands of those happily accepting welfare in this land of alleged milk and honey. But the gravy train can’t last forever, and the goodies are not free: someone has to pay for them. However, Democrats tell their new subjects, both immigrants and young American students, that the selfishness of Americans will have to end and that the good life for all immigrants is just a vote away, as long as the vote is for a Democrat candidate.

The truth is that the people being mistreated here are the working, tax paying citizens of this nation, and if the trend continues, as the liberals hope it will, America will begin to look like one of the hellholes from which the current influx of immigrants is escaping. In fact areas of California are already beginning to look like a third-world nation, with tons of human waste being scooped from hobo camps and thousand of drug needles being disposed of, in the middle of one of the formerly most beautiful parts of the world.

But they’re Democrats, and that’s what they do.

When Sanctuary From Evil Becomes Sanctuary From Justice

The reason liberals originally established sanctuary cities was to provide actual and real  sanctuary from the poverty generated by the police states and dictatorial governments that the incoming immigrants were trying to escape.

But now these sanctuary seekers are biting the hand that they expect to feed them, and the only sanctuary being sought, now that they are safely in the United States, well fed, indoctrinated, politically motivated in anti-Trump rhetoric, protected by liberal Democrats and feeling entitled to even more benefits, is sanctuary from justice and protection from the mean ole Trump administration, as the federal policing agencies attempt to capture violent criminals in their midst.

In other words, these former cities, and now entire states, of real sanctuary have become a hiding place for violent criminals, and this horror story, and its accompanying constitutional crisis, was caused by liberal Democrats in their search for future dependents to vote for their leftist, Democrat candidates, in exchange for getting the often fearful and uncertain immigrants settled into the wonderful life of welfare dependence, where they will live in yet another state of imposed poverty, this one under American, Democrat rule.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Libs Progress From Offering Sanctuary From Threats Abroad To Needing Sanctuary From Threats Within

Thinking Americans will fondly recall the old (well at least as old as last year, given the frequency with which liberal Democrats are finding things to hate about America in the first year of the Trump administration) leftist screed that the illegal immigrants flowing like water across our borders were simply seeking “asylum“, then they renamed it “sanctuary”, from a foreign, oppressive, poverty-plagued, tyrannical government, and they claimed these unfortunate people were coming to America simply to find a place where they could raise their families in an environment of peace and opportunity.

Then Donald Trump was elected and liberals suddenly and gleefully took great offense in his identifying the foreign illegal immigrant invaders as refugees simply trying to escape foreign “hellholes”. The Democrat jargon immediately switched from these illegal immigrants needing sanctuary from the foreign rulers, to needing sanctuary from the President of the United States. Liberals were, of course, eager to identify a new crisis that they could politicize and profit from, so they began setting up “sanctuary” cities and then “sanctuary” states, that would protect these mostly-peaceful invaders of our borders from the evil Donald Trump. Another way of expressing the sanctuary lie is that liberals were protecting their future voters from the laws duly passed by the legislature of the United States. In still other words, they were and are breaking federal law.

What really happened is that liberals set up fictitious areas of refuge, called areas of “sanctuary”, that we now know are protecting murderers, thieves and wife beaters from justice, and it allows these criminals to continue to prey on the peaceful illegals also residing in sanctuary cities, with no fear of being arrested and put behind bars nor of being deported for their crimes.

So now the illegal aliens are securely ensconced in the United States where they can cast votes for Democrat candidates and assure a Democrat majority for the next fifty years, and the pivot in their ridiculous “sanctuary” scheme is that immigrants are being protected by liberal mayors and governors from any obstruction to their being illegally given a right to vote so they can become the new welfare class living in fear and poverty under Democrat tutelage, kind of like the old urban, poor, blacks that were kept on the Democrat plantation for so many years, and who are now finding employment, rising again to the middle class and approaching full employment after being liberated by the Trump administration, from the former Democrat entrapment.

One has to give Democrats credit for finding new voters to keep them in office, and now is a time when scandals and illegal acts from the top levels of the Obama administration, along with Trump’s reduced tax rates and the resulting improved job market, are reducing the Democrats’ chances of ever again gaining power from English-speaking and English-reading Americans. The new under-class residing in sanctuary cities and states only know that now they are getting enough to eat, their kids are in school, they are getting free healthcare and are getting welfare checks, and since many can neither understand nor read English, they don’t know that they are being taken advantage of by crooked Democrats and will in due course find themselves in a new form of hellhole in these liberal enclaves.

One hopes that our government will put these criminal Democrat “sanctuary” leaders in jail, soon.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Former Supreme Justice Reveals Anti-Constitution Bias

Don’t Supreme Court Justices have to swear to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States? If they don’t have to, they should. After all, it’s their job to interpret things happening in our society today and judge them against the constitution to determine if they obey the constitution or are in contradiction to it.

So it was somewhat a surprise to hear a former Justice of the Supreme Court, John Paul Stevens, say that he would like to see the second amendment of the constitution repealed. I would like to see a legal scholar research the decisions of former Justice Stevens and see how he decided when cases involving the second amendment came before the court while he was a member. If he decided that the second amendment could be interpreted as denying people to own guns then it’s probable that he always held a position in contradiction to the amendment, and that would be a violation of his oath as a justice.

It’s long been a tradition for liberal judges to decide constitutional issues based on their opinion and prejudice, not on the wording of the constitution, but to have a former justice announce that he doesn’t agree with the constitutional wording of the nation’s founders, suggests that liberal judges just want to do away with our constitution and make up rules as they go along and thereby change society as the see fit at the time.

We need more conservative judges on the Supreme Court, and the lower courts as well, so we can have a fully functioning constitution: Make America Constitutional Again.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

In Chicago The Carnage Continues, But It Doesn’t Stop Liberals From Wanting More

HEADLINE: Seventeen students dead in Parkland, Florida Shooting.

NO HEADLINE: One Hundred Fifty Six young men dead in Chicago shootings.

One might well ask what the difference is between the two events listed above in the imaginary newspaper headlines, and why are there no headlines for the 156 young people killed in Chicago since the occurrence of the Parkland, Florida shootings, in which the smaller fatality rate of 17 students was reported, and reported, and reported. The reason is that Chicago is a proud, supposedly safe and secure gun-free city, and all of its 156 shooting victims were black men. That‘s why the liberal news organizations are silent on the carnage occurring in the gun-free, sanctuary city of Chicago. But the opportunity to make political hay out of the Florida shootings really gets their anti-gun juices, and their newsprint, flowing.

It’s  much easier to get emotions riled when white, or at least white-but-dark-skinned children are killed than when black gang members are killing each other. And this statistic undermines too, the liberal, lying talking point that when you get rid of guns you get rid of gun deaths. Actually when you get rid of guns, you leave only the bad guys in possession of guns, so you leave the way open for more killings by really bad people who are then free to attack people with no defense except to throw rocks and hide in the closet, as at least one teacher suggested is a good defense against a rifle.

When real statistics get in the way Liberals just ignore them and press on with their misleading, dishonest presentation. They don’t want people talking about black killings so they pretend they don’t happen. They pretend that gun-free zones, like Chicago, protect their citizens from gun deaths, so they pretend the deaths aren’t happening. The evidence is clear, that if we get rid of guns, every town in America will look more like Chicago.

And then we come to the subject of racism and Democrats and we know why the daily killings in Chicago are not used to sponsor parades and day-long TV spots in support of getting rid of guns. Liberal Democrats don’t care if black people are dying so they concentrate elsewhere and attack Republicans and conservatives for wanting to preserve our second amendment rights, as a distraction from their own racist practices.

But Democrats don’t want to get rid of a problem like guns and racism, they just want to use and exploit these events. For most people, when a situation gets-as-bad-as-it-can-get, they will stop the old, failing ways and try something new. But Democrats want the continuation of the anti-gun agenda to get support from their rabble, so they’ll never face the fact that guns in the hands of honest people provide protection and are not harmful to anyone. They don’t want the gun controversy to end, they are getting too much CNN, on-air, time with things as chaotic as they are.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Liberals Appear Confused About The Anti-Gun “Children’s March”

Last weekend’s “Children’s March”, advertised by liberals Democrats as initiating a revolution, exclusively under control and at the direction of teenagers, to get rid of guns in America, demonstrates to any thinking adult that liberals are somewhat confused about the value they place on children. It depends on whether the children serve any immediate political purpose to liberals, or not, as to the value they place on them.

For the big liberal group oddly named Planned “Parenthood“, the only value of children is when they are aborted and their body parts are sold to the highest bidder. But last weekend’s Children’s March in Washington was nevertheless dedicated to the children who survived the Parkland shooting in Florida, and most of them did survive, thankfully.  The obscene twist on the occasion and the dedication of this event to children, is that  a child’s possibility of survival past the womb stage is slight and unlikely after being placed in Planned Parenthood’s clutches. Schools are a safer place for children to be, even when there’s shooting going on, than the Planned Parenthood premises.

