The fact that I gave three years of my life serving in the Army, with the possibility of losing my life altogether if assigned to a dangerous location, as so many brave young men and women have done, plus the fact that I’m a very healthy 77 years old, it’s outrageous that I’m treated as a fool who is unable to make his own decisions about his life and have to have some leftist Democrat tell me what I can do, and what is forbidden for me to do. That I have to listen to the faulty thinking of these self-centered leftist idiots who never sacrificed anything for any reason, and who were famous for demonstrating against any form of authority in their college years, and were so fond of burning the flag or beating conservative students at any insistence that they obey laws and act like adults, much less spent years of life in the discipline of the military, is a very sore spot for me in today’s life of lockdown and having to listen to Democrats tell me what is best for my health and for the well-being of society.
These two-bit Democrat politicians who now control the lives of every one of us, and are using their positions as governors and mayors to campaign against President Trump and keep the rest of us from living real, constitutionally assured lives of liberty, can go to hell.