Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Kamala’s Tax-Gouging Frightens Me More Than Corporate Price-Gouging


Corporations have competition from other businesses to keep their prices in check, and they also have customers they hope will buy their products, so these controls on pricing also keeps them in line.

And then, on the other hand, there is a fool in the person of Kamala Harris, who has never held a real job nor tried to make a profit doing anything, and her threats of government action against corporate price-gouging, or price-gauging as she likes to call it, are maliciously made hoping they will intimidate businesses to keep prices low, even if that means the company will lose money and possibly go out of business. And if companies don’t price their products as Kamala demands, she may decide to label them as enemies of the people and put them in jail for just doing business.

Kamala’s indirect taxation, via inflation, which is caused by big-government over-spending, along with her direct taxation of individuals and corporations, have no checks on them and there is no competition to keep taxation reasonable. And we tax payers have no options of paying more reasonable taxes elsewhere if Kamala’s taxes, which are a result of her phony green new schemes and her obsessive over-spending, become too punitive and costly for us to be able to afford.

So Kamala’s insane spending and taxing is gouging all of us, and is causing many citizens to gag on this big government practice of raising taxes, that she casually continues to level on us.

Corporations have to make a profit in order to stay in business, but government just takes what they want from what we citizens earn with our work ethic and personal industry on the job, on penalty of imprisonment if we don’t follow the orders of the ruling class Democrats.

Her gouging comments show a complete ignorance of what has made America great and what has allowed most working Americans to live comfortably in their personal lives. She exhibits no clue that the reason so many people residing on earth today live impoverished lives and die young and hungry, is because the majority of governments in the world will not allow Capitalism to be practiced by their citizens, and her hate and ignorance of Capitalism is going to increase global misery a bit more by pushing too many newly-poor Americans into a state of poverty, if she is elected to the Oval Office in November.