If Planned Parenthood hadn’t had their way with ending children’s lives for the last 17 years, they really would be able to mount a revolution, considering the total number of all children aborted during this period of time.  Just think of the additional tens of thousands of revolutionaries the Democrats would be able to indoctrinate and assemble today, to burn buildings and throw bombs, if they had not aborted all of the young lives that have been taken these last several years.

And the pretense that the recent march was thought of and brought about by the “children” is a farce. All of the logistics of getting governmental approval for the parades, renting and assembling the busses, having the pretty protest signs printed up, getting CNN and MSNBC to dedicate an entire day to TV coverage of the various events; all of this was done by Democrat operatives and professional mob-renters, not students.

Friday, March 23, 2018

White Privilege Is Making a Comeback, But It’s Really Liberal Privilege

Recently one of the surviving students from the Parkland, Florida, school shooting took on the task of explaining how white privilege is to blame for any of our nation‘s problems, but especially how whites are just plain mean. Of course this student has been thoroughly indoctrinated by leftist teachers and leftist, Democrat operatives and is just regurgitating the liberal side of things. So in that light, I’d like to make some non-leftist observations on this wholly created and overblown theory of white privilege, and use those observations to accuse the left of being the real and actual supremacists, whether they be black or white or white-Hispanic or whatever:

The proof of liberal, Democrat supremacy, in which poor people, both black and white, are mistreated, is to be found in the various welfare programs which are way too numerous in America. The unfortunate people trapped in these programs are needed by Democrats for the votes they render that keep Democrat politicians in office. Therefore, welfare has been made too pleasant and lacks the shame that once kept people from resorting to this trap as a way of life. When people are on welfare they lack the exhilarating feeling of accomplishment that one gets from working, supporting a family, achieving success and hopefully becoming somewhat wealthy. The Democrat party is using these people for their own, selfish, political ends. It’s true that most Democrat power brokers are white, but all of them, whether black or white,  are liberals, so the cause of welfare recipients’ misery is due to Liberal Privilege.

Planned Parenthood kills numerous babies each year, either just because they can, or in order to sell the baby parts they harvest as a result of their efforts. It’s been long known that the originator of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, implemented her movement as a way of getting rid of the black race by killing their babies. So Ms Sanger got the abortion ball rolling using black babies, and liberals expanded the murderous practice to all races; of course there’s no racism involved with these Privileged Liberal policies.

Non-violent illegal aliens live in constant fear of being attacked by violent illegal aliens, and the sanctuary city calamity that is protecting the violent illegals was of course begun by white liberals who exercised their privilege by pretending to welcome any and all illegals into the country as long as they would vote Democrat in each and every election. That’s who liberals are, and that’s what they do. So peaceful illegal aliens suffer and have to live under the threat and fear of the violent illegals, because American Democrats, exercising Liberal Privilege, need their vote.

In a prosperous society, welfare can survive because it takes a relatively small portion of the total budget of the government in order to sustain it. But after the reign of Obama with his doubling of America’s debt in just eight years, America’s national debt continues to increment and shows no hint of stopping soon. So before too long our debt will reach the breaking point, and the poorest and least well-situated citizen or non-citizen among us will be hurt worst by the enormous interest rate our government will have to pay in order to get more international loans to continue its spending. So anyone on welfare  and the as-yet unborn will be hit first and hardest as our government runs out of money and begins to disintegrate. Thanks be to Obama, a true Liberally Privileged person.

Again, in reference to the Democrat welfare scheme that has locked so many poor Americans in such a state of despair, failure and non-accomplishment, for a single mother to get approval to receive welfare payments, she must not have a man in the house. We know that there are men around because the women keep having more children in order to increase their income and government welfare benefits, but heaven forbid that the rules would force them to stop having additional fatherless children. No, the rules of Liberal Privilege Democrats instead demand that there be no man of record in the household to help raise and provide for the children. The result of this thoughtless provision is that the children of welfare mothers are more likely than the average child to commit crimes, too likely to be killed in gang wars, and they are destined to eventually create more welfare-bound single mothers, and this cycle of failure and depravity, based mainly on the fatherless family, continues to be sustained by Democrats. As stated above, this all comes from white Democrats who think the world needs them and their privilege of ruling over the lesser-races.

The racism of low expectations has been much spoken of. Democrats and their Liberal Privilege think that blacks and other minorities cannot make it on their own, but need help from white Democrats, who will gladly give them money and stuff, as long as the politician gets their vote in return. This is pure and simple racism and Liberal Privilege coming from liberal Democrats.

The only actual, real privilege I’m aware of is Hillary Clinton thinking she deserves the presidency and Chelsea Clinton, just out of college, being awarded a six-figure income from NBC for which she did nothing the entire year of the contract. And she got this rather high salary simply because she is a Clinton and the leftist liberal news agents at NBC wanted the favorable, handy access to and contact with the first family of American crime.

The only privilege in this declining society of ours is Liberal Privilege, the kind of privilege that Barack Obama got without question for eight years as he destroyed and Fundamentally Transformed America, and this outrage must end NOW!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Democrats Reincarnate Past Events For Their Political Benefit

1. When Bill Clinton was believably being accused of rape and was afraid of his womanizing hurting his presidential bid, Hillary fired up the Bimbo Eruption team to intimidate, attack and publicly embarrass Bill’s accusers. But when someone like Stormy Daniels claims to have had a past relationship with Donald Trump, none of which relationships were performed in the Oval Office with young White House interns and all of which were consensual, Democrats celebrate her courage for coming forward, believe every word she says and insists that Trump leave office now.

2. When Obama was caught on a hot mic begging Vladimir Putin to give him time to get re-elected so he could do Putin’s bidding, Democrats said not a word about this obvious act of collusion. But in spite of there being no known act to justify charges, and after over a year of intense investigation by Robert Mueller finding no corroborating evidence, the Democrats crow daily about Trump’s imagined Russian collusion.

3. When Obama congratulated Vladimir Putin upon his re-election as the ruler of Russia, Democrats claimed it was just the polite thing to do for a major international figure. But when Trump congratulates Putin for his re-election, the liberal press paints Trump as being a fool and treats the event as proof of his collaboration with Russia.

4. When Obama failed to obey the Supreme Court decision that only the federal government, and not the state of Arizona, could enforce or make policy rulings regarding immigration laws, he chose to disregard the Supreme Court and to NOT enforce any immigration or border control laws at all, and the liberal press watched silently as America was inundated with illegal aliens. But when Trump disregards a staffer’s suggestion that he not congratulate Putin on his re-election, the liberal press calls Trump a fool, states that he knows nothing about international relations and describes his administration as being in chaos.

5. While Bill Clinton was being investigated by special counsel Ken Starr for various affronts to disciplined, decent behavior, Clinton operatives in the liberal press and the Democrat party called Starr a pervert and a sex fiend for digging up all of the dirt on Bubba Bill, but if Trump makes even a slight negative reference to Mueller and his year-long fishing expedition against the Trump presidency, which has discovered no evidence at all of improper behavior, the Democrats want Trump removed from office.

6. When the Obama campaign team used social media resources to reach and increase supporters to his cause, he was called a genius for his wise and innovative use of such data. But when the Trump team uses the same data for his presidential effort, he’s accused of invading privacy, of having stolen the data for his illegal use, etc, and the Democrats insist on a complete investigation of Trump‘s untoward political actions.

7. When Bill Clinton was being pursued by various women for mistreating them, the Democrats said that those charges had nothing to do with Clinton’s wise decisions and actions as president and were irrelevant to his office. But when Trump has a single woman say that he broke a contract with her, Democrats scream that Trump is not presidential and should be impeached.

8. While still a senator, Barack Obama was photographed with the hateful and violent racist, Louis Farrakhan, as they laughed and chuckled it up, probably at the expense of Farrakhan’s much despised “evil Jews“, and the Democrats caused the photograph to be buried for ten years until Obama was safely out of office.  But Democrats call Trump a racist for just drawing breath each day.

The modern, post-Obama Democrat party has become a third-world, lying, America-hating, undemocratic movement made crazy-insane by the election of Donald Trump and the rejection of the Obama-lite candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Anyone who in the least wants America to remain a free, prosperous nation, must get behind Donald Trump and work for the defeat of his various enemies, the least of whom is Robert Mueller.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Oops! Libs Foiled Again, When A Gun PREVENTS A Killing Spree

The latest school mass shooting, this time in Maryland, was brought up short of the number of students killed in the Florida school shooting a month ago, by the only thing that can  assure the end to such an event: a good guy with a gun, and the courage to use it.

