Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Joey Biden Is The Leader Of The Demonocratic Political Party


Webster’s Definition of a Demon: An evil spirit; a devil; a wicked or cruel person.

Demons are haunting the Democrat party. And given that the Democrat party, with its undemocratic candidacy of Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, has no fondness for democracy, it appears that the politicians who make up the demonic aspect of the party should never again be elected to any public office.

In an era when ISIS and other Islamic groups are beheading people, ruthlessly attacking a peaceful Israel, and flying hijacked aircraft into New York City sky-scrapers, it is time that the addled and mentally failing Joey Biden should be shunned and shamed by all Democrats for calling white, Christian men the greatest threat to a peaceful America. And all of Biden’s accomplices in his filthy and hateful administration must also be kept from polite society.

The fool Biden recently began making comments that prove he’s out of touch with the basics of reality. He still swears that his lame-brained Afghan withdrawal was a total success, even considering the Americans who were killed in this poorly thought-out maneuver, and the billions of dollars of military equipment that he gave the enemy, and he repeatedly insists that our southern border is more secure than it’s ever been, even with the horrendous crimes his invited guests from Venezuela have committed.

Under the Biden administration the Democrat party has become a party of demons actively inflicting injury and death on American citizens, and the party of demons has been giving assistance and shelter to the enemies of our nation.

With all of the anti-American filth and wokeness that has flowed from the mouths of Democrats these last three years, I believe it would be appropriate to rename their party the Demonocratic Party, so we can address them accurately.