Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Republicans Seek The Presidency To Assure Responsibility In Government, Democrats Seek The Presidency Out Of A Desire For Raw Power


What did Donald Trump gain when he became the forty-fifth president of the United States? He was already a very powerful real estate mogul. He was already a billionaire. And he even donated his full half-million dollar presidential salary to charity.

The only thing he sought in his desire to become president was to reduce regulations on companies, to assure that citizens remained protected by our constitution, to lower already-too-high taxes and to protect American citizens from attack or invasion from a foreign military.

On the other side of the aisle we have Joseph Biden who sought only personal power so he could sell access to America to foreign adversaries, which made him and his family wealthy. Both Biden and Kamala Harris wanted the power of the Oval Office so they could further their woke, trans, anti-fossil fuel, national healthcare schemes.

Although both of the Democrat candidates were financially well-off, we now know that Biden became filthy rich because of his financial dealings with China and other foreign countries.

Immediately upon taking office, the Biden/Harris administration began to exercise their power by forcing Americans to wear useless masks and be injected with untested vaccinations. They coerced news agencies and social news sites to not publish anything contrary to Democrat policy or favorable to their Republican opponents.

The Biden/Harris administration began using “law-fare” to silence their Republican opponents by placing them on trial, and some even went to prison for no good reason. The FBI and the DOJ did the Biden/Harris bidding and went after Donald Trump with a vengeance from both federal and state attorneys.

Also tempting to Democrats is the power to pack the Supreme Court with justices who will obey the orders of the Democrat president and decide the constitutionality of issues brought before it in favor of the radical left. In this way Barack Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America can be forced on America and decided to be constitutional by the now-political Supremes.

Trump didn’t invite twenty million “future Americans” into our nation in order to pack the voter roles with good Democrat voters as Biden/Harris did. Trump didn’t sell access to American finances and secrets to China, Iran or Russia; Biden/Harris did. Trump didn’t dictatorially order gasoline-powered cars to be health hazards and edict electric cars to be the only vehicles sold in America. Trump didn’t spend trillions of dollars on Green new-deal schemes, thereby causing wild inflation and making powerful Democrats even richer, like Biden/Harris did.

Democrats seek power so they can force change and give handouts to people who didn’t earn the gifts, which encourages these people to continue to vote for the goodies Democrats like to distribute. And Democrats seek power so they can threaten punishment to anyone who opposes their schemes.

November 2024 is the point at which we either return Donald Trump to the White House and save our nation from perdition, or re-elect the Democrats and continue our national slide into the swamp of hell.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Idiocy Of The Kamala Harris Administration Just Gets Deeper And Deeper


So now we’re being told, again, that Russia, the same country we were told had colluded with Donald Trump to steal the election in 2016, which we now know was a total lie, is again trying to steal the 2024 election. How stupid can the corrupt, political Democrats be?

The Department of Justice, this time under control of Kamala Harris, is once again claiming that they are just innocently trying to block Russia from spreading misinformation/disinformation, until they can spring an October surprise and blame Trump again this year for election tampering.

The problem is that the FBI/DOJ don’t have any problem with misinformation/disinformation being forced on American citizens when the misinformation/disinformation lies help the Democrat candidate and work to the detriment of Donald Trump (you’ll recall the CIA told Google to disregard Hunter Biden’s laptop as being a Russian election tampering trick when it was the absolute truth), but if they can blame Russia or Trump with an alleged lie they will jump all over it. One might also recall the misinformation/disinformation lies from the Harris/Biden administration about the efficacy of the covid masking and vaccination, and how they refused to admit that China was the originator of the disease that hurt so many people, and they blocked any evidence that worked contrary to the pro-China, Democrat party line.

We know that Russia, China and Iran are lying dictatorships, and now we’re pretty certain that our own government is a lying pack of bastards, and lies from our own government is much worse than lies from Russia or China.

So the current Harris government lies can be added to the growing list of Democrat lies, like the danger of warming/change; or the Biden/Harris claim of a harmless, temporary transient inflation; or the horrors of the Israeli government defending itself against the murderers in Gaza; or the disastrous Biden/Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan; and the lie of a secure southern border, all of which lies are causing distrust of our own government on the part of American citizens.

What is desperately needed is to get Trump back in the White House. Even if you don’t like his demeanor or his words, he sure as hell can’t do a worse job than the Harris crew that is currently ruining our economy and our nation. And we all can agree that Trump’s previous administration allowed Americans to live better, freer and more securely than under the current example set by the Democrat party, and its ring-leader: Kamala Harris.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Adenoidal, Nasal Drawl Grates. Oh, And By The Way, She’s A Two-Bit Liar, Too.


Let me be perfectly clear”, our sitting V. P. says, and then continues with her usual, nasal, adenoidal way of speaking, which is anything but clear and is way off the mark of honesty. But what else can you expect from a far-left, radical Democrat?

It may well be that her values have not changed, as she repeatedly swears to us, but her policies flip like pancakes on a hot griddle. And the clarity she speaks of is beside the fact that her values are far-left and that she allows illegal practices to continue during her time in office to this very day, but promises to close the border, complete Trump’s border wall and punish the South American gangs destroying our nation on “day one” when she becomes president in 2025, but definitely not now.

And the suffering caused by the Biden/Harris administration’s inflation will continue as well, because she also refuses to take any immediate or meaningful action to help suffering Americans today, with the inflation monster she and Biden created. Hers is not a future presidency of “potential” as she likes to describe it. It will be a presidency of manana, and the far-left crap she’s pushing today will continue for as long as she can get away with it. Which means she will continue to undermine America’s security and prosperity until the American public votes her and her ilk out of office in November.

And, on the subject of Kamala’s bold-face lie of warming/change and the non-existent dangers it presents to future generations, she and her pals on the phony left claim that they are concerned about the “babies” that will die from the asserted high temperatures caused by our way of life in America, while at the same time, Democrats are campaigning to kill innumerable “babies” via abortions, often after the child is fully born and living on its own outside the mother’s body. So enough of the two-faced lies from the political left. American citizens must take America back from the leftist crazies and vote the Democrats out in November.