Notice I didn’t say that the gun stopped the killing, unlike liberals who always blame the gun, and not the shooter, for any shooting, by repeating the old crap of “guns kill people”. But don’t expect liberals to now say that in cases like this one “guns save people”, because they are radical ideologues who are mentally unable to look at or think about any thing or any policy not pushed by Barack Obama or the idiots Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi or Charles Schumer, and reach an independent, self-arrived-at conclusion as to its value or detriment to society.

But to repeat my point, the gun in the hands of the Maryland School Resources Officer stopped the school shooting and limited the harm to the students in the building. One only hopes that other school districts adopt this plan for a “gun protected zone” to replace the many “gun free zones” that are not only not protecting schools across America, but seem to be attracting demented attackers to them.

Guns are only as good or bad as the person pulling the trigger. One could easily extend this logic to national defense, where we spend billions of dollars to build defensive missiles to protect the nation from an enemy’s offensive missiles. And if the defensive missile is sufficiently sophisticated, it will deter any future attack from a rogue nation, thereby ending the threat of an attack even being attempted or initiated.

Although the Maryland shooting has to be reported to the public, one hopes the name and all personal aspects of the shooter’s life and identity are withheld from public reporting, thereby taking the glamour out of such an attack and hopefully deterring any future nut-case from repeating this type of crime for the fame and the celebrity status they feel it may give them.

One hates to get political in such matters, but everyone should be reminded of the Bernie Sanders follower who shot House Republicans a few months ago and nearly killed Steve Scalese, as they were assembled in a DC suburb to play baseball. In that event the gun in the hands of Mr. Scalese’s body guard killed the attacker. The liberal fake news media did not report that event to the extent they would have otherwise, because it ended when a good gun killed a bad guy, but they kept it under wraps and didn’t blow it into a political football they could use against Donald Trump and the NRA because a practicing, believing liberal, committed the crime.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

With Trump In Charge, The Swamp Gets Smaller

First James Comey bit the big one when President Trump fired his lying, politically motivated rear end, then Trump fired Andrew McCabe before he could begin collecting retirement and become a further burden to American taxpayers. There were also smaller fish who were demoted or who resigned when they saw the constitutional writing on the wall, and got out before they could be fired for dishonesty and political malfeasance while doing their jobs. There are still a great many swamp-dwelling leftists occupying positions of importance and influence in the judiciary and the Department of Justice, but maybe these people realize that the Trump administration will not permit the big guys to exercise dictatorial power and do whatever they want to do, and hopefully they will straighten out their act and begin performing law-enforcement duties in a lawful manner.

Next, Attorney General Jeff Sessions should make the statement that the lack of evidence  produced so far by Mueller, along with the findings of the DOJ Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, which findings tell us that the entire collusion scam was bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign, that the FBI did numerous things that are illegal and were politically motivated in order to convince the FISA court to allow the Dossier to be considered reliable, verified evidence, so that the illegal surveillance of Trump could begin; and that all of this evidence calls for Sessions to reverse his decision to recuse himself. Then Sessions should immediately fire Mueller and stop the invasion of privacy that Trump, his staff and his hotel business are having to undergo, given the absence of any evidence of any collusion after fourteen months of investigations.  Getting rid of the special counsel would lower the swamp a few more inches.

The government should also give Michael Flynn two million tax free dollars as compensation for having lost most of his savings and wellbeing while being hounded by the Mueller gang, which  harassment caused Flynn to have to sell his home and nearly go bankrupt trying to pay exorbitant fees to high-priced Washington lawyers, for the mortal sin of supporting Donald Trump for president. That’s the kind of people liberal Democrats are.

The problem with important, powerful government officials who are feted and fawned over, is that it is nearly impossible to get their attention. Well, Donald Trump now has their attention, and they know that the law and the constitution will be followed under his leadership. But the next major stumbling block will be the leftist fools extending  sanctuary for illegal aliens and protecting criminals from justice in their ultra-liberal bastions of blue. Once the Trump administration has put these nut-cases in federal prison for their illegal activities, maybe our nation can get back to being great again.

But the effort to get rid of ambitious, crooked politicians will be a long-lasting undertaking because one thing you can say about liberals is that their need for power and control over other citizens drives them to the most exhausting lengths necessary to gain and retain that control. Even though Andrew McCabe should be embarrassed for the public exposure of the illegal and improper things he’s done in his attempts to keep Trump out of office, he’s already claiming that this entire DOJ/Obama administration Dossier scam is Trump’s fault, and he put forth the statement that, to a thinking person’s mind, proves his guilt in this entire matter, when he said that his firing was proof that Trump is trying to undermine the Mueller investigation. So after himself being investigated by his own board of professional ethics and after being accused of illegally and improperly leaking investigative information to the press, he’s still claiming, as all good liberal Democrats do, that it’s Trump’s fault. Welcome to the DC swamp at its most filthy.

So even after a year of an intense investigation, and after the FBI and the DOJ tried repeatedly to generate proof of Trump’s collusion with Russia, and after the public has seen evidence of FBI investigators attempting to keep Trump out of office or assure his impeachment if he should actually take office, one of the top, just-fired FBI agents still expresses his political opinion that Trump is guilty and should be removed from office. This sort of thing is simply chilling and shows how close the nation came to a dictatorship during the Obama administration.

Conservatives just want to be left alone to prosper and seek happiness in their achievements and their families, unlike liberals for whom material possessions and family relations alone are not enough to satisfy their quest for power and control. All American citizens can do is get ready for a battle and show support for Donald Trump as he champions our cause and meets the enemy in mortal combat.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Wow, The Democrat “Big Blue Wave Coming” Certainly Is Diminutive

The usual blowhards on the left were puffing up and reassuring the liberal rabble recently with their predictions that Donald Trump had upset the nation, that he is unfit for the presidency, that the Republicans are losing ground in the House and Senate, that the Trump administration is in chaos, and aside from that, a big blue wave of elected Democrats is already on the horizon and moving this way fast, and it will swamp the Republicans and end the Republican political domination in Washington. Oh, and it’s easy to forget, Trump is a racist.

Well, one learns over time that even the most unexpected things can happen, and after listening to the crowing from Democrats in 2016 about the inevitable Hillary election, and in fact even as late as election night in November, 2016, all of the polls showed Hillary winning handily over Trump, and all of the smart set on CNN and MSNBC were congratulating Hillary in advance for her win, soon to come, and the likes of Robert Mueller and his entire Trump-collusion investigating team were making plans to attend Hillary’s grand election celebration. And then she lost.

Lately the Democrats have been boasting about a certain, hands down victory blow-out win in this week’s Pennsylvania House special election, but here it is three days after the election was held and the lead is so small for the Democrat candidate, two-tenths of a percentage point was the last status I saw, plus some polling place irregularities are being investigated by the Republicans, that even this election may not end up being won by the candidate of the left. But the closeness of the vote certainly does not indicate a bright future for the party of the Clinton duo and Barack Obama.

But I encourage Democrats to keep looking for that blue wave, and keep bad-mouthing Trump’s tax reduction for middle America; keep blaming him for North Korea’s nuclear threats to Hawaii, Guam, Japan and South Korea; keep blocking ICE from trying to arrest criminal aliens to prevent them from killing again; keep hiding bad people in your idiotic sanctuary cities; keep releasing alien criminals and protecting them from prison or deportation; keep giving the vote to illegal aliens; keep giving free healthcare to illegal aliens; keep giving welfare benefits to illegal aliens; keep pushing for a prohibition of all guns from American citizens; keep allowing the FBI to present false evidence in the Trump-collusion debacle; keep harassing Trump with this unsightly Mueller investigation, and you’ll see a wave coming, but it will be a wave of good-bye to your sorry, leftist rear ends after your political party and its criminal, unconstitutional, anti-America agenda is defeated, again.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

From Guns To Kids: Just Pawns In The Liberal’s Political Game

Yesterday, March 14, 2018, many school children were released from school to march and protest for school safety in memory of the seventeen students who were killed in Florida a few weeks ago. The sentiment was fine, but this blatantly political move of leftists is sickening.

Since the mission of this little outing was school safety, the liberal organizers showed poor judgment and little concern for their own students’ safety by letting them out to march, one might even say, play, in the traffic. We heard that in the DC area some kids were blocking traffic on Interstate 95 and the Belt highway. That’ll sway local DC residents trying to get to work or pick up younger children from daycare and will encourage them to think favorably about the organizers’ side of the gun/child endangerment argument. And what does blocking traffic have to do with gun safety, anyway?

