Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Now Democrats Are Calling Each Other Racists

Thursday night during the second Democrat debate, Kamala Harris berated Joey Biden for being a racist. Be reminded that Lunch Bucket Joe was Barack Obama’s hand-picked choice for Vice President in both of Obama’s administrations. Is Obama a fool who ran for office with a racist on the Democrat ticket without ever knowing it?  It was kind of fun watching Biden squirm as Harris dumped on him.

One can assume that all of the past racist charges against President Trump were not enough to get Democrats where they wanted to go with them, so Democrat candidates are now forced to viciously attack their own leading candidate for the nomination in order to position themselves as the top rated politician in the current campaign. Democrats have always found it easy to brand someone a racist hoping it would shut the person up and make them go away, but turning on old Joe with such a charge seems strange and extremely desperate.

The nasty mouths of Democrats don’t display them in a favorable light, but at least they are using their nastiness on other Democrats and are leaving President Trump alone for a change. As interested observers watch this casual name-calling by Democrats, more and more Americans will realize that Democrats are simply mean, unprincipled people, and this realization will harm them in the general election in 2020.