And now it’s time for the squishy, pussy Republicans in the Senate to make the Democrats, who caused all of this injury to America and to the Kavanaugh family, pay for their lies and perjured testimonies. I want each and every Democrat who was a party to the insulting sham we saw in the Senate last week, starting with Dianne Feinstein and her October surprise, along with her leaking information intended to hurt Kavanaugh in public opinion, to be investigated for their crimes against America and our constitution, and if found culpable, I want these fools removed from office and put in jail. Lock the bastards up!!
And if the accuser, Ms Ford, is found to be a liar, I want her prosecuted as well, and put in jail. If “the girl” gets a softer treatment than a man would get for perjured testimony, then there is no equality under the law, and I insist that men and women be treated equally under all circumstances. The battle for Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court seat has been won, but the larger war with the radical Democrat party will be lost if the fight is not taken directly to them and if they escape punishment for their un-American behavior regarding this issue.
Never again can Republicans allow Democrats to disrupt the Senate’s obligation to seriously and honestly consider judicial appointments by the president and to endlessly stall these appointments, and never again can the Democrats insist on special treatment and white-glove handling of “the girl”. Women can be partisan Democrats, too, and if they misbehave and break laws and traditions, they must be made to pay the price for this misbehavior.