The organizers in this effort were encouraging the young people to make illogical, emotional arguments so the students can feel good about themselves and pretend to be “grown-up” like the teachers and the organizers, but all I saw from this typical leftist demonstration was the teachers trying to get the students to make the leftist points the teachers have been feeding them in class the last month, which would enable the teachers to feel good about themselves, too, knowing that they and their immature arguments, and their ignorance of our nation’s Bill of Rights, think right along the same lines as the students. That way the teachers can be assured they’re agreeing with equals and be proud of their anti-constitution efforts.

The teachers should try discussing the subject with adults for a change instead of feeding words to kids and then nodding their heads in agreement when the students regurgitate those words back to them. The subject is much more nuanced than the teachers realize, and the subject-matter goes deeper than a 7th grade debate team.  But emotion satisfies Democrats because they really believe they’ve “made a difference” and contributed to a solution, when all they’ve done is muddy the water and make the situation worse.

In actuality the organizers of this idiotic demonstration were just more anti-Trump, leftist Antifa fighters and burners without the masks, and Occupy Wall Street punks minus the rape tents, and the entire student march was child abuse and child endangerment, and these fools should be put in jail for their offenses against the children.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Democrats Are “Concerned” About Trump Getting The “Right People In Place”. But I’m Not.

Now, with several Trump administration positions having been vacated in the last few days, the liberal Democrats, in an obvious, cheap attempt to dump criticism on their worst enemy, Donald Trump, are wringing their hands about Trump not being able to “get the right people in place”. It’s true that Barack Obama didn’t have the same level of turnover in his administration, but that’s more a sign of leftists all being in agreement as to how to “Fundamentally Transform America” along the lines passed down to us from Karl Marx, than a concern for a smoothly functioning government.

As proof that Obama had fewer vacancies than Trump, but that his administration did a much worse job of preserving our constitution, our wealth and our liberties, I would offer the following list:

1. Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for not allowing the legislative branch see records related to the horrible scandal of Fast and Furious, and Obama remained silent on the matter of the first contempt charge being registered against a sitting Attorney General.
Attorney General Holder also nationalized several police forces throughout the country, beginning with the Ferguson, Mo., police department, thereby taking control of a locally-controlled force and shaping it to be a leftist, police-hating department that would allow criminals to run free for fear of upsetting the Black Lives Matters movement, along the lines of  our modern-day sanctuary cities schemes, which idea gained popularity later.

2. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the Obama appointee, if Democrats will recall, who employed an illegal and unsecured email system that allowed our national enemies to access her classified messages and do untold subversive things with the classified information they contained. She even intentionally passed along classified messages to her minions, messages that they didn’t have the clearance to see, and then lied, under oath, to the FBI about her illegal actions.
Hillary Clinton also sold a large portion of America’s Uranium supply to Russia in exchange for over a hundred million dollars of contributions to the Clinton family slush fund and Global Initiative.

3. Obama’s IRS  leader, Lois Lerner, illegally prevented Republicans and other conservatives from using the IRS laws to their advantage, but she allowed Democrats to use the law to their full tax benefit. This is the height of political corruption, and Obama let it slide.

4. Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, went public several times in order to cover up the Benghazi scandal and the American lives that were lost there, and we still don’t know what happened that night, nor do we know why Barack Obama was missing-in-action during the entire event.

5. Omama’s Healthcare czar, Ezekial Emanual, was successful in unconstitutionally and illegally depriving Americans of their chosen healthcare plan and forced Obamacare on them, to their great economic and personal health disadvantage.

6. The Obama administration introduced their leftist Promise Program, which phonied-up crime statistics in an attempt to show a sharp reduction in minority crime rates under the Obama presidency, but only accomplished such an outcome on paper, and this farce ultimately led to the Florida school shooting in which seventeen students were killed by a young man with an Hispanic name, but he was not investigated because the Promise Program paid the police to ignore such suspicions of minority threat.

7. The Obama administration not only allowed Iran to continue to develop a nuclear weapon, but it helped that cause along by giving the Mullah’s a cargo plane full of a billion-and-a-half dollars of various nation’s cash currencies.

8. The Obama administration expressed an intention to “contain” ISIS as this evil force raped and murdered its way across the Middle East. Whomever was advising Obama had no intention of containing these mass murderers for a second.

9. The Obama administration illegally and unconstitutionally opened up our southern border to masses of invaders, and allowed Democrat mayors to set up sanctuary cities in order to protect the illegal alien criminals that flowed across our borders by the tens of thousands.

10. The Obama administration increased regulations and taxes on American businesses to the point that unemployment increased heavily as corporations were burdened by the job-killing regulations, and were also hit hard by healthcare costs following the passage of Obamacare.

11. Obama appointed at least two Supreme Court justices based not on their standing with the Bar Association, but based exclusively on their sex, politics and ethnicity.

The Trump administration has been more successful at getting its promised agenda in place in its first year than most administrations have accomplished in four years, and in doing so Donald Trump has done more to restore prosperity and liberty to America than  any president in history. With Trump’s concentration on the American constitution and obeying the laws of the land, thinking people are not worried about a little movement among his cabinet, the various Secretaries and his White House staff. Liberal administrations only appoint people to official positions who are willing to push for the “Fundamentally Transform of America”, and that process leads to corruption of the most severe sort for a constitutional democracy.

Call me old fashioned, but I’ll take a patriot like Trump any day, staff shake-ups and all, over an America-hater and constitution-denier like Barack Obama.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What’s Good For The Democrat Goose, Is Not Acceptable For The Republican Gander

As conservative radio talk show host Chris Plante is fond of saying: “If Democrats didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all“. So with that principle in mind I have the following “standards” observations to comment on:

1. For Bill Clinton, lying, even lying under oath to a federal judge, was good because liberals inform us that people often lie in order to avoid telling someone the truth for fear of hurting their feelings. So lying to Democrats is a good thing.
However, for Republicans, if there’s the slightest hint of an untruth being represented, the Republican should be driven out of town, tarred and feathered.

2. Special investigation are a good tool to root out anything about Republicans that liberal Democrats don’t like. But when Ken Starr was investigating Bill Clinton, he, Mr. Starr, not the one who committed the acts, was branded as being a sexual pervert for uncovering Bill’s numerous and sundry sexual transgressions and low dealings and making them public knowledge.

3. When a Democrat is being investigated for sexual peccadilloes,  the tainted act is considered to be personal only and did not hinder the Democrat in doing his job at all. If a Republican is found to have strayed, he’s called a repeat offender of women, a perverted enemy of women, and is accused of leaving himself open for blackmail if the wrong people were to find out about the offense and hold it over his head.

4. If a Democrat president is accused of any fault, the accuser is reminded that this noble political servant is reshaping and reforming a great economy that is serving the nation, and therefore he should be left alone to “do the people‘s work“. But in the case of Donald Trump, who has just overseen the strongest economy and the highest stock market recovery in many years, Democrats claim that the economy is irrelevant and that President Trump’s economy is just building on the ever-more-quickly-expanding economy that Obama left behind, so Trump is fair game for criticism and investigation.

5. Rohm Emanual is famous for having said “never let a crisis go to waste”. So Democrats set about causing crises from every side so they can politicize them and gain points for “caring”. Examples would include the immigration crisis; the sanctuary cities crisis; the national debt crisis; the police killings crisis; the school gun shooting crisis; the North Korea talks crisis; the steel and aluminum tariff crisis, which, instead of actually being a crisis, as the Democrats claim, is in reality serving the Union workers who are the main source of income for the Democrat Party.

6. Illegal immigrants are given a place of “Sanctuary” from punishment for their crimes in many liberal-run cities, but American citizens and patriots, having no such place to find sanctuary, are expected to sit back quietly and watch our constitution, our laws and our economy be trampled by the political left while being verbally abused by Democrats for not having any compassion for the under-privileged and poor people of other countries and for not understanding the hobo camps of druggies and disturbed people in formerly beautiful cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

7. Bill Clinton skated free and easy from the charges of rape and for his conviction for lying under oath about his liaison with a young White House intern, but the slightest suggestion of some sort of completely voluntary relation with an adult women by a Republican politician gets him branded as unpresidential, an abuser of women, unbalanced mentally, and an overall bad person who must leave office immediately.

8. When guns are used in America’s too-frequent mass shootings all hell breaks loose among Democrats accusing the IRA of causing the attack, blaming the Republican president for allowing this to happen on his watch, and they make demands to remove all guns from the hands of all American citizens. But when it’s Steve Scalese and other Republicans who are shot and nearly killed by a supporter of the Socialist Bernie Sanders, one can hear a pin drop for the silence coming from the Democrat side of the aisle.

