Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Ronald Reagan Was Right About Dictatorship Being Only One Election Away


The Biden administration could not have done more harm to America and its citizens if they had tried. We now have tragic debt; millions of people residing here who crossed the border illegally; run-away inflation; sky-high energy costs; a military that is still embarrassed for the disaster of the Afghanistan withdrawal; a president who can neither talk nor walk correctly and appears to be unable to think at all; wars raging all over the world; and this same idiot president will go out of his way to tell an interviewer how safe, prosperous and united the nation is.

So, in accord with Reagan’s warning about the importance of each election, how is it that one administration can take us from being a successful nation, to one that is about to fall apart due to the weakness and corruption in D.C.? Americans must realize the danger of leftist thinking and the unrelenting drive of Democrats to gain and retain power over our nation.

Of course, the impact of the Biden stupidity and his love of dictatorial policy edicts, was caused by the go-along-to-get-along mentality of our dear president’s fellow Democrats. They all knew that the mental slipping of Joey would assure them of some fast and substantial growth in their bank accounts, so Biden had a large and dedicated following as he tore apart America and drove the nation to near bankruptcy and a sky-rocketing crime rate. But no one knows for certain if Biden even knows what day it is, let alone discussing all of the corruption we have seen coming from his administration.

The lack of police protection of the American population, via the idiocy of the Democrat insistence on Defunding The Police, which is in line with the left’s other woke stupidities that have caused a disintegration of the once great cities of America, are typical of the lack of common sense and an absence of decency in today’s Democrat party. Whether you call them tyrannical dictators or just plain Democrats, these people have no respect for the private lives and personal objectives of American citizens, and they will never stop their grab for power.

The problem with the Democrat party is that they have no respect for the law and lack any religious morality, both of which tendencies prevent them from placing any limits on their skullduggery; and they will manipulate science in order to declare automobiles and air conditioners as the destroyers of the earth so they can control everything that free citizens want to do with their lives.

Today’s Dems must quickly evaluate their values and their objectives, or they will become an extinct political party of very dangerous losers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Joey The Fool’s Pardons Just Told The World Who The Crooks In The Democrat Party Are


Biden the idiot just granted clemency for over 1500 of his criminal, Democrat pals. So we need look no further for the corrupt administration’s criminal employees, and one can reasonably expect that these bad actors will be responsible for future corruption and criminal actions on the part of Democrats.

The filth of these Democrat, far-left crooks is without parallel in American politics. After spending the last eight-plus years impeaching Trump for imagined crimes, investigating Trump for non-Russia collusion, and lodging phony criminal charges against Trump all over the nation in an attempt to keep him out of the 2024 election, the real criminals, named by Biden or whatever staff member knows the names and the crimes, are admitted to and hereby identified. The Biden crime era, in its full bloom, is now in the open for everyone to see.

And the two-faced nature of Democrats has Trump stating that the same people who impeached him and charged him with crimes in an attempt to put him in prison, are the same people who are now seeking photos with him and are trying to be his new best friend.

So now that the Biden pardons have been issued we know who to watch carefully, because the Democrats still want Trump to be assassinated before he can take office in January. For the Democrats, a political defeat is just an excuse to push harder to eliminate their enemies, so pay close attention to how Biden’s closest allies behave the next 30-plus days, and one hopes the FBI has each of Biden’s criminal cronies under surveillance until Trump is safely in office again.

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Sins Of The Biden Administration Are Being Visited On The American People


Whatever else the stupidity of the Biden/Harris era did to harm the United States and its citizens, the tens of thousands of children lost in the Mexican desert and on American soil is the worst policy the Democrat party, and the immoral idiot in the White House, have ever put forward.

At least one hundred seventy thousand children are unaccounted for following Biden’s opening of the southern border immediately after being sworn in. This asinine excess will forever be presented by the hate-America left as a sin of the United States as we learn what happened to these innocent children. And this sin could have been avoided if anyone in the Biden administration had thought to raise the issue and question its wisdom. I’m sure that everyone recalls the failed presidential run of Kamala Harris, who knew of everything that was being done on the border and remained silent, and even told the ladies on The View that “nothing comes to mind” when she was asked about anything she would change from the way things were done in the Biden administration.

So now the race-baiting, far left Democrats can add child slavery and sex trafficking to their criticism of America, in addition to the African slaves imported here three centuries ago. It’s just one more charge against America that the hate-America leftists can use to humiliate this great country.

But one doubts that our political Democrat leftists will ever criticize the Biden administration for attracting the four-year-long wave of illegals from Central America and Mexico. And Kamala was the person Biden appointed to oversee the border; so will Democrats blame her for the horrific experience these children have been forced to endure? Hell no! They’ll just keep calling Americans racists and en-slavers for as long as they have the power to blame, and they’ll ignore the sins of Joey and his band of fools.

When we think about the international criminals who make up the majority of the United Nations, just imagine what fun this bunch of idiots, who get a thrill while watching Israeli citizens be tortured, raped and killed by Hamas, will have with America being called the child enslaving capital of the world. And of course, only the racist America could have so effectively devised a system whereby the children entered America on the power of their own two legs, so the overhead costs of acquiring the slaves could be reduced. One has only to recall the hell that Democrats raised when immigrant children were placed in isolated facilities, which Democrats at that time called cages, to protect them from predators during the first Trump administration, but now say not a word about the young people who have died crossing the desert alone or have travelled with slavers across Joey’s open border.

Russia, China and Iran will have a good laugh at how badly America conducts itself, and they’ll ignore the woke, far-left Democrats who caused the whole, irreversible mess. The abuse that will be dumped on America for the sins Biden is responsible for, will be never-ending.

Thanks, Joey.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Today’s Woke Democrats Are Simply Trouble Makers


People on the political far left have nothing to offer a population or a nation. All they can do is directly lead a revolution, or as is happening in America today, they just cause trouble and create chaos and try to disrupt our stable, prosperous nation.

One of the most recent sources of trouble initiated by Democrats is the trans-gender thing. Every civilized nation in the world has recognized the need to have separate restrooms for women and men. But here come the woke fools in the Democrat party, insisting that a biological man who thinks he’s a woman be allowed to use the women’s restroom, even though the men’s room is completely available to him, and often a mixed-gender restroom is also available.

But the man who thinks he’s a woman insists that he/she is being discriminated against because women that he wants to urinate along-side-of, don’t want him disrobing and exposing himself in their midst.

And of course, the idiot-woke members of the Democrat party accuse the biological women of causing a conflict, when a concept such as a man being in the ladies’ room was not even conceivable prior to the radical Biden administration. Democrats don’t seem to be able to understand even the most basic and long-standing concepts of proper behavior, and the trans thing proves it. And, of course, when a member of the Democrat party proposes a radical, new idea, the likes of CNN and NYT all stumble over each other to give support and justify the stupid new thing.

Aside from the inflation that Biden and Kamala gave us, probably the longest-lasting trouble Democrats are responsible for is the open border fiasco that is allowing floods and waves of illegal people into our nation, where they cause over-crowding, take jobs from Americans and too often they rape and murder, just like they did back home. It’s not stating the fact sufficiently harshly enough to call this criminal activity “trouble” but it is at the very least, trouble, and too often it’s also murder.

