But the Democrat opposition to President Trump is so deep and so dark that it borders on mental imbalance, so it’s safe to assume that President Trump’s very presence and his active policies of preserving our laws and our constitution are a direct threat to the political left, and it’s possible that his pro-American actions are blocking some of Obama’s promised “transformations”. But whatever the reason for the Democrat gut-hate for Trump, it’s certain that they are misdirected and are powered by something deeply anti-American, because they can see with their own two eyes the improvements to American citizens and the advancement of our economy under Trump policies, and still they lie and scheme to get him out of office.
It’s obvious that President Trump stands as a bulwark between a strong, free America and the political, economic and security abyss that the political left offers and has intended for our nation for a long time.
This visceral, deep and even violent reaction of Democrats to our president means that he is exactly the person for the job of making American great again, and if we lose him, the abyss awaits.