9. The United States’ constitution protects the rights of Democrats (an example would be the lying, Fake news liberal press whose right to report lying stories is assured by the constitution), but when it comes to protecting the constitutional rights of Republicans  (the second amendment is a good example), constitutional protection is irrelevant.

10. “S**t hole“, third world nations and poverty-laden back-country towns are garden spots per Democrats, who express love for them and think they are beautiful, as long as you don’t expect Democrats to take their families to these “s**t hole” places and spend a miserable week there trying to avoid robbery, stay healthy, locate clean water, obtain food that hasn’t spoiled due to a lack of refrigeration, and generally trying to remain alive during the visit.

11. Democrats see a simple and logical case to make when they propose taking guns away from law-abiding Americans for crimes they didn‘t commit, but to expect sanctuary cities to allow ICE to pick up criminal illegal aliens and get these criminals off the streets of America is not only racist in their opinion, but they are unable to comprehend the issue from a constitutional perspective and discuss it reasonably.

12. Idiot television talk show personalities on The View think Mike Pence is insane for claiming that he gets messages from God, but when Oprah Winfrey states that she is waiting for such a message from God, not a word is uttered in criticism.

13. Liberals like to make fun of Donald Trump for not being presidential, not acting like other presidents have and should act, and for defaming the precious national press for issuing Fake News, but when we look at the series of blatant lies that Obama told (keep your plan, etc; or his statement that he hasn’t the authority to grant immunity to illegal aliens, etc) one sees a president who did everything he could to tear down a free and wealthy America, which is unlike any former president of the United States. And when one looks at Obama’s closest friends and supporters (Bill Ayers: murderer and 1960s terrorist; Louis Farrakhan: racist, Jew hater, instigator; and his pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright: racist and America hater) one can see why Obama tried to “Fundamentally Transform America” along the lines of the preferences and influence of his closest associates and advisors.

14. When it comes to accusations of rape, Democrats think women should always be believed and that just their accusations alone should be sufficient to get the alleged rapist jailed. But for Bill Clinton, his female accusers were intimidated, paid off, shamed in public, and his lovely wife Hillary formed a bimbo eruptions committee to halt such women from making claims against her husband and force them to shut up.

15. When Democrats are backed into a corner and questioned about the latest scandal of the day, they claim that the accuser is racist (if the Democrat black), or that the politician is being kept from “the people’s work” with these questions (if he’s white), or that the accuser’s accusatory words “never fed a hungry child” which was Bill Clinton’s favorite dodge when he was backed into a corner and could not defend himself.
But when Republicans are questioned and accused of a transgression and attempt to use any of the Democrats’ dodges, he’s accused of obstructing justice, or he’s performing a cover-up, or he’s guilty of collusion, whatever that means, and a special investigator must be assigned immediately so the Republican can be impeached or put in jail, anything just to be gotten rid of.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Lord Of The Flies; When Bad Boys Act Up

Remember when President Barack Obama, on twenty-two separate occasions, clearly and specifically stated that he didn’t have the executive authority to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens residing in America? And do you remember when President Obama promised, on thirty-six occasions, that Obamacare would allow families to keep their current plan, period; and it would permit families to keep their doctor, period; and it would save families at least $2500 per year on healthcare costs, period?

It’s a fact that the president of the United States promised these things to the citizens of this great nation, and it’s true that the man was, and is, a two-bit liar, but something else happened during the second Obama term that has never happened before in American politics, and it involves the direct about-face of Obama from claiming he couldn’t do certain radical, uncontitutional things, and then doing them anyway. Americans can be relieved that Obama and most other Democrats were certain that Hillary Clinton would win the election to succeed him, or he would probably still be in the White House pushing his radical agenda and assuring that his legacy was continued in perpetuity. With the certainty of a president Hillary in mind, Obama got lazy and held back a bit on his promise to Fundamentally Transform America, and held back on his most demented plans for our country, and allowed the uncertainty of politics to drift into the 2016 election and Hillary‘s defeat. But if the “something” that happened during the second Obama term is not recognized, discussed and admitted to, our nation may well cease to exist, because neither Obama nor his radical, violent, America-hating allies on the left are going away willingly.

Although we’ve always had leftists who have proposed getting rid of principles and rights listed in our constitution, things that have made America free and prosperous, there have always been some generally recognized restrictions on the part of America’s leftists that held them back and kept them from actually undermining our society and our union with their destructive, revolutionary plans.

But today we have seen more than a year of radical leftists, and even some traditional Democrat party members, acting-out in violent, revolutionary fashion, beginning with Obama’s opening of our southern border to all who want to enter, to the radical mayor of Oakland, California warning hundreds of violent, criminal aliens in her city to scatter because ICE was planning a raid to capture them. From the governor of California bragging of the new state law that prohibits California law enforcement personnel, under penalty specified in that law, from aiding ICE officers in any way in attempts to capture bad guys, to mayors of lesser American cities intentionally breaking federal law by protecting illegal aliens, under the banner of sanctuary, from the carrying out of the law. And it would be advisable to also recall the carefully chosen word “war” that the governor of California used in conjunction with the nation’s Attorney General’s visit to California recently, when Jeff Sessions criticized the mayor of Oakland for her own criminal act of warning criminals of the imminent visit by ICE officers.

For some reason the societal controls and limits that had been placed on leftist radicals via years of custom, vanished during the latter years of the Obama administration, and I don’t believe that the election of Donald Trump to the Oval Office was the sole cause, although it really messed up the plans of the Obama/Clinton worshipers. Rather I believe Trump’s election was the trigger that finally released the poised and locked firing pin of the ultra-radical Obama administration followers, and set them off.

Something similar occurred in Germany in the years immediately preceding  World War II when German society, described in movies and stories about Berlin night clubs, dropped all pretense of civility, decency and self-control and became awash in pure filth and depravity. The distrust and sense of being imposed upon by a hostile world plotting against the post-WW I German people, and the confirmation of that oppressed feeling that the leader of Germany repeatedly expressed and reinforced via violent, hate-filled speeches, caused pent-up feelings to be released in a most untraditional, un-German way.

Similarly in the United States, we have seen years of increasingly violent computer games and movies pouring out of Hollywood, and we’ve watched as the self-identity fad of racial, cultural and sexual relativism have been foisted on us by radical leftists; we’ve been preached to of the wisdom of allowing men to enter Women’s restrooms where young girls may be present; we’ve been lied to about illegal aliens not being given welfare benefits; we’ve been lied to about illegal aliens not getting healthcare for free; we’ve been told that illegal aliens are entitled to full protection of the American constitution, including free legal representation to prevent their deportation from our borders;  we’ve been lied to about illegal aliens not being able to vote in certain liberal cities; we’ve been informed of the selling of baby body parts following routine and often-performed abortions; we’ve heard mayors of sanctuary cities telling federal authorities they were not permitted to enter their cities in order to capture criminals, in violation of federal law; we’ve seen police officers assassinated, with the Black Lives Matters group calling for police killings in the streets of New York City, followed up by Barack Obama inviting them to the White House for a congratulatory chat for a job well done; we’ve seen the Obama Attorney General held in contempt of Congress for not turning over documents and not answering question that Congress wanted answers to following the murderous Fast and Furious scandal; we saw the refusal of a San Francisco jury to convict an illegal alien who had been deported multiple times, for the death of Kate Steinle, who was killed by the gun he was holding; we’ve seen the direct evidence of the Obama administration using the full investigative powers of the presidency to illegally spy on the Trump campaign in an attempt to assure Hillary’s election; we’ve seen FBI agents, supposedly impartially investigating both the Hillary email scandal and the Trump Russia/collusion fiction, lie and exchange messages expressing fear of a President Trump and attempting to assure the election of Hillary to the White House; we’ve seen the FBI, in conjunction with the Department of State, using documents created, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign committee, used as unquestioned evidence by the FISA court, to get evidence on Trump so they could assure his electoral defeat, or impeach him if he were accidentally elected; we‘ve seen Hillary Clinton get a pass for an unsecured email server that allowed our nation‘s enemies to hack into her system and get classified documents; we‘ve seen evidence of Hillary passing highly classified emails to her pals who were not cleared for such national security evidence; we’ve seen Hillary lie, under oath, to FBI investigators, with no price being paid for such criminal behavior; and we have seen, for over a year, one Fake News story after another from the liberal, lying press about something that Trump did or did not do, then having to retract the lie, and then immediately lie again about Trump, time after time.

What the hell happened to this great nation during the second term of Barack Obama that has caused all of this illegal, unconstitutional, violent activity and all of this dangerous turmoil, and how do we rid our nation of the stench we‘re having to endure following Obama‘s exit?