Then we have Democrats waging war-fare on Donald Trump for the sole purpose of getting him to cease running for president by putting him in jail or getting him killed. At the same time that the Democrats are declaring that Trump threatens our democracy, they put up anti-democracy roadblocks to keep him off of numerous state ballots. In the latest election in Pennsylvania, a county Democrat official insisted on counting illegal ballots for one of her U. S. Senate candidates. She agreed that the counting was illegal but she insisted that Supreme Court decisions don’t need to be followed, and she allowed the illegal counting to continue until the Pennsylvania Court stepped in and demanded she stop. Maybe it’s the Democrats who are a threat to Democracy and not Trump. They just make trouble everywhere they go, and this new state of chaos is only related to Democrats.

Additionally, Democrats cause trouble in U.S. government agencies where bureaucrats simply make up rules and regulations that the legislatures that established the agencies and their policies never intended, which causes hardships for companies who have unfair and unreasonable regulations to obey, thereby undermining their ability to make a profit, and making their product more expensive for consumers. One hopes that President Donald Trump is able to get rid of all of these bureaucrats and allow business owners to stay in business while allowing consumers to buy less-expensive good.

There is nothing the Democrats have done these last three-plus years that has not caused trouble and injury to American citizens, and we must continue to rid ourselves of this plague starting in each future election year.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Who Would Be Surprised To Learn That Patrons Of The Radical, Political Left Would Behave Like Patrons Of The Radical, Political Left?


Considering that, for many years past, some American citizens did not bother to vote for the office of president because Republicans, Democrats, and even Independents, held largely similar values about the role of government, based on patriotism and Judaic/Christian beliefs, so families felt safe with either party in power.

However, the Democrat party has been completely taken over by woke, anti-American, radical left individuals who will never settle for a loss of political power and who feel entitled to rule and subvert the United States of America, thereby forcing our comfortable, happy citizens into poverty and subservience to their radical rule.

The Trump election in November of 2024 only hardened these radical leftists, and they will do anything to undermine Trump and his political and economic efforts.

Where else, but from radical leftists, would the Democrat party learn to take up the cause of sexual identity and the social and political emboldening of sexual/trans identity, and begin supporting chemical and medical castration and breast removals of young children?

Where else, but from radical leftists, would we be forced to suffer under electric vehicle edicts, restrictions on oil production and discovery and on oil refining; the masking and vaccination orders of the covid era; the belief that men can breast feed babies; the policy of men competing with girls in sporting events; and the lie of warming/change that may soon force the shutdown of our entire economy as the radicals order us to stop using all gasoline vehicles.

Where else, but for radical leftists, would we be told to stop heating and air conditioning our homes because the temperatures on earth have reached a point they arbitrarily decide is too dangerously high, and we must all begin living like cave dwellers? The fools in the Biden/Harris administration arbitrarily decided that the relatively weak covid disease was too serious for us to continue to live like free Americans, and they’ll do it again with the phony warming/change movement.

Where else, but from radical leftists, would Democrats have learned to support these literally insane ideas? The greatest shame of the leftward drift of the Democrat party is that too many Americans just go along with the Commie language and ideas in order to get along with people they have known a long time, and they are fearful of breaking their connections with nutty, unstable people.

But the little known and very dangerous thing about the Democrat party is that these radicals have taken over important government posts, like the FBI, along with various bureaucratic positions in the DC swamp, and are leading the nation to destruction and third world status via restrictive regulations and illegal controls, that no one voted for.

The good news is that Donald Trump is soon moving into the White House. He understands the problems the nation faces, with rogue bureaucrats who run their departments like private fiefdoms, and he plans to get rid of the radicals and return the nation to its former sensible, common sense policies that Americans want.

So Americans must pray that the Secret Service is still in sensible hands and will prevent the crazy, insane Democrats from successfully ending Trump’s life, which they have nearly accomplished twice these last few months.

Our political world has changed in recent decades, and supporting a strong American leader like Donald Trump has become absolutely necessary. We must cast votes for political candidates who hold traditional, patriotic values, or our nation will soon be lost.

Monday, November 18, 2024

If You Think Kamala Harris Was Serious About The Things She Promised During The Recent Presidential Campaign, You’re Dead Wrong


Thinking people who heard Kamala Harris suddenly vacate her long-held, far left policy attitudes and began flip-flopping about supporting fracking on “day one” of her new administration; and her promise to bring security to our southern border; and that she would allow drilling on federal land; and that she would relax federal rules and regulations that have caused the Biden inflation that is wrecking the lives of so many Americans, had to have doubted her sincerity with these baseless promises, because the proof of the pudding is that she is so steeped in leftist jargon and policy that she would never change the far-left drift that the Biden/Harris administration has plagued America with these last three-plus years.

I don’t even believe that any of her Democrat voters believed her either, because the leftist, wackos she was talking to still voted for her in the last election. So they knew she was lying and that she is actually and firmly dedicated to leftist policies.

The proof that she and the entire Biden administration were two-bit, two-faced liars is that even after being shellacked on November 5th, and after getting the feedback from the American voters that they don’t trust her and they don’t want the line of crap she is pushing and can’t afford the inflation she is causing, there still has been no clamping down on the illegal border crossings, no relaxing of drilling and refining restrictions that would give relief to struggling American citizens, and no statement that the Democrat party recognizes the error of their policies and would try to give relief to the misery they have caused to Americans, during these last three months of the out-going Biden administration.

The fools in the Biden/Harris White House are still allowing illegal border crossings, still adhere to the idiocy of warming/change and to the policy of prohibiting gasoline-powered vehicles that they have previously issued.

What does this intransigence in the face of the real world say about the Democrat establishment in America? It’s frightening to know that even in the face of a demand for change by American voters and that our citizens don’t believe Democrats are honest, sincere, serious people, one might well believe that they are still plotting for ways to keep Donald Trump from ever being sworn-in as the forty-seventh president on January 20th. We should be very afraid of the elite ruling Democrat party in Washington, because these leftist scoundrels and not willing to accept a loss, and will never surrender the power they are so fond of exercising on the American population.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Why Did Biden And Kamala Both Call Trump A Racist And A Nazi, But Then Swear To Make The Presidential Transition Smooth And Civil?


The answer to the above question is that Democrats are lying bastards! Although when Kamala was specifically asked if she really believed that Trump was a racist and a Nazi, she said solemnly that she actually believed him to be the evil she described.

But if Biden and Kamala really believed that Trump is an evilly bad person and would harm the nation and the citizens living here if he became president, they would make the transition from the outgoing Biden administration to the incoming Trump administration as difficult and as long as it was possible to make it. But they aren’t doing that.

And the reigning and dominant leftist news organizations have also lied about everything these last eight years, and Trump will prove them to be the liars they indeed are, quickly after occupying the Oval office in January.

One can only hope that Trump’s re-election will cause the dominant main-line news carriers to become honest and truthful organizations and begin reporting the news honestly and accurately, and if so, they may serve as the constitutionally protected organizations our founders intended, in spite of the lies they have been spewing for the last decade.

Shockingly, the leftist press seems to believe the lies that they themselves have told during the Biden administration. But now that the Hispanic population that voted so strongly for Trump in the 2024 election has turned against Kamala and Biden as a result of their illegal immigration schemes, it’s obvious that the illegals flooding our borders have harmed Hispanic citizens of America as much, if not more, than they’ve hurt all other American citizens, while corrupt leftists pretended these masses of people were simply innocent future voters for the Democrat party and would hurt no one. The current Hispanic residents of America voted against Kamala and the continued Democrat destruction of America with as much disgust for Democrat policies as they could demonstrate.

