Also one may recall the breathless articles written by Pulitzer prize winner Walter Duranty and published by the New York Times in the 1930s, in which Duranty found nothing but praise for Joe Stalin and his Communist Soviet Union, while the ruthless dictator was killing thousands of his own citizens, allying Russia with Hitler’s Germany and planning the takeover of all of Europe.
But then in 2016, in a desperate attempt to eliminate Donald Trump from the American political scene, American Democrats reversed course and began warning us of the danger of Russia, with special emphasis on collusion between Putin and Trump and the threat this imagined collusion presented to our political system and our elections. This two-faced position on the subject of Russia has placed Democrats in a position that they never thought they’d get caught in. They are speaking out of both sides of their lying mouths, and the strongest political Democrat candidate for president in 2020 is an old, Russia-loving man who honeymooned in Moscow, has proposed economic shenanigans for America that even Uncle Joe Stalin and Karl Marx would blush at for their stupidity, and this old fool leading the Democrat party is not even a Democrat!
Democrats have worked for nearly 100 years siding with everything Communist, only today, to find themselves in a terrible political position that there is no way out of, and they deserve all of the pain that will follow.