Much of our current national troubles are reminiscent of the William Golding book, Lord Of The Flies, in which several young men cast all tradition and good behavior aside under a charismatic leader who encourages them to reject all that was proper and all that made England and Western society successful, and debase themselves in tyranny and violence when adults were no longer around to keep the young men in line. In America today one can see the adult figure, Donald Trump, insisting that our tradition, our laws and our constitution once again become our guide to proper behavior and composure, and the resentful, how-dare-you-preach-to-us, leftist, radical Democrats becoming violent and destructive when told to behave themselves and abide by the law.

Liberals who thought they were finally liberated to bring to fruition Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America were brought up short by the election of Donald Trump and they are behaving just like the spoiled, corrupt boys in Lord Of The Flies by becoming violent and destructive in their political defeat and frustration.

The only hope our nation has is to assure that no more Democrats are elected to any office in the nation until a cooling-off period has re-acclimated them to the value of obeying the law, adhering to societal standards that have made America the most pleasant nation in which to live in the world, and behaving decently in civil society.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Did You Know You’re A Racist If You Obey The Law? Read on…

On Wednesday of this week the Governor of California, Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown, called duly passed and signed federal immigration laws “racist”, and went on to say that obeying those laws was a racist act. It’s strange that the good governor had no problem with immigration laws when Barack Obama was disregarding them and in fact got a Supreme Court ruling that prevented Arizona from protecting their own border with Mexico, in lieu of immigration regulation being a federal, or in other words, a President Obama, responsibility, as waves of people streamed north across the border. But that‘s what Democrats do.

Moonbeam has been egging on the Trump administration since President Trump took office.  He recently declared California to be a sanctuary state, and ordered all law enforcement officers hired by the  state of California, to NOT cooperate in any way with federal ICE officers who may enter the state to capture illegal aliens, especially those who have committed crimes more serious than their simply being here illegally. But this latest outburst, in which he proclaimed a state of war between California and the federal government, was a direct response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was in California to speak with law enforcement officers in an appeal for reason with the state politicians, and insist that they obey the laws that are on the books in order to protect the citizens of California, as well as the ICE agents dispatched to assure the law is being obeyed, from harm at the hands of violent criminal gangs.

The politicians in California seem to be literally insane in their determination to undermine their own legal authority and California’s own laws by defying Washington and its immigration laws, all of which laws were passed with Republican and Democrat, bi-partisan votes, and which were verbally reinforced by a Democrat president, Barack Obama, in his aforementioned suit against Arizona to back down on border enforcement two years ago. And Obama even quoted the Constitution when he reminded Arizona that only the federal government could make or enforce immigration law. And indeed, Obama’s own presidency also reinforced the principle that only the President, not a mere governor, could also disregard federal immigration law on a whim and open our national borders for free passage.

California’s junior Senator, Kamala Harris, recently said that California “represents the future” for America. Thinking people believe, or rather fear, that she may be correct in predicting that California is America’s future. The strongest candidate the Democrat party had in the last presidential election was the Socialist, Bernie Sanders, and if Democrats have their way, all of America may have the same homeless problem, the same drug addiction problem, the same poverty problem, the same illegal alien problem, the same general lawlessness and the same poverty problem as one can find in today’s Los Angeles and San Francisco, if Democrats once again occupy the White House.  It’s no stretch of the imagination to realize that the current radical, Democrat party that has destroyed the beautiful state of California, will lead the nation to the same horrific destination that Venezuela and its Socialist government is experiencing today. It’s a shame, but it’s what Democrats tend to do.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

We Need A “Go Fund Me” Account For Robert Mueller’s Victims

The investigation-porn that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is committing against Donald Trump and Republican voters all over the nation has reached the zenith of its tolerability.  After a year of relentlessly trying to find Trump guilty of the charge that idiot Democrats like Adam Schiff stated repeatedly were absolute, proven facts of collusion with Russia, now going into its second year and having produced not a shred of evidence that Trump did anything except run a presidential campaign that beat the liberals’ cinch, can’t-lose, shoo-in winner, Hillary Clinton, the abuse of anyone who ever knew Donald Trump and the digging through every tax document that could conceivably shed light on either a Trump dealing or of someone close to him that Mueller thinks he can turn, must stop!.

All Mueller has done so far is to financially ruin good, solid, decent people like Michael Flynn by charging them with minor, non-collusion-related offenses that he holds over their heads in the hope of their spilling the beans on Trump and making himself a hero with the inside-Washington, cocktail party, wine sipping, establishment swamp dwellers.

Mueller has done nothing with the lengthy stack of evidence, collected in 2016, that FBI Director James Comey read on national TV until he ran about of breath, that proved Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell of setting up an email server that allowed national secrets to be hacked into by our sworn enemies, along with the proof that she lied under oath to federal investigators about a vast number of things, and instead of going after the person who actually is guilty and should be ready to testify in front of a Grand Jury, he continues to dig up ancient personal tax records and personal travel meetings that he hopes to use against people who Trump hasn’t even spoken to in years, trying to prove what the Democrats want most in the world: that Donald Trump is as bad as they are.

So, in order to give sanctuary and hope to the victims of Robert Mueller’s dirt-digging, fishing expedition, and in order to demonstrate that we are with the people who Mueller is gleefully destroying, I’d like for someone with knowledge in these matters to set up a “Go-Fund-Me” account, to be run by the RNC, that can collect money for the good Americans that Mueller is persecuting and distribute it to the most needy of that proud crowd.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Leftist Contradictions To Leftist Propaganda

Following are a few examples of positions liberal Democrats claim are core principles to them, and then explanations of how the positions they claim to hold are either wrong or are not even believed and practiced by their own party (which means that they are even lying to themselves as they deceive the nation):

1.Democrats would have us believe that President Trump’s suggestion that we establish a tariff to protect American manufacturers against cheap foreign aluminum and steel is outrageous, according to the anti-Trump crowd, and will cost more money than consumers can bear. But never mind the borrowing and infinite national debt that doubled during the Obama administration, which debt will raise taxes to the sky eventually, for our children and grand-children to pay for.

2. A few years ago Obama got a ruling from the Supreme Court that blocked Arizona from enforcing any immigration laws to prevent the flood of illegal immigrants who were crossing our southern border and burdening the frontier states in the Southwest. And then, having obtained the ruling from the Supremes that would block Arizona’s attempts to enforce the law and halt illegal entry into America, Obama refused to enforce even the weakest immigration law and told the Border Patrol to stand down and let the illegal inundation continue.

3. Liberals tell us that Americans should give up their guns and let the police protect us from attacks on our schools, our person or our property, but even the police readily tell us that they are unable to be on the scene of an attack quickly enough to make much difference, and state that they are reactive-only to an outbreak of violence, and they further advise us that we should arm ourselves if we want immediate, constant protection.

4. Elite colleges are outlawing personal pronouns from their lexicon and are claiming that the usage of “he” and “she” are discriminatory and that such old-fashioned words have no place in 21st century America. Yet these same liberals not only continue to use the racially divisive descriptors of “black” and “white“, but the Democrat leader of the United States Senate just a few days ago stated that he could not support President Trump’s latest federal court appointment because the appointee was “white”. You see, dividing the nation along racial lines is still a very large and growing part of the Democrat game plan to gain back power, and the white, brown and black thing will be used even more by these America-hating racists as they attempt to build civil walls that will destroy the America our constitution built.

5. Liberals defend their sanctuary city scheme by pretending that illegals hiding in Democrat-controlled American cities are better-off when they are left unidentified, because decent, non-violent illegal aliens would otherwise be reluctant to expose themselves to the danger of deportation if they had to contact the police to report a physical attack or a robbery or if they had to call 911 for illness or injury.  The truth is that any decent, non-violent illegal alien hiding in a sanctuary city is doubly at risk from attack from a criminal illegal alien because the criminal alien is being protected and hidden from punishment by members of the Democrat party under the banner of offering “sanctuary“ from the evil, duly passed laws of our nation, and are shielded from punishment for any violent crimes they may have committed in the past, or will commit in the future. Non-violent immigrants have no protection from violent crime in cities run by radical Democrats, or to state it in the terms of a liberal, they have no “sanctuary”  from the violent immigrants that liberal mayors and governors allow to run free and attack whomever they please.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Liberals Are So Anti-Trump That Their Policies Are Determined By His Moves

One will recall the 1980s when liberals thought the Soviet Union was the wave of the future and that Communism would dominate over America’s evil and unjust Capitalism.  Democrats thought it was their party’s duty to help the Soviets in their attempts to destroy America. In fact, Ted Kennedy even took a secret trip to Moscow and met with Russian officials in an attempt to undermine President Ronald Reagan’s policies to rid the world of Communism and liberate the suffering people trapped behind the Iron Curtain in Russia and other Soviet Block countries. Unfortunately for America’s Soviet-loving Democrat party, but fortunately for the rest of the world, the Soviet Union collapsed and America became even stronger as our Capitalism proved its value in making our nation wealthy and keeping Americans free.