We can only hope that the drubbing that Trump gave the Democrats on November 5th will destroy them so America can get back on track to liberty and prosperity again, and leave the corrupt and dark Biden/Harris era far behind us.

The Voters Have Made Their Decision, And They’ve Decided That The Real Nazis In American Politics Are...The Democrats


It’s been intriguing to me to watch the Democrats repeatedly call Trump and his followers Nazis, racists and threats to Democracy in America, and then after the election in which the Democrats were handed their hats in no unspecific manner by the voters, Biden greets Trump with open arms and a big, toothy grin when Trump accepts Biden’s invitation to meet in the White House.

I thought it strange that a person such as Donald Trump, who was depicted by all of the Democrats to be the sole source of evil in the world, could be welcomed so warmly by the same person who swore that Trump was Satan. But the American voters have made the final decision on who is, and who is not, the Satanic party, and who have they kicked out of the Oval Office? The racist, Commie Democrats!

The Democrats used race to make every decision and every criticism of Republicans during the four Biden years of government. They used Trans awareness and preference to allow boys to defeat girls in sports. They used race-based thinking to justify opening our southern borders. They used sexism and Trans persons to populate many federal jobs. They called men “toxic” based on their birth. They blamed xenophobia as reasons to fight or not fight wars. They used xenophobia to cover up the guilty party, China, that caused the pandemic that frightened the world beginning in 2019.

So Democrats are the racist and hateful party that they claimed Republicans to be, and the American people rejected the Democrats’ horrible ideas by a landslide and put Donald Trump in the Oval Office. So I consider the subject of racism and Nazism to be closed based on the last presidential vote cast by American citizens, and I welcome Democrat attempts to correct their corrupt actions of the past.

But even after a week of living with defeat at the polls, and after a week of wringing their hands and trying to come to terms with their shellacking, and with some Democrats admitting that they were way off base with their far-left ideas and their corrupt governance, there are still some idiot-fool Democrats claiming that Trump’s cabinet picks are racist, yada, yada. These fool politicians have a long pull ahead of them until they can behave like patriots and start being sensible, serious, common sense people again. And until then Donald Trump will wear the pants of a grown man and fix the numerous problems the Democrats left behind.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Why Did Biden And Kamala Both Call Trump A Racist And A Nazi, But Then Swear To Make The Presidential Transition Smooth And Civil?


The answer to the above question is that Democrats are lying bastards! Although when Kamala was specifically asked if she really believed that Trump was a racist and a Nazi, she said solemnly that she actually believed him to be the evil she described.

But if Biden and Kamala really believed that Trump is an evilly bad person and would harm the nation and the citizens living here if he became president, they would make the transition from the outgoing Biden administration to the incoming Trump administration as difficult and as long as it was possible to make it. But they aren’t doing that.

And the reigning and dominant leftist news organizations have also lied about everything these last eight years, and Trump will prove them to be the liars they indeed are, quickly after occupying the Oval office in January.

One can only hope that Trump’s re-election will cause the dominant main-line news carriers to become honest and truthful organizations and begin reporting the news honestly and accurately, and if so, they may serve as the constitutionally protected organizations our founders intended, in spite of the lies they have been spewing for the last decade.

Shockingly, the leftist press seems to believe the lies that they themselves have told during the Biden administration. But now that the Hispanic population that voted so strongly for Trump in the 2024 election has turned against Kamala and Biden as a result of their illegal immigration schemes, it’s obvious that the illegals flooding our borders have harmed Hispanic citizens of America as much, if not more, than they’ve hurt all other American citizens, while corrupt leftists pretended these masses of people were simply innocent future voters for the Democrat party and would hurt no one. The current Hispanic residents of America voted against Kamala and the continued Democrat destruction of America with as much disgust for Democrat policies as they could demonstrate.

We can only hope that the drubbing that Trump gave the Democrats on November 5th will destroy them so America can get back on track to liberty and prosperity again, and leave the corrupt and dark Biden/Harris era far behind us.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Kamala Doesn’t Understand That The Presidency Is About Protecting The Liberties Of Citizens, Not About Dictating To Them


The Harris/Biden administration dictated the end of gasoline-powered cars and the requirement that all future cars after 2030 be electric. They also decided that natural gas stoves were illegal. Additionally they decided that fracking, which is necessary for the United States to be self-sufficient in fuel resources, would become illegal. Plus they decided that oil exploration on federal lands would no longer be permitted.

None of the preceding things is allowed to the White House, and the fortunes of many millions of Americans will be destroyed by these decisions. Current-day Democrats proclaim that they are “progressives”, but none of the above things look like “progress” to me.

The Harris/Biden administration opened our southern border, permitting tens of millions of illegal aliens to invade America, which action is not permitted to them, and is in fact illegal, and only places American citizens’ lives and fortunes at risk.

The Harris/Biden administration has harshly prosecuted their major political opponent, Donald Trump, while then-President Trump did not seek the prosecution of Hillary Clinton after Trump became president, in spite of the list of broken laws she committed while she served as Secretary of State for Barack Obama, a list of crimes that the Director of the FBI enumerated against Hillary, who ran against Trump in 2016. But as soon as Kamala took power, her DOJ launched a series of prosecutions against Trump, trying to put him in jail and keep him from running against her in the future.

Many of the pronouncements and policies of the Harris/Biden administration are literally insane. They decided that a man as able to breast-feed a child; that men can menstruate; and that men must not just be allowed to compete with women and girls in sporting events, but Harris and Biden require men to compete directly with women and girls or be in violation of Title Nine of federal law. And they decided that children could be surgically and chemically sexually destroyed if they thought they were biologically equipped with the wrong sexual equipment. This is insanity.

The items listed above are the decisions and actions of an insane dictator who has no regard for good government nor for the welfare of American citizens, and the illegal way Kamala Harris became the Democrat candidate for the presidency proves that Democrats have no regard nor respect for democracy in America. All the Democrats care about is raw power and the exercise of that power. In most past elections American citizens were so satisfied that both major parties were concerned with the welfare of American citizens and the prosperity of the nation, that they often did not even bother to vote, because they knew both parties would govern seriously, and with their welfare in mind.

That long-ago confidence in our political parties has evaporated under the Harris administration, and it has become of deadly importance that all Democrat politicians be voted out of office, and that Donald Trump be placed back in the Oval Office, so America can once again get back on track, and headed in the right direction. Today’s Democrats are out of their minds and mean only harm to American citizens.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Kamala Is Absolutely Correct That Our Nation’s Future Must Not Be Burdened By What Her Administration Has “Been”


Just a few months ago our lame-brained VP, Kamala, was frequently stating that our nation should move forward “unburdened by what has been”. She considered herself quite the clever lady spouting this phrase to all who would tolerate her. But in the case of the Harris/Biden administration, I believe that any thinking person would agree with her sentiment, because…

The Biden/Harris administration has “been” corrupt;

It has “been” dishonest;

It has disobeyed the constitution;

It has opened our nation’s borders to invaders from all over the world;

It has used law-fare to punish political opponents and eliminate any political competition;

It has caused run-away inflation, which hurts the poorest the most;

It has humiliated America with its hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan;

It has enable Iran to commit terrorist acts by giving them billions of dollars;

It has disrespected Israel and its fight with Hamas, and is preventing the Jewish state from ridding itself of its enemies;

It has issued an edict that only electric vehicles will be allowed to be sold and operated by 2030;

It has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to dangerous levels for political reasons;

It has caused America to no longer be free from the need to import foreign oil;

It has divided the nation along racial and trans-sexual lines;

It has weakened our military preparedness with leftist political ideas and woke preachings;

It has dictated to American citizens the forced wearing of masks and being vaccinated;

It has repeatedly misrepresented the increase in crime and the lagging employment figures in order to make Kamala’s candidacy look better.