Now, because Donald Trump is in the White House and liberals think they have a chance to get rid of him with their ridiculous collusion investigation, the Democrat party has flip-flopped and now insists that Russia is the modern-day evil power in the world, even though Barack Obama scolded Mitt Romney in a 2012 presidential debate for suggesting just this very notion, of Russia being an evil, dangerous threat to America. In fact Obama thought so favorably of Russia and of its dictator, Vladimir Putin, that he was recorded on an open mic as he met secretly with Putin and begged Putin to allow him time to get re-elected and then they could work together to achieve Putin’s ends. If this isn’t an example of Russian collusion, I don’t know what is.

And now, following the liberal flip-flop on Russia, America’s liberals are beginning to pivot from wearing China’s Chairman Mao T-shirts and waving Mao’s Little Red Book, both of which John Lennon told us were indicators of wisdom and enlightenment in the 1970s, and liberals are now beginning to criticize the Chinese and their totalitarian Communist nationalized prison camp, mostly because President Trump is attempting to use China as a wedge against North Korea, whom liberals apparently still love.

One even wonders at the liberal adoration for Kim Jong-Un’s sister as she attended the Winter Olympics a few weeks ago in South Korea. Was that expression of fondness for the sister of the murderer in control of North Korea any indication of, and the result of, their anti-Trump leanings, as our president tries to protect America from the nuclear development and the direct, in-our-face threat of a nuclear attack, that is coming from the North Korean dictator?

If trends continue in their current vein, and if President Trump does have a plan for peace in the Middle East that is successful, our liberal press will have to start expressing adoration for ISIS and the Syrian president who, wholesale, gases and bombs his own citizens, and liberals may soon have to make excuses for ISIS’s beheadings and drownings. And can it be far off that the former socialist hero, Hugo Chavez, is criticized as Venezuela drowns in a pile of human destruction begun by that demented ruler, and whose policies are continuing to starve Venezuelans today via a series of totalitarian, socialist despots?  Senator Bernie Sanders is an avowed socialist, but his silence at the horror going on in Venezuela, by fellow socialists, might well be taken as his approval with the current dictatorial government there.

And can the Castro brothers continue to be the heroes that Barack Obama and the American left made them out to be, while Donald Trump is in office? And one wonders about the American left’s love affair with Che Guevara; what happens to that love when American liberals discover that Che killed every Central American peasant who rejected and tried to oppose his taking their land for his own personal profit?

And finally, liberals are beginning to turn their backs on Communist Viet Nam, which was heroically depicted by liberals as a haven for freedom and liberty in the 1970s when America was fighting there to overthrow the Communists in the north. A possible reason for the seeming backing-off of American liberal love for Viet Nam has occurred as President Trump begins to normalize relations with Viet Nam by allowing our naval vessels to take R&R leave-time there, hoping to get Viet Nam’s assistance to put more pressure on China to control the excesses of Rocket-Boy in North Korea. As America grows closer to Viet Nam, the American left sees less heroism in that country and the attraction dims as President Trump becomes more friendly.

The old quip is true: If liberal Democrats didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards at all. But it’s become frightfully evident that those standards swing and revolve in the wind generated by the dynamic Trump presidency.

Mueller Casts About Further Afield, While Hillary Is Grand Jury-Ready

What the hell is Jeff Sessions waiting for? After over a year of intensive digging by non-Republican investigators, there has been no evidence of collusion with Russia on Trump’s part, while on the other side of the aisle, the former FBI Director, James Comey, prior to the 2016 presidential election, meticulously listed, for public consumption, the evidence that the FBI, in the Barack Obama administration no less, had accumulated against Hillary and her email corruption.

It appears that Mueller’s only intention is to cause all of Trump’s team and supporters to run from him for fear of being charged with things completely unrelated to the Trump candidacy or presidency, and hopefully get them to spill the beans on some obscure misstep that the Trump candidacy took.

This must stop, now! Attorney General Jeff Sessions is sitting on the Hillary investigation which was performed, I repeat, under the Democrat administration of Barack Obama, and all Sessions has to do is present the Obama administration’s evidence to a Grand Jury and see how they behave. That would be justice.

But justice is not being served by beating the dead horse that Mueller continues to try to get evidence from, while a mountain of evidence could put Hillary away for life, and Sessions would be able to attribute the investigation, the evidence, and the freedom that Hillary had to expose critically important, classified documents to our national enemies, to guess who? Barack Insane Obama and his slack, anti-American presidency.

Monday, March 5, 2018

One Hopes The Mayor Of Oakland, California Looks Good In Orange

I hope that the commanding officers in ICE, the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement organization responsible for enforcing laws related to criminals who may be in America illegally, and especially those illegals who are here illegally and are committing further crimes as they enjoy sanctuary in liberal-run cities across America, are keeping close tabs on the 800-plus persons who escaped capture during an ICE raid last week in California, capturing only 200 of the one thousand persons identified as dangerous and hiding in the garden spot of Oakland.

If ICE officials are serious about rounding up bad guys and making an example of sanctuary cities’ self righteous, pompous mayors and governors who are developing quite a lot of entertainment and enjoyment from helping criminals avoid punishment, they’ll track the criminals whose escape was enabled because they were fore-warned of the ICE raid(s) by Libby Schaff, the mayor of Oakland.

When the 800 violent criminals who escaped capture last week are finally rounded up and if it’s determined that additional violent crimes were committed by these people following Mayor Schaff’s public warning to her criminal “citizens” that allowed them to escape, this woman must be locked up and put in jail herself, as aiding and abetting the crimes and human suffering that she helped the escapees to inflict on people elsewhere in California, as they ran to avoid capture by ICE .

It will be a pleasure to watch this deranged lady frog-walked, cuffed, in an orange jump suit, to a waiting van, and taken to jail for colluding with criminals and joining the criminals she helped escape, in their prosecution and their jail-time punishment.

Then we can move to the governor of California, the mayor of San Francisco and the mayor of Chicago and start enforcing our laws for a change. Liberals are too dumb to know that they must obey the laws like the rest of us, so they need examples to show them what happens to law-breakers, and Libby Schaff is a good place to start.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Oh My, How The Democrats Doth Fret And Worry So.

The day after President Trump mentioned, just mentioned in passing, that he is thinking of imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum coming into our country from abroad, which is pretty much what he promised to do during the campaign of 2016, the Fake News media and the rest of the Democrat party began wringing their hands about the extra cost of a tin can of soup that this proposal will cause and how much a can of Coke or Pepsi will increase with Trump’s loose and faltering hand on the tiller of state. To hear the liberals complain, you’d think that the world was coming to an end. If Trump does indeed impose such a tax on the two metals listed it will make prices on some items go up, but it will also allow steel and aluminum mills to stay open and employ Americans working in industries that are now going broke due to cheap, subsidized metals coming from abroad.

And isn’t it strange that the Democrats aren’t looking at the issue from the perspective of the American labor unions, which are firmly in the left’s back pocket. Even when a Republican proposal will benefit their own Democrat supporters and voters, they are of such a hate-Trump attitude that they will bite the hand trying to help them. This effort by President Trump will maintain or increase levels of employment for labor inions, but the Democrat party is so baffled with Trump and made so deranged by his undoing of the Obama legacy that they will strongly oppose it.

But left out of the radical leftists’ prediction about the possible increased costs of steel and aluminum products, is any comparison to the costs to every American, and generations of Americans into the foreseeable future, of the doubling of the national debt that the Obama administration oversaw during its eight years of borrow and spend. The costs in future taxes will be enormous even if interest rates remain flat, but if interest rates increase our nation could be drowned in increased taxation resulting from the Obama administration’s borrow, giveaway and spend scheme that doubled the national debt.

And another thing the leftist press never worried about under the Obama administration was the increased costs and the lowering of health standards that accompanied Obamacare. The ACA bill granted socialized medicine to the pals of Obama’s socialist, radical administration, but the increased deductibles and premiums nearly bankrupt many good, hard-working, independent, tax paying Americans who had been self-insuring up to that point at a price they could afford for the coverage they wanted.

Also left out of any Democrat criticism of President Trump is his lowering of taxes on working Americans, his booming economy, his lower unemployment rate and the rising stock market he has overseen in his first year in office. Even as Democrats see their 401(K)s and IRAs, breaking records of profit, all of which are attributable to President Trump, they do nothing but heap abuse on him with every breath he draws.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Is Discrimination Based On Age Really Discrimination In Any Traditional Sense?

In our everyday lives Americans have become used to speaking of  discrimination based on race, religion, ethnicity, skin color or sex as being a bad thing that should be avoided, but we’re not in agreement that keeping young people from doing certain things that we think only older people should do is to be called “discrimination“. We have, instead. thought of those limitations on youth from the perspective of a parent and as a way of protecting our children until their bodies, minds and emotions could mature to a point where they could make “adult” decisions and accept the risks accompanying those decisions.

The young man who bought and used the rifle that killed 17 students at the Parkland high school was 19 years old when he did the shooting, and younger than that when he bought the rifle. Understanding the immaturity and tendency to act and react emotionally at such a young age, is it really “discrimination” to prohibit a person under 21 years of age from buying a rifle, just as it is currently illegal to sell a pistol to someone under that age?

After all, everyone outgrows youth as they age, and outgrowing youth causes one to mature in ways that young people will not understand until they have gone through that aging process. In the mean time, we accept that certain limitations on young people should be imposed.

It’s without doubt that such an age restriction will not stop school shootings, but it can prevent some crazed high school student from buying a rifle and hiding it in the trunk of his car or in his bedroom until he decides to use it on his classmates, as was done in Florida. If pistols are too dangerous for people under the age of 21 to own, then rifles should be, too.

On the other hand, any young person could still be allowed to go hunting if their parents consider them mature enough to loan their rifles to them in order to engage in that activity.

Or maybe, keeping in mind the illogical, illegal, and unconstitutional things that liberal Democrats, seemingly daily, want to impose on the nation (examples would include, but not be limited to: open borders; letting men self-identify as women so they can enter a women‘s restroom; rejecting the appointment of a fully qualified legal scholar to a federal judgeship because his skin color is white; celebrating the Black Lives Matters appeal to assassinate police officers by inviting them to the White House for a pat on the back for doing a good job; unconstitutionally taking all healthcare from Americans and imposing on them, under penalty of law, a governmentally required socialist healthcare plan that costs more than their previous plan and provides worse coverage), and calling these ridiculous, non-traditional leftist suggestions and proposed laws, to be an indicator of the Democrat left’s immaturity and weak intellect, maybe we should just prohibit liberals from being able to own guns; that would have saved Steve Scalise and several of his Republican House membership from severe and life-threatening injuries and suffering as they were shot by a radical, leftist Bernie Sanders supporter while attending baseball practice in a Washington DC suburb.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Trump Was Right Again; But Never-Trumpers Are Too Critical

The latest criticism of President Trump now comes from conservatives who are complaining about his off-hand comment of wanting to remove guns from a suspect prior to getting a court order to officially do so.

What Trump said was that in a case of someone like the Parkland school shooter and his sixty-six prior visits from the police, if the person who got police attention is deemed to be a threat to himself or other people, the police should be able to remove the gun(s) as a preventive measure, and then get court approval later. In the case of the Florida school shooting conservatives criticize the local police and the FBI for not moving swiftly enough, after sixty-six prior visits from the police, to deprive the shooter of his guns. But maybe the police were following a precise policy of that jurisdiction and would have confiscated the shooter’s gun after the sixty-seventh police visit.  But whether it takes six or sixty-six prior police visits to get a court order, this or any other process may take too long to save lives.

What Trump was saying is that if the police have reasonable suspicion that any given person is a danger, and I would say that threatening to become a school shooter is “reasonable” evidence, they should be able to, at least temporarily, remove the gun from the hands of the suspect. The police do this sort of thing all the time or we wouldn’t all be familiar with the phrase “drop it”.

The other side of this coin is that conservatives believe that the threat of gun violence comes not from the gun, but from the person wielding the gun. So it would be logical for  conservatives to argue not that the gun should be confiscated, but that the suspected person should be locked up. After all, if you only take a gun from a suspect, he may well have another gun hidden that he could grab and start shooting, or he could easily borrow a gun or steal one from a neighbor. So, in addition to the police taking the gun that they  can see, with this confiscation possibly doing no good at all except to enrage the potential shooter, conservatives don’t want people to be locked up until the legal process has been satisfied and some hard evidence presented as to the danger of the accused.

So if conservatives have any trust and faith at all in the police to protect us, they’d be more in line with their core beliefs to have a gun removed from a suspect, than to have the suspect locked up in a case where no crime has yet been committed. And I’d say that if the police had a report of a suspect stating that he would like to become a school shooter, and if when they visited him they had any suspicion that he was unstable or had too great a fascination with his guns, then they might be well advised to remove those guns until the situation could be fully investigated, especially if this were the sixty-sixth time this man had been questioned.

The conservative position is one of careful balance: the person using the gun is the threat, but we can’t just lock up, in Hitlerian or Stalinian fashion, one suspected of being unstable or dangerous, until the full legal process has been exhausted. But the Florida school shooting allows us to consider preemptive removal of the gun, which does not deprive the suspect of his personal liberty, until a court can decide the issue. And heaven help us all if a weapon is not confiscated for reasonable suspicion, as one can believe happened in the Parkland incident, and another school shooting occurs. We can’t stop off-the-wall shootings as happened in Las Vegas a few months ago, but if there is any foreknowledge of possible danger, we must act to remove that danger.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Liberals Want Police Officers Assassinated, Until Politics Intercedes

One will recall the Black Lives Matters crowd chanting for the assassination of police officers, “now!”, and Democrats were fine with that sentiment. In fact President Obama even invited the BLM leadership to the White House in order to show his solidarity with them on the subject of killing police officers.

In 2014 the Obama administration blamed the police department in Ferguson, Missouri for the rioting that occurred there. The liberal attitude of blaming the cops was so widespread that the Obama administration ordered his Department of Justice to take control of the Ferguson police department and get the officers’ minds right.

Baltimore’s police department was considered so racist and evil that six police officers, three of whom were black, were charged with the murder of a repeat criminal who was in police custody. Of course as a result of this blame-the-cops mentality and with the police officers then standing down for fear of being accused of hurting or killing a dangerous suspect they were trying to apprehend as they protected the city’s largely black population, crime in Baltimore increased dramatically following the persecution of the police officers.

An officer in Chicago was charged with killing a repeat criminal who was trying to avoid capture. This event occurred in the liberal American city which sets new records of gang killings each year, so of course, they charged the police officer and ruined his life.

But now the left does an about-face and can find no fault with the various police forces involved with the Florida shooting: Following the Parkland shooting a week ago, it was discovered that the FBI, and especially the local police, missed up to sixty-six opportunities to stop or divert the man who did the shooting and thereby could have possibly saved 17 high school students from death. As well as failing to deal with the killer in advance, we learned that several police officers were at the school as the killings were taking place, but did nothing to stop the shooter, and instead sat safely outside the school and only listened as the shooting continued, and the students died.

Immediately after the shooting was over the leftist American Democrat Party began shouting for the heads of all NRA members, although the NRA had no presence at the school and did no shooting. But one wonders why the left did not criticize the police once again, and where was the logical radical left insistence that the police be blamed for missing chances to avoid the killings? But that would be too logical and would not be political enough for the Democrat party.

Now the left, after blaming the police for years for any violence committed in the United States, protects the culpable police and criticizes conservatives for trying to attach responsibility to the non-responding police forces. And then when it was learned that Barack Obama’s Promise Program, a deviant plan intended to reduce the number of minority expulsions from school and criminal apprehensions by the police, by neither reporting nor recording such incidents performed by protected minorities, was in place in Florida and was likely one of the reasons the police treated the Hispanic shooter with velvet gloves and filed no charges against him nor seriously investigated the numerous incidents reported to them about his conduct, even after he stated he would like to become a school shooter, we finally are able to assemble the puzzle, and now get the racist, politically correct, and student-killing, picture that the American left has created.

The very fact that the Obama administration felt the need to rig the figures with the Promise Program and make minority crime rates appear smaller that they really are, is an admission that minorities do in fact commit a disproportionate number of crimes, and instead of blaming themselves for causing this tragedy by excluding fathers from too many minority families and insisting that the government fill the role of the father and force the mother raise children all alone, Democrat leftists generate false statistics that  are  an insult to all decent Americans, and are especially insulting to all law-abiding minorities who reject big-government injecting itself into their lives.

It becomes more obvious all the time that the Democrat party has lost its collective mind and is using race and self-identity to undermine the safety and security of the United States and its citizens. Conservatives love the police and support them all the time in the dangerous and difficult job they do, but when politics causes them to ignore public safety and to not do their job because of a leftist program put in place by Barack Obama to make minority crime statistics look much smaller than they really are, these circumstances must be corrected, and the police must be rescued from control by leftist political partisans that threaten life in America.

In short, Democrats must be voted out of all offices, nationwide, period.