The Harris/Biden administration has been a total failure and is rapidly destroying our nation and it’s very successful, capitalistic financial system, by allowing their “progressive” stupidity to eliminate ideas that they don’t agree with.

So the best policy for America, moving forward, is to unburden ourselves from what has “been”, in other words, we should unburden ourselves of the negative influence of the Biden/Harris administration, and vote a proven American patriot, Donald Trump, into the Oval Office in November.

As the current presidential candidate of the Democrat party, Kamala’s every policy statement has contradicted all policy practices of the Biden/Harris administration. So Americans must rid ourselves and our nation of the “has been” Harris administration in the next election, in order to prevent America from being “burderned” by the very corrupt and anti-American Kamala Harris as we go into the future.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Kamala’s Tax-Gouging Frightens Me More Than Corporate Price-Gouging


Corporations have competition from other businesses to keep their prices in check, and they also have customers they hope will buy their products, so these controls on pricing also keeps them in line.

And then, on the other hand, there is a fool in the person of Kamala Harris, who has never held a real job nor tried to make a profit doing anything, and her threats of government action against corporate price-gouging, or price-gauging as she likes to call it, are maliciously made hoping they will intimidate businesses to keep prices low, even if that means the company will lose money and possibly go out of business. And if companies don’t price their products as Kamala demands, she may decide to label them as enemies of the people and put them in jail for just doing business.

Kamala’s indirect taxation, via inflation, which is caused by big-government over-spending, along with her direct taxation of individuals and corporations, have no checks on them and there is no competition to keep taxation reasonable. And we tax payers have no options of paying more reasonable taxes elsewhere if Kamala’s taxes, which are a result of her phony green new schemes and her obsessive over-spending, become too punitive and costly for us to be able to afford.

So Kamala’s insane spending and taxing is gouging all of us, and is causing many citizens to gag on this big government practice of raising taxes, that she casually continues to level on us.

Corporations have to make a profit in order to stay in business, but government just takes what they want from what we citizens earn with our work ethic and personal industry on the job, on penalty of imprisonment if we don’t follow the orders of the ruling class Democrats.

Her gouging comments show a complete ignorance of what has made America great and what has allowed most working Americans to live comfortably in their personal lives. She exhibits no clue that the reason so many people residing on earth today live impoverished lives and die young and hungry, is because the majority of governments in the world will not allow Capitalism to be practiced by their citizens, and her hate and ignorance of Capitalism is going to increase global misery a bit more by pushing too many newly-poor Americans into a state of poverty, if she is elected to the Oval Office in November.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Whatever Happened To Politicians Running For Office And Promising A Chicken In Every Pot?


In America’s recent political past, politicians running for office tried to get the votes of their constituents by promising good things, like a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage, if they could sufficient votes to win. These things were indicators of the “good life” all voters wanted and the politician was indicating that he/she knew what voters wanted and would make these positive things part of their lives if they were elected to office.

Today no such promises are being made to the wealthiest, best-fed, best-housed citizens in the history of the world, and instead we’re being told that we’re going to have to suffer and expect a darker, more costly and threatening future because the world is burning up due to our automobiles polluting the air we breathe; and because of the waves of illegal immigrants entering our country seeking food and shelter while too often committing criminal acts; and because the critically hot heat that the earth is experiencing, and because of the American privilege that we all have become used to living, while the rest of the world suffers in poverty.

But the new twist on the part of Democrat politicians and their promises of things to come, if they are voted into office, is total silence from the Kamala-Walz stooges about what the future will bring if these leftist goons are elected in November. Kamala mumbles about “opportunity” and “hope”, but she refuses to hold news conferences and answer real questions about her positions on taxation, the border, Israel, Ukraine, fracking and the lie of warming/change. And Kamala’s running mate, Tim Walz, admitted in the Vice Presidential candidates’ debate last week that he’s a lying “knucklehead”, so your choice for president and VP on the Democrat side of the ticket is quite limited.

One is familiar with the phrase “silence is golden”, but we must keep in mind that silence can also be a lie if that silence is withholding the truth about a crooked politician like Kamala Harris and her sidekick, Walz.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Speech Actually Can Be Violence When It Comes From The Mouths Of Democrats


Recently a talking-head on CNN calmly and illogically explained to us that the armed, violent attacks on Donald Trump were simply coming from decent people who had grown tired of Trump’s racist, violent attitude, and they were actions intended to return the nation to unity and cohesion. We were not given any examples of Trump’s racism nor his violent speech, but we know the message CNN was trying to send to its audience of fools. One needs to state that ALL of the violent words and actions are coming from the political, Democrat left, with the home of the destructive behavior being the Harris/Biden wing of the modern Democrat party. The CNN justification of armed attacks against Trump being from good people just trying to silence a racist, violent politician, is belied by the fact that a Bernie Sanders supporter shot Republican congressmen playing baseball a few years ago, and no one called Bernie a violent racist because one of his followers was a gun-wielding radical who was encouraged in his rifle attack by the Commie, Bernie Sanders.

And it must also be clearly stated that misinformation/disinformation is also violence against our nation and our constitution, and it’s all coming from Kamala Harris Democrats in various forms of lies and violence.

In 2020 the ban on using ivermectin and other existing drugs to treat covid was part of the Biden/Harris misinformation/disinformation campaign to silence Americans and choke out the truth about treating the disease and about the true danger of it. We have since learned that not only was the disease relatively weak, but there were several existing drugs available at the time that could have been used to treat those persons infected, but the Biden/Harris administration wanted the disease to be feared and to be thought of as always lethal, so they called ivermectin a health threat itself and called any proposal to use the drug as being the spread of misinformation/disinformation, and a criminal threat.

The Hunter Biden laptop discovery was covered up and called misinformation/disinformation by leftist Democrat politicians at the time, but the evidence carried on the device is now part of the DOJ’s legal case against presidential son, Hunter. So should we now all forget the Russian election tampering lie that was pushed down our throats only a couple of years ago?

Under the leadership of Kamala Harris and her administration, it seems the entire English-speaking world has taken leave of its senses and is denying the honesty and truth that had made our nations the most prosperous and freest people in history. The United States, England, Canada and Australia are all aligning themselves against Elon Musk in an attempt to bury his companies and his main products, such as “X”, because he is said to be engaged in misinformation/disinformation campaigns that Kamala Harris doesn’t like, and anyone taking Musk’s side of any subject must be silenced, along with him.

Leftists burned cities from Seattle to Baltimore all summer in 2020. The Nashville, trans school shooter just wanted to shoot children in a Christian school, killing many children and one teacher. But these examples of blatant violence by leftists are overlooked by the political left, who save accusations of violence for Trump and his MAGA supporters.

And radical environmentalism has taken a violent turn under Kamala Harris, with her Green New Deal legislation that has directly caused crime, hunger and homelessness, due to the extreme inflation her policies have caused, hurting middle class workers the hardest.

The horrible truth of the matter is that Democrats calling Trump a racist and violent person gives crazy left-leaning persons justification, in their demented minds, to try to attack him. One could easily determine that this vilification of candidate Trump by Democrats is just election interference, and if Trump is re-elected in November, these crazy Democrats are likely to start rioting like they did in 2020, and to try to kill Trump again; and given the recently seen weakness of the Secret Service and their inability to protect candidate Trump, future attacks may well be successful. Our nation is nearly at an end if the government doesn’t act honestly and protect our leaders and stop lying about their actions. But Democrats are so frightened that Trump will become president again and expose their unconstitutional policies and actions, that they are willing, at the very least, to see Trump killed by one of their nut-job followers.

The oddity of the current political situation is that, whether or not it’s a phony legal charge, or a news report calling Trump’s statements to be misinformation/disinformation, or politicians being shot at and indicted for multiple trumped-up crimes, it’s always Republicans, and especially Donald Trump, who are being falsely charged, silenced and shot at, and not Democrats. And always the beneficiary of these un-American events is Kamala Harris and her political ambitions.

The very definition of the political left is that they are emotionally unstable people who resort to violence to get their way, and when you have political leaders who believe that they have a right to rule the nation, and will try any trick and tell any lie to acquire that ruling power, a powder keg is being exposed to fire, which may well explode.

Be very afraid of Democrats and Kamala Harris these next few months leading up to the election, and even more especially, fear them during the two-plus months following the election that lead to the swearing-in ceremony for the new president. If Trump is re-elected in November, all hell will break out from the political left Democrats.

The very fact that there has been no rioting by Republicans against the Harris/Biden administration as they opened the southern border; and as they caused run-away inflation; and because of their anti-Israel sentiments, is proof that conservative people are reasonable, unemotional people who want to allow elections to make changes in government. So the Democrat claim that Republicans are trying to destroy elections in America is a total lie, and everyone knows it.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Republicans Seek The Presidency To Assure Responsibility In Government, Democrats Seek The Presidency Out Of A Desire For Raw Power


What did Donald Trump gain when he became the forty-fifth president of the United States? He was already a very powerful real estate mogul. He was already a billionaire. And he even donated his full half-million dollar presidential salary to charity.

The only thing he sought in his desire to become president was to reduce regulations on companies, to assure that citizens remained protected by our constitution, to lower already-too-high taxes and to protect American citizens from attack or invasion from a foreign military.

On the other side of the aisle we have Joseph Biden who sought only personal power so he could sell access to America to foreign adversaries, which made him and his family wealthy. Both Biden and Kamala Harris wanted the power of the Oval Office so they could further their woke, trans, anti-fossil fuel, national healthcare schemes.

Although both of the Democrat candidates were financially well-off, we now know that Biden became filthy rich because of his financial dealings with China and other foreign countries.

Immediately upon taking office, the Biden/Harris administration began to exercise their power by forcing Americans to wear useless masks and be injected with untested vaccinations. They coerced news agencies and social news sites to not publish anything contrary to Democrat policy or favorable to their Republican opponents.

The Biden/Harris administration began using “law-fare” to silence their Republican opponents by placing them on trial, and some even went to prison for no good reason. The FBI and the DOJ did the Biden/Harris bidding and went after Donald Trump with a vengeance from both federal and state attorneys.

Also tempting to Democrats is the power to pack the Supreme Court with justices who will obey the orders of the Democrat president and decide the constitutionality of issues brought before it in favor of the radical left. In this way Barack Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America can be forced on America and decided to be constitutional by the now-political Supremes.

Trump didn’t invite twenty million “future Americans” into our nation in order to pack the voter roles with good Democrat voters as Biden/Harris did. Trump didn’t sell access to American finances and secrets to China, Iran or Russia; Biden/Harris did. Trump didn’t dictatorially order gasoline-powered cars to be health hazards and edict electric cars to be the only vehicles sold in America. Trump didn’t spend trillions of dollars on Green new-deal schemes, thereby causing wild inflation and making powerful Democrats even richer, like Biden/Harris did.

Democrats seek power so they can force change and give handouts to people who didn’t earn the gifts, which encourages these people to continue to vote for the goodies Democrats like to distribute. And Democrats seek power so they can threaten punishment to anyone who opposes their schemes.

November 2024 is the point at which we either return Donald Trump to the White House and save our nation from perdition, or re-elect the Democrats and continue our national slide into the swamp of hell.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Idiocy Of The Kamala Harris Administration Just Gets Deeper And Deeper


So now we’re being told, again, that Russia, the same country we were told had colluded with Donald Trump to steal the election in 2016, which we now know was a total lie, is again trying to steal the 2024 election. How stupid can the corrupt, political Democrats be?

The Department of Justice, this time under control of Kamala Harris, is once again claiming that they are just innocently trying to block Russia from spreading misinformation/disinformation, until they can spring an October surprise and blame Trump again this year for election tampering.

The problem is that the FBI/DOJ don’t have any problem with misinformation/disinformation being forced on American citizens when the misinformation/disinformation lies help the Democrat candidate and work to the detriment of Donald Trump (you’ll recall the CIA told Google to disregard Hunter Biden’s laptop as being a Russian election tampering trick when it was the absolute truth), but if they can blame Russia or Trump with an alleged lie they will jump all over it. One might also recall the misinformation/disinformation lies from the Harris/Biden administration about the efficacy of the covid masking and vaccination, and how they refused to admit that China was the originator of the disease that hurt so many people, and they blocked any evidence that worked contrary to the pro-China, Democrat party line.

We know that Russia, China and Iran are lying dictatorships, and now we’re pretty certain that our own government is a lying pack of bastards, and lies from our own government is much worse than lies from Russia or China.

So the current Harris government lies can be added to the growing list of Democrat lies, like the danger of warming/change; or the Biden/Harris claim of a harmless, temporary transient inflation; or the horrors of the Israeli government defending itself against the murderers in Gaza; or the disastrous Biden/Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan; and the lie of a secure southern border, all of which lies are causing distrust of our own government on the part of American citizens.

What is desperately needed is to get Trump back in the White House. Even if you don’t like his demeanor or his words, he sure as hell can’t do a worse job than the Harris crew that is currently ruining our economy and our nation. And we all can agree that Trump’s previous administration allowed Americans to live better, freer and more securely than under the current example set by the Democrat party, and its ring-leader: Kamala Harris.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Adenoidal, Nasal Drawl Grates. Oh, And By The Way, She’s A Two-Bit Liar, Too.


Let me be perfectly clear”, our sitting V. P. says, and then continues with her usual, nasal, adenoidal way of speaking, which is anything but clear and is way off the mark of honesty. But what else can you expect from a far-left, radical Democrat?

It may well be that her values have not changed, as she repeatedly swears to us, but her policies flip like pancakes on a hot griddle. And the clarity she speaks of is beside the fact that her values are far-left and that she allows illegal practices to continue during her time in office to this very day, but promises to close the border, complete Trump’s border wall and punish the South American gangs destroying our nation on “day one” when she becomes president in 2025, but definitely not now.

And the suffering caused by the Biden/Harris administration’s inflation will continue as well, because she also refuses to take any immediate or meaningful action to help suffering Americans today, with the inflation monster she and Biden created. Hers is not a future presidency of “potential” as she likes to describe it. It will be a presidency of manana, and the far-left crap she’s pushing today will continue for as long as she can get away with it. Which means she will continue to undermine America’s security and prosperity until the American public votes her and her ilk out of office in November.

And, on the subject of Kamala’s bold-face lie of warming/change and the non-existent dangers it presents to future generations, she and her pals on the phony left claim that they are concerned about the “babies” that will die from the asserted high temperatures caused by our way of life in America, while at the same time, Democrats are campaigning to kill innumerable “babies” via abortions, often after the child is fully born and living on its own outside the mother’s body. So enough of the two-faced lies from the political left. American citizens must take America back from the leftist crazies and vote the Democrats out in November.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Donald Trump Escapes Democrat Traps Like A Magician. I Love This Guy.


He was impeached twice on trumped-up charges and skated each time.

He was investigated by a special counsel and came out clean.

He’s been indicted by half of the left-wing DAs in the nation and is still walking free.

The Democrats tried to keep him off the ballots in left-wing states, but he’s still running.

He’s been lied about by every speaker at the Democrat National Conference, yet RFK suspends his own candidacy and endorses Trump.

He’s been shot in the head while campaigning and remains more heavily scheduled with appearances than before the shooting.

He’s had Kamala steal his campaign promises, but sticks to his guns.

He’s a billionaire who could be living like a king, surrounded by luxury and not having to fear a sniper’s bullet or the next criminal indictment from the Biden/Harris administration, but is instead taking constant and unrelenting abuse to serve the future of American citizens.

All of the lies about Trump, and anyone belonging to MAGA, are ignored, and his popularity grows.

The entire Biden/Harris DOJ repeatedly tried to imprison him, if not outright kill him, and he simply gives them the figurative finger and moves on with his quest for a second term in the Oval Office.

The weight of the crooked Biden/Harris government and the Department of Justice is endeavoring to stop Trump any way they possibly can, and he just surges ahead.

The wonderous thing about Donald Trump is that he’s not a traditional politician who just wants to be on camera and make a name for himself. He’s someone who has made his own money and is already widely known, and his only desire is to correct the crooked things that government in general, and the Biden/Harris administration in particular, are doing to cause personal and financial injury to America. Trump believes that the federal government should allow American citizens to live and achieve freely again, without having to worry about big government bankrupting them for disagreeing with the radical, leftist policies of the Biden/Harris cohort, or destroying their livelihood, or imprisoning them for some odd-ball offense the government has thought up, like forcing everyone to buy an electric vehicle.

Trump has become a kind of legend in his efforts to oppose a corrupt government that will tell any lie, present false evidence, and to even arrange his death, in order to get him to shut up and let them rule the nation without opposition.

We must all support Trump for taking this dangerous turn in his life.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Democrats Only Choose Policy That Increases Dependence On Big Government


Why do Democrats oppose school choice? Because when parents are able to send their children to a better school than the one that’s located nearest their home, they become less dependent on big government and big government’s (usually failing) schools. And if children attend a private school of their parents’ choosing they get an education that is superior to what government schools offer, and the resulting graduation of educated students from these better schools means they will get better jobs and have a much reduced dependence on government later in life, than those students who attended government schools.

As one listens to Democrats making their speeches at the Democrat National Convention, you get a never-ending flow of government solutions to poverty, crime and joblessness, most of which social maladies were unheard of only a few years ago when neighborhood schools actually taught students the things they will need in their post-grad lives. This constant harangue of pro-government propaganda pretends that there are no private, non-government solutions to the many problems facing today’s society. And it’s all just another big government, Democrat, lie.

A government that cares about the many problems facing young citizens these days would demand that students attend a good school and get a proper education in order to prosper in the future, instead of demanding that free choice in schooling not be allowed. But Democrats speak only of how government can best run everyone’s lives and bail them out when they find themselves on the street with nowhere to go, instead of preventing the social catastrophes in the first place. Less government is the best government, and everyone benefits when we don’t need government for our personal issues at all.

The stark reality of the line of crap coming from Democrat speakers at the DNC is spoken by Democrats who attended the best schools and often have become wealthy as a result. But instead of using their experience to enlighten and warn young people of the bad results that government schools offer, and instead of encouraging them to work hard in order to achieve, they are told to depend on government.

Government politicians are only thinking of their own future as government bureaucrats, making a big salary “helping” people who were allowed to enter their adult lives with little education and even less success in their personal work and family lives. And that’s why Donald Trump needs to whittle down the DC swamp when he takes the White House in January, 2025.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Democrat National Convention And The Movie “Old Yeller”


The sweet, old, emotional movie from the 1950s, Old Yeller, expressed the quiet love and devotion of a family pet. But the old yellers at the Democrat National Convention were the same bunch of lying over-modulators we’ve become familiar with when dealing with Democrat politicians.

Especially offensive and just plain noisy, were Biden on night one and Obama on night two. These two bombastic fools don’t understand the modern technological theory of electronic amplification and believe that they have to yell at the top of their lungs to be heard. And they did just that.

The substance of these two men’s words was as offensive as their volume (and one must not overlook the intentional stammering of Obama when he pretends to get wrapped up in his verbiage). Biden repeats the Democrat lie that Trump called soldiers fools and suckers, and Obama criticizes Trump for “dividing up families” illegally crossing our borders, although the Harris administration has lost track of 80,000 children to child traffickers these last three years. And if memory serves, the Obama administration originated the separation of children from their adult escorts in order to halt child trafficking. But as usual, Democrats lie about everything Trump does, because Trump’s ideas and policies actually work.

It seems that the philosophy of Democrat speakers is to make up in volume what they lack in meaningful commentary, and that’s what the DNC convention did.

And how about the stars of the DNC placing their right hand over their hearts as they receive applause? None of these Democrats care a whit about Christianity nor about patriotism, so what is the hand-over-the-heart thing about? Could it be a sign of blessing to each other in their love of our constitution? Not likely with this bunch.

It could possibly be just a contrivance to make all of us boobs watching the parading of Democrats believe they are sincere in their solemn attempt to lead the greatest nation on earth back from the perdition of the Biden/Harris administration. But it’s more likely to be a far-left sign showing allegiance to the great Obama and his Fundamental Transformation of America.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Trump’s First Debate Buried Biden, And His Second Debate Will Bury Kamala


In a world where leftist policies are obeyed blindly by Democrats, and Republican patriots are the only ones responsible enough to express a judgement on right and wrong policy positions, conservative news agencies and the Trump campaign are the sole parties to express real world comparisons of conservatism against the Biden/Harris foolishness that has shaken the United States to its core these last three-plus years. Conservatives are the only ones giving the American voters arguments and policy statements which have always been an essential part of a presidential campaign.

It’s our responsibility as conservators of all-things-American to list and compare good policy against bad policy, and we do these things because we love America and we have faith that our efforts will be rewarded with success.

Although it may be a bit too self-serving, one might be safe to say that conservatives are saving democracy. So even though Kamala will still not state the positions and beliefs that she’ll adhere to if elected, and even though she lies lavishly about the things she pretends to believe in, and even though she’s stealing some of Trump’s firmly held positions in order to appear to be a less radical leftist than she actually is, conservatives retain faith in democracy because we believe in the constitution of the United States.

Not only will Kamala not state and describe her intended policies if she is elected in November, but she can’t even state in English her broader opinions. She has stated that she opposes “price gauging” when she means “price gouging”.  She claims to be in favor of not taxing tips for “hospitility” workers, when she means “hospitality” workers, which of course is a position stolen directly from Trump. She makes a fool of herself when she constantly repeats the phrase “what can be, unburdened by what has been”, which she obviously thinks is the deepest thought ever expressed, when each of us who listen to this woman speak, wish we had not been “burdened” by Kamala’s “having been” born.

What the hell is this fool woman talking about? Does she not speak and understand English?

Anyone who remains silent on their political positions during a political campaign, yet flip-flops on all past policy positions they once held, will always be found to be a liar once in office. We are now in phase two of the “hidin’-Biden” basement campaign we saw in the last election. Leftist political positions are so out of favor in the United States that both Biden, and now his heiress-apparent, are kept under wraps while the leftist press campaigns for them and covers up their actual radical, far-left beliefs.

It's too bad Democrat can’t run an honest political campaign, but they know they’ll lose if they tell the truth.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Identifying One More Of Kamala’s Many Lies


The Democrat candidate for the presidency, Kamala Harris, said recently that she will halt the rate of inflation by attacking big corporations and their price-gouging of the American middle class. As usual, Kamala is a mile off base with her idiotic statement.

One wonders, according to former statements from our always-wrong, Socialist, Vice President, why the rate of inflation and all of the corporate price-gouging that Democrats claim is happening, didn’t occur under the Trump administration. After all, Trump is said by Democrats to be the candidate who prefers the rich and powerful corporations over regular citizens, and if Democrats are correct, he would have been the president to encourage price-gouging and the harm that it’s doing to American citizens. But inflation and the steep prices of all goods were at all-time, stable lows during the Trump administration.

Inflation only raised its ugly head with the coming of the Biden/Kamala administration, because their anti-petroleum and anti-automobile policies caused the very rapid increase in the price of gasoline, which causes all other prices to rise along with it. Plus, the Biden/Kamala administration started spending public money like drunken sailors on their lying, warming/change claims, and prices increased as big government payouts to promote their pro-green, radical ideas were made to their Democrat allies and supporters. Kamala’s and Biden’s pals got richer, and the American middle class got poorer.

Companies don’t like price increases on the products and services they sell, because as prices rise, fewer related consumer items are sold. So they prefer stable, reasonable prices that allow them to make a profit on sales consumers can afford. But when government forces high fuel prices and hits companies with increasing regulations, those companies have to pass on the costs of the higher prices to their customers, or stop doing business.

And oddly enough, the current cost of staying in business, at a time of higher costs imposed by the Kamala administration, is also occurring as Democrat-run cities are being overwhelmed with crimes that are forcing many companies to close their doors, because fools like Kamala Harris successfully pushed the stupid policy of defunding the police. So now criminals are running our largest cities, just like the Mexican gangs are running the human trafficking and drug running across Kamala’s open borders. So once again, American citizens suffer for the stupid decisions and policies of the Biden/Kamala administration.

So the question remains, why did inflation and the financial destruction of the American middle class begin in the control-freak Kamala Harris administration, yet remain so low during the Trump administration? It’s because of the crazy-Commie, Kamala Harris, and her destruction of America, along with the price controls that she wants to impose on American companies under the idiotic theory that all corporations are price-gouging, accompanied by the Democrat belief that only dictatorial control from the White House can fix the problem, a notion that will only hurt lower-income Americans the most.

Democrats are a plague on America, and Kamala has been leading this disease for over three years. We can’t afford to put her and her radical pals back in charge for another four years.

Monday, August 5, 2024

At The Very Least, The DC Swamp Willingly Exposed Trump To Mortal Danger


I don’t believe that anyone in the DC swamp directly plotted Trump’s assassination, but his death would have made all their lives, and their struggle to gain and retain power, more simple and pleasant.

A slight oversight in security here, an unintentionally exposed flank over there, too few personnel to control crowd flow somewhere else, and BOOM!! a deranged person with a weapon slips through, and the orange menace is gone, and the swamp’s power struggle is made easier. And although there may still be some embarrassing questions asked after Trump’s assassination attempt, in which some awkward accusations may be made, and some unfortunate boob may even lose his or her job. But no resident of the swamp will go to jail, and life can return to normal in big government even though the orange man is constantly getting in the way.

On the other hand, the Biden/Harris administration, with their refusal to give RFK any Secret Service protection at all, has sent the signal to all of its agents that assassination protection provided by the Secret Service is optional and corners can be cut in order to divert more money toward new, wasteful and leftist green projects that Biden and Harris find more appealing.

Trump’s injury is a scandal and a cover-up of at least “grassy knoll” proportions, and the corrupt FBI director is further muddying the water by projecting that Trump was not struck by a bullet and is simply posing as a victim to get sympathy for a scratched ear.

The United States is on the verge of total political collapse with Biden and Harris and their leftist Democrat pals doing their corrupt business, and we can only pray we remain a nation long enough for Trump to bring us back to normalcy in 2025.

Friday, August 2, 2024

How Can Democrats Be So Stupid And So Intentionally Knuckleheaded?


Yesterday, August 1, 2024, on Fox News Channel’s program “The Five”, the leftist member of the panel, Harold Ford, Jr. was very critical of Donald Trump’s candidate for Vice President, J.D. Vance, because after watching a position statement made by Vance, Ford said that Vance was too vague about the things the Trump administration would do to correct the various problems American citizens are facing under the horrible, no good, very bad, Biden/ Harris administration. Things like securing the border, too-high prices on necessities, increasing crime rates in Democrat-run cities due to the radical left’s defunding of police forces, and average citizens being forced by government to buy electric cars.

Even though I specifically heard Vance state the Trump border policies of “remain in Mexico” and “deport illegals who enter the country”, I really don’t think it’s too hard to understand that, if  Trump was elected to a second term, he would do the same things he did during his first term, all of which worked, and most of which the Biden/Harris fools reversed, thereby making their administration a total failure, and making the lives of American citizens more dangerous and costly.

And then there’s Kamala’s constant flip-flopping on the things she will do if elected. Formerly she wanted to defund the police, now she doesn’t; formerly she wanted government health insurance imposed on all Americans, now she doesn’t; then she wanted to end fracking, but now she is in favor of it. So how can we believe anything she says if she has not convinced us we can trust her to tell us the truth about her policies? It’s obvious she’s lying about everything, and she’ll never make an attempt to create a smaller, less intrusive government and allow Americans to conduct their own affairs without government giving its blessing, or making it mandatory.

So, one wonders, with six months still remaining in her current position of Vice President, and if she’s really serious and wants to convince us of her sincerity about future policy changes, why doesn’t she go ahead and implement all of her proposed policies immediately as a show of good faith, each of which would be a reversal of current policies in the Biden/Harris administration? Because she’s a liar and a Socialist, that’s why, and she will never reverse the leftist clap-trap that she wants to shove down the throats of Americans.

Harold Ford, Jr. said that we need specifics from Trump and that we can’t trust the successful things Trump did in the past to be used in his next administration, but Trump wants Americans to succeed, and since he implemented successful, workable policies in the past, how can dumb Democrats doubt that he’d implement the same common sense policies again in the future?

On the other hand, everything the Biden/Harris administration has done has failed, so how can we trust such stupid, non-serious people to implement wise policies in the future, especially when Kamala’s principles seem to change every time she turns around, and with six months left in office, she won’t change any of her failed policies for new successful ones in order to demonstrate her good faith intentions for the future.

 Once a Socialist and a liar, always a Socialist and a liar.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Democrats Are Now Calling Each Other Racists

 The Democrat party, which formerly saw racism only in white Republicans, is now calling each other racists.

These woke, fool people, who seem to only be able to express themselves through eyes of racial vision, don’t believe in meritocracy, but need the weapon of race to be able to make any decisions in their professional lives.

The reason for the racial sparring on the part of Democrats is that the DNC is trying to by-pass Kamala Harris as their party’s candidate for president in 2024. Biden is absolutely out of the running, and Kamala is such a laughingstock fool that she can only harm the party in the November election, so the Democrats rely on racial insults and accusations to defend her. So when the DNC officials began to suggest names to offer for the top slots in the party, Kamala was passed over, because the proposed candidates were not to the DEI crowd’s liking

It’s hard to understand why Kamala could pretend to be insulted by not being selected as the Democrat presidential candidate. The woman is a word-salad, laughing, fool who hasn’t achieved anything as VP that could distinguish her for a job in any industry. So it’s a certainty that consideration of merit in her current job would not lead one to select Kamala to be our next president. Therefore we see a Democrat fallback to the use of race to shut people up who don’t meet DEI standards of appearance.

However, the racist charge of one Democrat against another Democrat seems to be the correct form of reference to attach to members of the Democrat party. Kamala was only selected for Biden’s VP because of skin color and gender, so Biden was a racist to select her in the first place. And those who oppose considering whites or males for the presidential candidate are absolutely committing an act of racism, according to woke, DEI standards. 

And Kamala’s lack of achievement as VP would keep anyone looking at her job history from selecting her for her party‘s top official. So I guess “racist” is the correct term to use when speaking about Democrats: they don’t think in terms of what’s good for the party or for the nation. They only understand how to push the DEI crap on the world and serve their own selfish lives, not of the good of all citizens.

Democrats are learning that to live by DEI is to die by DEI, and it serves them right to be in the desperate situation they are in as regards the upcoming presidential election, and all because of the Democrat fixation on race.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Filthy Democrats Cheated And Ballot-Stuffed To Get Biden In Office, And Now They Can’t Get Him To Go Away

 How sweet it is! The lying Democrats get their presidential candidate into office by all means illegal and underhanded, then they can’t get the idiot dolt to leave the office so they can run a more viable candidate in 2024, after he made a fool of himself in his debate with Trump last week.

When crooked fools like the woke and far-left Democrat party, and their pals in the main stream media who kept Biden‘s infirmity secret from their stupid leftist Democrat readers and watchers, lie repeatedly to American citizens, they deserve any hardship that fate can bestow on them. Justice against Democrats is deserved in this case, and it’s so sweet to watch them squirm.

As well as being stuck with a non-electable candidate in the 2024 election, Democrats are also stuck with the often literally insane and always woke and leftist policies that the Biden administration has shoved down the throats of Americans. Under a Biden administration the border will remain open to criminals entering our country. Biden’s IRS will fill buildings in DC with thousands of new tax agents hired to yank money from fearful American citizens for imagined tax offenses. Children will keep being irreversibly damaged for life with drugs and operations designed to change their sex. Automobile manufacturers will continue to be forced by government to make and sell electric vehicles. Gasoline and diesel fuel will continue to be outrageously expensive, causing all consumer products and food to be more expensive as a result. Inflation will continue to climb as Biden wastes more billions of dollars on his green policies, and the outright lie of warming change. Hamas lovers and Jew haters will continue to riot, damage property, threaten Jewish students and chant “Death To America” with no consequence. Israel will continue to live under the existential threat that Hamas presents to them as a nation. And Democrat-run cities will continue to suffer under defunded and fearful police forces, and will see further homelessness and unpunished criminal activity as Democrat DAs release criminals to commit more murders and rapes.

American citizens who are Democrat party voters should be outraged that their president, their Democrat party and the news organizations that they listen to in order to be informed on current events and happenings in their party, have lied to them these last three years, and they have no one to blame except Joe Biden, the Democrat party and their own refusal to investigate the lies coming from Democrat politicians, in order to bury the truth safely behind their lies. Just taking stories from the mouths of government and party-line news organizations is how Communist and Fascist governments control their citizens, and this is how America can be destroyed: when our own citizens don’t use a little caution as to where they get their news and information.

One weeps for the suffering that the Democrat party has caused for this once great nation. But suffering citizens can get their country back in November by voting all Democrats out of office, and replacing them with Republicans, from Trump at the top of the list, to dog catcher at the bottom.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Biden Has About As Much Self-Awareness As A Dog Casually Licking Its Backside

 Not only did our out-to-lunch president show no humility or shame for the drubbing he got from Trump last Thursday, and not only did he fail to show any awareness at his own party calling him a failure in the debate, but he immediately went on the offensive in South Carolina and screamed that he stood for the truth, after falsely representing himself as a healthy, aware and alert 81-year-old man.

In front of the entire world he has proven himself to be the foolish and mindless idiot all Republicans knew him to be, yet he goes from being completely destroyed in the recent debate to telling audiences how ready he is for another term in office.

Equally lacking in self-awareness are the audiences that greeted him with cheers and applause in South Carolina. It appears that Democrats who support Biden are complete fools who have no ability to determine truth from outright lies.

I almost feel sorry for the Democrats and the gigantic problem they now have of presenting a candidate for the November election; almost, but not quite. The leftist news agencies have known all along how feeble Biden has become physically, and how raspy and weak his voice has been these last two years, yet they did nothing to fix this problem when it was fixable, and they evidently did not share the facts of Biden’s failing condition with readers and viewers, which is contrary to everything in the second amendment which allows news agencies to have their speech protected.

Anyone who watched the Fox News Channel these last two years was well aware of Joey’s weakness and infirmity. One hopes that the lie of a healthy Biden will destroy the far-left, ultra-woke, Democrat party, and one also hopes that the lies, both expressed and unexpressed, that the leftist news people have told, will cause the collapse of CNN, NYT, WAPO and the other lying, anti-American hate groups.

Shame on the Democrats who thought that a drugged-up Biden would be able to stand up against Trump, but whether or not drugging was part of Biden’s week-long retirement from all duties presidential preceding the debate, and despite advice from his sixteen leftist advisors as to how to defend the greatness of Biden’s administration during the debate, these people are everything America stands against, and they must all be electorially buried in the November election, and their news organizations must be made bankrupt by the public turning their backs on these lying fools.

But despite CNN and the other far left Biden fellow-travelers suddenly trash-talking Biden because of his vacuous stares, his stuttering and stammering, his lack of ability to pronounce words and construct phrases and express ideas during the debate, I’ve not heard anyone on the far left denounce the tragic policies of the Biden years: inflation; defunding the police; high fuel prices; an open border letting in tens of millions of invaders, among whom are thousands of criminals; his edict to halt oil production and refinement; his edict that all automobile manufacturers must begin making electric vehicles for a nation that loves their piston engine cars; the irreversible medical operations and chemical procedures being performed on young people who think they want to reverse their sex, among many other stupid or absolutely insane Biden-era policies. Until Democrats can admit that Biden’s policies are disastrous for the nation, thinking American voters must assume that Democrats will continue the horrible things Biden has been doing, and we must in good conscience vote to rid our nation of all Democrats and their dangerous policies.

Joe Biden is incompetent and would have never become president except for the CIA lie that Hunter’s computer was a Russian hoax, but his incompetence and his inability to think and make common sense decisions are what created the literal insanity of the woke ideas such as men being able to bear children, which his administration has been shoving down the nation’s throats these last three years.

America is in dire need of divine intervention if we are to survive these last months of the Biden administration, at which time we can throw all of these insane Democrats out of office.